With Transformational Voice Leaders &
Co-Creators of Your Big Voice
Isaac and Thorald Koren

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Explore your distinct musical cosmology (the songs that really move you) and be guided in fun and powerful healing vocal practices to raise your sacred voice to the surface so you can sing out the fullness of your vibrant being and cultivate self-awareness, self-healing, and whole-hearted joy.

There’s something so cathartic, isn’t there, about singing your heart out, full throttle, when you’re in the shower, your car, or anywhere other people can’t hear you.

But why is it that some of us are embarrassed or ashamed to let our singing voice be heard by anyone else?

One simple answer might be that we just don’t like the sound of our own voice. “It’s not pretty enough,” we might tell ourselves. “It’s not powerful enough.” “It’s warbly.” “I can’t carry a tune.”

When we dig deeper, however, we might find that there’s something underneath the surface that we’re reluctant to reveal, even to ourselves.

Transformational voice leaders Isaac and Thorald Koren (the Brothers Koren) believe that when we uninhibitedly let our voice ring out, some profoundly unique aspects of ourselves often feelings that we don’t normally allow ourselves to experience, or long-held self-limiting beliefs rise to the surface and want to be seen and held.

What if you could truly accept your voice as a gift you were given when you came into this life... a sacred gift that enables you to receive and express the gorgeous fullness of who you are?

What if, in fact, you could use your voice to embrace and come home to yourself your whole-body instrument powerfully and completely?

Join Thorald and Isaac, celebrated musicians and co-creators of Your Big Voice, on a very special 7-module journey to explore your musical cosmology... amplify and sing out your sacred voice... and cultivate far-reaching self-healing, self-awareness, and the unabashed joy of being alive.

Through a beautiful, loving, and perfectly metered process of building safety and courage, Thorald and Isaac can help you cultivate a loving relationship of gratitude for your voice...

... and find the freedom and confidence to share the true core of your being through song.

Always with their palpable kindness and heart, the Brothers Koren will walk (and sing!) you through the compassionate path of receiving yourself and liberating your expression (no matter how messy you may think it is)... and provide you with tools, techniques, and singing practices you’ll need to flow through this process.

Become Your Own Sonic Healer

You’ll begin this life-enhancing journey by grounding into your whole-body instrument... the completeness of your being, where you can receive and express your voice as an extension of home.

You’ll learn how to actively listen to yourself, with generosity letting go of judgment and self-criticism and then allow yourself to sing out what it truly feels like to be alive.

What that means is that emotions or inhibitions that may have been unsafe or difficult to feel can now be included in the expression of your voice. You’ll be surprised at what immense joy awaits you and how much richer your singing becomes when you take all of who you are under your wing and let your voice fly.

You’ll have the opportunity to choose one of the songs that’s meant the most to you, as Thorald and Isaac guide you to experience singing rather than performing.

And (without giving too much away!) the course will culminate in the vast joy of experiencing your voice in creativity and harmony with others.

By the end of the program, you’ll be your own sonic healer with the capacity to enhance your health, vitality, and overall wellbeing.

In this highly experiential journey to liberate your sacred voice, you’ll:

  • Welcome yourself home and embrace the gifts of your whole-body instrument both the expressive and receptive aspects of your being and understand your voice as an extension of your deepest self
  • Feel emotions you haven’t yet allowed yourself to experience, understand their beauty, and allow them to add color and dimension to your sacred voice
  • Revel in the vitality, courage, playfulness, and joy of singing through a wide variety of simple and fun guided practices, games, and techniques including active listening and being compassionately witnessed
  • Experience yourself as a sonic healer, as you learn to sing yourself back to optimum health raising your frequency and increasing your physical and emotional equilibrium with sound
  • Encounter what the brothers call “Daring to Suck,” and all of its profound benefits
  • Understand singing as a sacred tool for cultivating self-love, self-care, and connection with the Divine
  • Uncover, work with, and break through your inhibitions the “small voices” that limit your full creative expression
  • Learn how to embody a song of your choosing through experience rather than performance, so you truly feel it in yourself and allow others (should you choose) to feel it through you
  • Awaken to a new sense of gratitude for the experience of your own voice and the opportunity to be truly seen, heard, and celebrated
  • Experience renewed wholeness and vitality in your body and mind
  • And more...

Isaac and Thorald, accomplished musical professionals who’ve played with some of today’s most celebrated musicians, emanate a profound generosity of spirit. They’ve used singing as a way to work through their own significant life challenges. And, as two of the most attentive, empathic teachers you’ll encounter, they’re bound to inspire in you an instant rapport and ease in their presence.

