Ellen Meredith
Explore 6 core building blocks of wellness to identify the energetic dynamics beneath your specific health and life challenges, construct a healthier, happier you, and heal from the inside out.

You’ve learned to speak a new language — the language of energy — opening you to the amazing power of becoming your own healer.
And as is the case with learning any new language, when you become more fluent, your ability to express yourself starts to flow and your understanding becomes more nuanced — almost second nature.
In this special 12-part program — for grads only of Ellen Meredith’s foundational course — you have the opportunity to deepen your healing conversations with your mind, body, and spirit.
This is your chance to become more fluent in the language of energy — and build upon your innate intuitive skills — to nourish, regulate, activate, and release the creative dance of energies within you… to not only promote healing, but to truly thrive.
Ellen will help you identify your core energy issues, which can weave their way into all areas of your being and affect your entire energetic architecture. She’ll teach you how to work energetically with these core themes, to help you positively influence your health, quality of life, ability to navigate everyday challenges — and feel joy.
Learning to uncover and understand your core energy issues can provide the missing links for mending unbalanced energies, addressing chronic illness, and finding the motivation to shift habits that can lead to disturbed moods and behaviors, even illness.
Health professionals often tell us that to get well, we need better nutrition, sleep, exercise, and daily wellness habits like yoga or meditation.
Mental health experts tell us we need to clear energetic blockages from traumas, find more meaningful activities, improve our ability to express ourselves, and build better relationships with others.
“This guidance is not wrong,” says Ellen, “but these efforts won’t work if the energetic building blocks of wellness — the basic energetic architecture of your being — is not in place to support you.”
In this highly experiential, advanced training with Ellen, she’ll guide you through these six building blocks to help you understand and easily access healing conversations with your energetic systems...
... so speaking the language of energy and creating your own unique healing energy medicine becomes second nature to you.
The Energetic Building Blocks of Wellness
- Gatekeeping — Knowing how to create and maintain the identities of your Earth Elemental Self (body), Talking Self (mind), and Wiser Self (spirit), set boundaries, fuel what is most meaningful to you, and work with habits.
- Centering, Grounding, Rooting, and Anchoring — Being able to locate yourself in space and time, take in nourishment, release excess, and attach to and detach from your web of connections in healthy ways.
- Inner Coherence — Working with inner connection, communication, coordination, and collaboration to support healthy energetic patterns and physical functioning.
- Energy Flow Reset — Participating in the creative dance of energies between the body, mind, and spirit.
- Exchange Between Self and World — Interacting skillfully with the larger web of connections.
- Radiance and Sourcing — Activating spirit and accessing fuel that enables you to truly thrive.
In this 12-part, grads-only program, you’ll learn to:
- Work more deeply and consciously with each of these 6 building blocks of wellness
- Identify your “energy issues” and create ways to address them by conversing with your energies using their own language
- Engage in ongoing energy dialogues to effectively address your specific illnesses or life challenges
- Shift your inner energetic architecture, strengthening your construction of self from the ground up
- Balance the forces that build up and break down your cells, organs, and body’s energetic exchanges
- Understand how releasing and metabolizing determine how well your body can function and heal
- Work with healthier patterns of give and take as a way to counteract overwhelm and shutdown, codependency, and manipulation
- Use the language of energy to create better health and wellbeing in alignment with your soul’s truth and your body’s natural gifts
- Use a number of energy medicine exercises and tools to heal your immune function
- Use energy medicine to give your body the support it needs to experience wellness and find security in a changing world
- And much more...
Becoming more proficient in the language of energy by working with these six key building blocks of wellness allows you to expand your healing toolbox of restorative ways to communicate with your body and identify what’s needed to activate your miraculous ability to self-heal.
What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules
In this 12-part transformational (and fun!) intensive, Ellen will guide you through the advanced body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to deepen your fluency in the language of energy and uncover and address the personal energy issues that are key for you to live a healthy, vital, and joyous life.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Ellen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become more proficient in the language of energy and your innate intuitive skills.
Module 1: Befriending Your Gatekeeper — Guardian of Your Energies, Habits, Wellbeing & Identity (January 6 & 13)