This program is not designed to help people sing better. Instead, it’s meant for anyone who longs to let their heart come forward through their one-of-a-kind, true voice.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Isaac and Thorald will guide you through powerful and playful practices and processes to raise your sacred voice to the surface, sing out the fullness of your vibrant being, and cultivate self-awareness, self-healing, and whole-hearted joy.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Isaac and Thorald. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sing out the fullness of your being and cultivate self-awareness, self-healing, and whole-hearted joy.

Module 1: Welcome Yourself Home to Your Sacred Voice

In this opening module, Isaac and Thorald will guide you to ground into your whole-body instrument and discover and gain access to the four chambers.

You’ll identify and connect to the expressive and receptive sides of your sacred voice, create a safe and nourishing space for the courageous act of singing, and begin to receive and accept the gifts of your embodied voice.

The brothers will lead you in simple vocal practices to gain a sense of grounded presence and connection to self.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Welcome yourself home to your whole-body instrument with simple voice “warm-in” practices that you’ll sing along with them
  • Cultivate self-compassion, self-confidence, and self-care
  • Identify and embody both the expressive and receptive sides of your being, and feel the inherent power in each side of your voice
  • Experience a new sense of freedom, playfulness, and joy in your expression
  • Participate in breathing practices to ground you
  • Become aware, active, and generous with your listening
  • Locate and encounter your distinct musical cosmology your unique place in the Music of the Spheres

Module 2: Move Beyond the Small Voices & Learn to Play Big

Most of us never learned the truth about our voices. It’s not something that’s taught in school, nor, generally, at home... and what we don’t own, might own us. Now you have an opportunity to release your misconceptions and step into what’s possible.

In this module, together with the Brothers Koren and your co-participants, you’ll create a safe and compassionate space for each and every voice to come through. You’ll be invited to take your inhibitions under your wing and form a new, empowered, and playful relationship with them.

The brothers will offer tools and guide you through experiences of using music and your voice to move through your emotions with grace and ease. It’s time to own your voice and play big.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Build the courage to express your voice in front of others
  • Use music to gain self-awareness and create a safe space to feel all the feelings that you need to embody and express
  • Learn to reclaim and occupy the space of your sacred voice, despite the small voices trying to convince you that it’s unsafe and you’re not enough
  • Have an opportunity to feel emotions you haven’t yet allowed yourself to experience, understand their beauty, and allow them to add color and dimension to your sacred voice
  • Find new comfort in the discomfort of your vocal edge
  • Learn to take up space and unify and fortify your sacred voice

Module 3: Receive the Gifts of Your Liberated Voice

There’s no one in the universe who can sing like you... so your voice truly matters! You are here to sing your song.

In this module, you’ll be invited to accept, receive, and awaken to a new sense of gratitude for the experience of your own voice. You’ll have the opportunity to feel truly seen and heard, in a loving and nonjudgmental space.

Thorald and Isaac will guide you in simple, fun singing practices to help you enhance self-love while you deepen your inner reflection and outer expression.

This session will offer you the opportunity to embody the experience of your soul’s voice, and allow others to receive it.


  • Experience a new level of acceptance and gratitude for your own voice
  • Find clarity and lightness in your vocal awareness
  • Identify and experience the uniqueness and beauty of your sacred voice
  • Become more comfortable and confident in your speaking voice, as you learn to set boundaries and sing with your authentic voice
  • Experience what it feels like to be truly heard, in a safe and compassionate space
  • Learn to experience joy in the daily practice of singing
  • Discover the power of vocal harkening

Module 4: Embody Your Voice for Healing & Enhanced Wellbeing

Scientific research has uncovered that singing is excellent for your health and vitality. It has also shown how the practice of listening can expand your ability to sing.

In this module, you’ll embrace your sacred voice as a tool for healing and wellbeing. The Brothers Koren say that your voice isn’t just located in your throat... it’s a 360 degree energetic and magnetic space around you and can be a vital tool for living.

You’ll experience yourself as a sonic healer, as you learn to sing yourself back to optimum health raising your frequency and increasing your equilibrium with sound.

Isaac and Thorald will guide you in a Sonic Anatomy process and other practices from their collaboration with Biofield Tuning expert Eileen McKusick to promote electric health and vitality through the voice.

Through this session, you’ll:

  • Recharge your vocal engine through “keystone breathing”
  • Learn the benefits of singing from your Pyramid of Power
  • Discover and play with your sonic anatomy
  • Experience renewed wholeness and vitality in your body and mind
  • Learn to become your own sonic healer

Module 5: Claim Your Right to Sing Outside the Shower

You’re now ready to take the shower singer in you onto the stage of your life.

In this module, you’ll find new levels of freedom with your voice as you learn to distill and locate your musical home.

You’ll discover the benefits of singing as an experience rather than a performance. Thorald and Isaac will use special vocal-awareness techniques they’ve gained from over 20 years on stages, to bring out clarity and courage in your voice.

And, you’ll learn to be witnessed by the microphone.

You’ll also:

  • Embody and claim your right to sing and enjoy it
  • Start to cultivate the power and clarity of knowing and choosing what music makes you feel at home
  • Discover the wide range of benefits of having a singing experience rather than giving a performance
  • Learn how to film yourself with grace and ease and get great results

Module 6: Embrace the Divine Experience of Being Heard

When we allow ourselves to be witnessed having an embodied experience of our most sacred voice, we feel an inexplicable sense of joy and presence of the Divine. We have the ability to give that precious gift to others, only if we ourselves have truly received the gift of our own voice.

This is a pivotal moment in your vocal journey, designed to help you understand your voice as a true gift in your own being and in the presence of other sacred voices. You’ll have the opportunity to sing in front of others in a safe environment... which can be a truly life-changing event for people of all levels of singing experience.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Encounter what the brothers call “Daring to Suck,” and all of its profound benefits
  • Discover the transformative effects of being truly heard, received, and witnessed by others
  • Feel the benefits of being celebrated for the gift of your voice
  • Hold a safe space for others as they share their own vulnerable expression

Module 7: Experience Your Voice in Harmony With Others

With a direct experience of your sacred voice under your belt, you’ll now have the opportunity to apply it in a fun and practical way.

In this final module, you’ll put your vocal journey and your renewed playfulness to work and experience the beauty of the collective voice. You’ll see how your unique voice is an important piece of the greater whole an interdependent sonic web of voices around the world creating harmony.

Having fully embodied your voice, you’ll explore what’s next in your vocal journey. Thorald and Isaac will offer the possibilities available to your voice on your path to liberated expression, as you fully take the stage of your life.

As this course comes to a close, you’ll:

  • Become clear about what your sacred voice needs from others and how it can be heard in the world
  • Discover what might be possible for your voice now that you’re home in your whole-body instrument
  • Experience your creative voice in the container of song
  • Feel the benefits of the collective mind being expressed as song

The Your Sacred Voice Bonus Collection

In addition to Isaac and Thorald’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Songwriters Journey Compilation, Volume 2
12-Song Collection of Songs Curated by the Brothers Koren

Prepare to be moved and amazed by this selection of songs, created, recorded, and produced throughout the Brothers Koren’s flagship program. Sung by people from all walks of life and co-written by the brothers and some of their first-time course participants (like you!) these 12 transformational songs reveal what’s possible when you liberate your voice and let it fly free. Perfectly chosen as a bonus for this course, the songs contain themes that commonly arise around using the voice.

Reclaiming Your Big Voice
Ebook by the Brothers Koren

The Brothers Koren describe this book as a 7-key roadmap toward embracing your embodied voice and bringing it onto the stage of your life. It’s a guidebook for the human reclamation of voice… a practical journey that contains writing exercises and creative prompts. You can embark on this voyage of creativity and courage on your own or with a group.

Joy Generation: Daybreaker
Exclusive Unreleased Original Song Produced by the Brothers Koren

The song “Joy Generation” was written in 2020 by the Brothers Koren and 300 people from Daybreaker  a wellness community and sober morning dance party for creative expression, mindfulness, wellness, camaraderie, and mischief. This is what emerged when the brothers took them all on their anthem journey. Tune in and let loose at your own private dance party.

What Graduates of Isaac and Thorald’s Courses Are Saying...

Alexa Fischer: “It Was So Crazy Fun!”

Jade Zaroff: “Isaac and Thorald Brought Joy Back Into My Life”

Sophia Giordano: “It Was a Huge, Huge Moment of Liberation”

Nancy Small: “The Brothers Will Discover and Uncover That Hidden Creativity Deep Within You”

“The whole experience is like a taste of heaven.”

I have had such a vibrant experience. The Brothers Koren are so true, generous, and welcoming. The whole experience is like a taste of heaven. It really is a soul-to-soul walk in a safe environment. I found myself so much more confident and able to sing my soul and express my voice with more confidence and more often. A huge thanks to the brothers Koren, those two angels on Earth.
Josette Boucher, Québec, Canada

“The Brothers Koren created a beautiful container for us to deepen into our souls’ voices.”