Your gatekeeper is your physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual immune system and has four key jobs: to maintain your sanctity of Self; to keep and defend your identity; to regulate your distribution of energies; and to set and manage your habits and autopilot actions.
Most illness and physical dysfunction can be attributed to gatekeeper programming, so it’s a good investment in your health and wellbeing to befriend your gatekeeper and learn to partner with her effectively.
In the two sessions on this vital topic, you’ll learn to:
- Build a more individualized and personal relationship with your gatekeeper
- Calm and support your yang gatekeeper, who reacts through fight or flight, and your yin gatekeeper, who reacts through freeze and fog
- Recognize the ways your gatekeeper communicates and gets triggered, how this affects your body, mind, and spirit, and how to work with these reactions proactively
- Work with the communication superhighways in your body, mind, and spirit that can give you rapid access to your gatekeeper
- Work with the fire element to understand how you can both illuminate and fuel your body, mind, and spirit aspirations
- Use a number of energy medicine exercises and tools to heal your immune function
Module 2: Anchoring in Your Vital Connections — Centering, Grounding & Rooting (January 20 & 27)

We are not free-floating units. Our power comes from our ability to gather our energetic forces from multiple directions... to receive nourishment, release unwanted energies, and create our own supports, anchoring into the web of connections available.
In these two sessions, you’ll unpack the concept of “grounding” to understand that it is actually made up of four different kinds of activity:
Centering, or the ability to inhabit your here and now.
Grounding, like a grounding wire, involves your ability to release excess energy back to the Earth or other safe receptacles.
Rooting, like a plant that sends out feelers to gather nutrients from soil, air, sun, and water.
Anchoring, which allows you to keep your place, maintain vital energy connections, and stay connected with your Earth Elemental, Talking Self, and Wiser Self realities.
If your body is not grounded, centered, rooted, and anchored, it cannot function in a healthy way. This can trigger your gatekeeper to start shutting the gates of Self and to stop activating healthy immune responses.
A deeper understanding of grounding is key to building wellness and to supporting your body, making beneficial choices, and cultivating healthy relationships.
In these two sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Center, ground, root, and anchor using a wide range of energy tools
- Use “lifestyle medicine” tools to expand your ability to access connection, nourishment, and release
- Work with the Earth element in its richness to support grounding and nourishment
- Use energy medicine to give your body the support it needs to experience wellness and find security in a changing world
- Understand how releasing and metabolizing determines how well your body can function and heal
Module 3: Developing Inner Communications & Coherence to Support Mind-Body-Spirit Collaboration (February 10 & 17)

Your wellbeing requires a moving, shifting dance, constant communication, and coherence to be consistent.
That’s because your energies and organs do not operate in isolation. A perfectly healthy heart, for example, can falter if the lungs that supply it with oxygen aren’t coordinating with each other or with the distribution systems that feed your heart and clear it.
On an energetic level, a meridian flow or chakra that is working fine can be knocked off balance by another meridian or chakra that is draining or flooding it.
In these two sessions, you’ll learn about the glue that holds you together, the connective threads that weave your energies into integration, and the kinds of inner communication that support you to develop inner connection and coherence.
In these two sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Work with the connectors that facilitate energy communications in your body
- Address conflicting agendas in your body, mind, and spirit that cause miscommunication and threaten your wellbeing
- Work with your central energetic switchboard and Water element (your vital Qi and nervous system)
- Balance the forces that build up and break down your cells, organs, and body’s energetic exchanges
- Create connective threads that can weave your energies together for better collaboration
- Use energy medicine to unify your mind, body, and spirit, create a “stabilizing sphere,” and bring your organs and energy systems into greater coherence
Module 4: Resetting Energy Flow to Boost Nutrients & Activate Energies to Enhance Your Wellbeing & Zest for Life (February 24 & March 3)

Your body is like a planet regulated via the circulation of energies, nutrients, and resources. You’re a moving miracle, with energy patterns, rhythms, and dynamics unique to you that maintain and fuel your physical self.
When your energies move in a healthy way, you can thrive. When they’re blocked, diverted, or leaking, you feel uncomfortable sensations and emotions, and your actions can misfire — even your overall will to live can falter.
In these two sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Support the movement of your key energy flows in ways that strengthen your personal map of meaning
- Address the patterns of movement that distribute your nourishment, and help you structure and fulfill your life purpose (Wood and Metal elements)
- Work with the larger, individual energy distribution patterns of your body-mind-spirit
- Use energy medicine tools to communicate directly with energies to reset them, modulate their flow, and repattern them for healthier functioning
- Learn to use the Suit Reboot and other tools that will reset your subtle energy circulation
Module 5: The Keys to Engaging in Healthy Energy Exchanges Between Yourself & the World (March 17 & 24)