The Brothers Koren created a beautiful container for us to deepen into our souls’ voices. It was healing and magical to witness in myself, and in the beautiful community that gathered from around the world, what LOVE can do to help liberate us from the fears that hold us back. As a shaman, I use my voice to channel healing vibrations, sounds, and light language, and the Brothers Koren helped me release something in my heart that was in the way of a deeper embodiment of my soul’s voice. I’m deeply grateful for their work in this world!
Anumani Santos, executive and shamanic practitioner, Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania

“I was able to transform many inhibitions around singing and now feel able to sing confidently and really enjoy it!”

The brothers hold such a loving, supportive space that it was easy to meet and heal hidden and repressed parts of myself that didn’t want to be seen or heard. I was able to transform many inhibitions around singing and now feel able to sing confidently and really enjoy it! Thank you.
Diane, Fairfax, California

“This was a priceless investment enjoyed in the comfort of my home.”

The course with Isaac and Thorald Koren was a life-enhancing transformation. They compassionately took our hands and led us through a heart-centered journey of shifting our perspectives and physical abilities around spoken and musical expression. The breakout exercises provided a safe, supportive container to open up to personal possibility, and they created new friendships around the world. The brothers and The Shift Network staff presented highly professional sessions that were fluid and flawless. I had the same high-quality experience I have had in the past 30 years studying with many of our world’s leading transformational teachers. This was a priceless investment enjoyed in the comfort of my home.
Marla Goldberg, Hood River, Oregon

“I gave everything of myself and was rewarded with the gift of presence, astonishing wisdom, and wholeness.”
Complete and utter transformation. I gave everything of myself and was rewarded with the gift of presence, astonishing wisdom, and wholeness. The tools I have gathered from this class are allowing me to lift myself out of despair, regulate my emotions for the first time in 52 years, and sing without shame or fear. Thank you, Isaac and Thorald! You are pure love. The community group has become my family, I love these people with all of my heart and soul! I have never experienced the pleasure of uncensored and unabashed support and love in an online space before. This is a true community. Thank you for providing a home for us! I would recommend this course to anyone with a voice and a yearning to explore its full potential.
Sydarta, Maine

“This course was professionally guided and performed by two amazing, heart-warming singers...”

This course was professionally guided and performed by two amazing, heart-warming singers who created a safe space of trust, joy, wit, vulnerability, and above all, inspiring music. I felt invited to develop and raise my voice, sing, be myself, and grow. The brothers’ open hearts and their touching voices in song and conversation enchanted me each session anew. It felt like being wrapped in some velvet on Wednesday evenings. Thank you!
Parvati, Germany

“Thank you, Brothers Koren, for a most transformative experience!!!”

Outstanding course. The Brothers Koren were very uplifting. They created a nonjudgmental, encouraging, and supportive experience in which we were able to explore the nature of our souls’ voices. I was definitely stretched beyond my comfort zone, and by the end of the course, I was able to confidently claim my “big voice.” I was also surprised and proud that I created a song that expressed my soul’s voice. This was something that I had doubted being able to do when beginning the course. Thank you, Brothers Koren, for a most transformative experience!!! With gratitude.
Alexa Ingersoll, Raleigh, North Carolina

“The Brothers Koren are wonderful human beings shining their light and helping us shine ours through this journey.”

This course was very uplifting. It made me rediscover and like my voice as it is. It also helped me be less shy to sing in front of other people. It showed me how to download my own lyrics and melodies based on my experiences/memories. The Brothers Koren are wonderful human beings shining their light and helping us shine ours through this journey. Being able to write and sing our song in such a nonjudgmental atmosphere was very appreciated, and the group was very supportive and respectful of each other. Thank you for such a great adventure!
Sara L., Sherbrooke, Canada

“I felt uplifted, inspired, and supported every time I attended this amazing class.”

The high level of consciousness in the teachers and the students was off the charts. I felt uplifted, inspired, and supported every time I attended this amazing class. Thank you, Brothers Koren, for being my guides and brothers on this extraordinary journey.
Moira Shepard, Los Angeles, California

“They definitely inspired me to ‘dare to suck’ and sing my heart out!”

I signed up at the last minute. So glad I did! The Brothers Koren definitely inspired me to “dare to suck” and sing my heart out! The course was well-organized and well-hosted. Thank you to all!
Ramona, the Netherlands

Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author: “I Didn't Know How to Access That Part of Myself Until I Met These Two Gorgeous Angel Men”

Justin Michael Williams, Author, Speaker & Top 20 Recording Artist: “Working With the Brothers Completely Opened Me Up in a Way That I Never Even Thought Was Possible”

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Isaac and Thorald Koren

Experience a unique opportunity to be learn from transformational voice leaders Isaac and Thorald Koren creators of Your Big Voice from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to be guided in fun and powerful healing vocal practices to raise your sacred voice to the surface so you can sing out the fullness of your vibrant being and cultivate self-awareness, self-healing, and whole-hearted joy.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Your Sacred Voice Bonus Collection
  • The Songwriters Journey Compilation, Volume 2
    12-Song Collection of Songs Curated by the Brothers Koren
  • Reclaiming Your Big Voice
    Ebook by the Brothers Koren
  • Joy Generation: Daybreaker
    Exclusive Unreleased Original Song Produced by the Brothers Koren

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken & Celebrate Your Sacred Voice to Come Home to Your Authentic Self Online Training

We feel honored that Isaac and Thorald Koren have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the transformational creators of Your Big Voice whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about raising your sacred voice to the surface, singing out the fullness of your vibrant being, and cultivating self-awareness, self-healing, and whole-hearted joy, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken & Celebrate Your Sacred Voice to Come Home to Your Authentic Self or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Isaac and Thorald Koren...

“Isaac and Thorald breathed melody and lyrics back into my heart and soul...”

Though singing and songwriting were my first love, I’d sadly left them behind when my life flowed in other creative directions. Yet Isaac and Thorald breathed melody and lyrics back into my heart and soul by taking me under their angel wings and mentoring me home again to my own artistry. The lyrics that have poured out of me under their encouraging and kind care are the best I’ve ever written, and the songs we’re creating together make me feel whole, happy, and blessed beyond measure.
Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Calling in “The One” and Conscious Uncoupling

“Quantum leap are the two words that best describe my life-changing experience with Brothers Koren.”

Quantum leap are the two words that best describe my life-changing experience with Brothers Koren. Within a number of months, I transformed from being a guy who wanted to be a singer into a full-fledged recording artist with a product that rivals a major label release.
Justin Michael Williams, author, transformational speaker, and musician

“Isaac and Thorald were genius at helping me open up and fully express myself.”

I have always wanted to be a singer, and I had lost my ability to sing with all my heart. Isaac and Thorald were genius at helping me open up and fully express myself.
Rikka Zimmerman, global consciousness leader, speaker, and coach

“I’m now attuned to courage, artistry, self-love, and self-expression in an exponential way.”

My journey with the Brothers Koren recalibrated the frequency of my being. I’m now attuned to courage, artistry, self-love, and self-expression in an exponential way. I am forever transformed. This caterpillar is now a butterfly.
Emily Leeb, certified transformational life and leadership coach, and a singer/songwriter

“They make a phenomenal team; they complement each other gracefully and, as a result, make magic every time...”

Finding the right producing partners was a dream I held for many years. I’d made amazing projects in the past, but as the next project was emerging, I knew working with smart, intuitive, compassionate, and crazy-talented people was key. Isaac and Thorald were able to guide me to my music that was ready to be heard. They make a phenomenal team; they complement each other gracefully and, as a result, make magic every time they work with an artist. I am blessed to call them my brothers.
Monique DeBose, singer

About Isaac and Thorald Koren

Isaac and Thorald Koren (the Brothers Koren) are on a mission to hear the world’s song, one Big Voice at a time. With over 20 years of experience recording, teaching, and empowering others through transformational leadership and touring the world as The Kin and the Brothers Koren, their work continues to grow and expand the space for creative expression, leading people toward a more embodied life experience.

Over the course of their musical careers, as The Kin and the Brothers Koren, they have performed live on Conan, earned a gold record, and performed for over a million people while touring with Coldplay, Pink, Rod Stewart, and Bon Jovi. Today, their mission has shifted to one that seeks to include many voices, as they listen and study the transformative effect of voice and music on human wellbeing. The brothers live in service to a bold vision: “Our wish is for each and every person to be radically expressed; a world where all genders, races, ethnicities, and human lives are fully connected to their voices, their stories, and their authentic selves.”

Through the development of The Songwriter’s Journey and their Your Big Voice programs, the Brothers Koren are helping thousands reclaim their voices, and the stories and songs that have lain dormant unearthing big voices from all walks of life and from all around the world. The brothers have worked with Fortune 500 companies, presented at TEDx, are faculty at the Exponential Medicine conference, and are musical directors for the Association of Transformational Leaders™ (SoCal).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.

Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is January 12, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Awaken & Celebrate Your Sacred Voice to Come Home to Your Authentic Self
The Brothers Koren