We are pack animals — like many in the animal kingdom — meant to take part in social, energetic exchanges. If we fall out of this web of connections, we can get sick and lose perspective... both our Earth Elemental and Talking Selves can fall out of balance and malfunction.
This is often the case in chronic illness... a breakdown of the body or energies reflects an imbalance in exchanges with the larger web of connections.
If you have a history of traumas, dysfunctional family relationships, failed love relationships, or feel your membership or sense of belonging has not been legitimized, your ability to thrive and be well can be compromised.
Learning to tap into the power of the web of connections helps to nourish, inform, heal, and sustain you. Fulfilling, wholesome exchanges are an important part of our nourishment as spirits in human form.
In these two sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Work with the energetic vortexes and other forms of energy transport that carry information in and out of your energy field
- Access your swarm consciousness and tap it for healing
- Develop “right relationship” (in the Buddhist sense) with the web of connections by cultivating a healthier weave of energies
- Learn techniques for clearing your Sacred Baton of the Self, the energies of your spine, to connect with resources in various dimensions
- Work with healthier patterns of give and take as a way to counteract overwhelm and shutdown, codependency, and manipulation
- Learn energy medicine tools to weave greater stability into your web of connections
Module 6: Cultivating & Supporting Your Radiance for Spiritual Nourishment & Authentic Self-Expression (March 31 & April 7)

Radiance is the energy of your Wiser Self (your spirit). It’s the cosmic partner of your gatekeeper and acts as a resource and guardian of your soul’s truth in your dance of Self.
As fuel and a source of animation, it needs to be cultivated and supported. Young children are born with the capacity for joy and delight, but need to learn how to activate these feelings — and require support in learning true enjoyment.
Cultivating radiance is also a matter of learning to embody your spirit. It takes different forms in different people: joy, a glow, quiet contentment, a centered presence, wisdom, peace, warmth, and more.
Radiance is not just high energy, it’s soul energy expressing itself through your body and mind.
In these last two sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Cultivate vibrational nutrients and teach your body’s circuits to use them
- Work with the notion of spiritual nourishment and explore ways you can take in, assimilate, metabolize, release, and rest in alignment with your own nature
- Understand what blocks your radiance and learn tools to unblock it
- Fuel your life with radiance and illuminate your mind and emotions with it
- Raise your vibration and maintain it, even in the face of energies that don’t nourish you
- Use energy medicine tools that will raise your vibration and open your Cosmic Gates
The Energetic Language Bonus Collection
In addition to Ellen’s transformative 12-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Mother Teresa Touch: Finding Your Power to Make a Difference
Video Teaching From Ellen Meredith

When Mother Teresa worked in the slums of Calcutta, she discovered several simple truths about healing. Follow along as Ellen explores four key aspects of healing using energy medicine that Mother Teresa used to great effect in her ministry. These powerful healing approaches can be used for nearly any ailment and to increase your overall wellbeing.
Energy-Testing Techniques to Support Dialogue With Your Body
Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Ellen Meredith

How can energy-testing techniques be used responsibly to help you find your way to glowing good health and wellbeing? Ellen explores this question in this thought-provoking teaching — including a powerful accompanying video in which she demonstrates a large number of ways you can sample your body’s energies to glean feedback and insight.
The Energetics of Trauma & Stress
Video Dialogue with Lauren Walker and Ellen Meredith

In this insightful interview with Energy Medicine Yoga creator Lauren Walker, Ellen delves into how trauma works energetically in your body, mind, and spirit and how to work with stress using energy medicine tools. Ellen offers guidance to help you clear templates from your chakras, along with explanations of why this helps relieve the post-traumatic stress that can co-create illness and disease.
What Graduates of Ellen’s Courses Are Saying...

“I truly am learning to listen and speak to my body and have seen healing results.”
I truly am learning to listen and speak to my body and have seen healing results. I got in touch with the times I really knew my body had communicated to me and I "got the message". It made me realize that there were times in the past that I had these experiences but did not have a full awareness of them. It is now easier to trust them or to recognize them.
— Marian, Cleveland, Ohio
“This class has been a huge help in teaching me how to protect myself from taking in unwanted energy.”
This class has been a huge help in teaching me how to protect myself from taking in unwanted energy. A challenge, but the support I felt in the class was a gift.
— Lisa Crimando, Hopatcong, New Jersey
“A lively, deep, teaching that helped me understand the energies that play around and through my body.”
A lively, deep, teaching that helped me understand the energies that play around and through my body. I appreciated the exercises we did together during class. I know I have begun on a new path as I begin to listen to my body and practice the exercises as my body asks for them. Some physical symptoms have improved, others are yet to be healed.
— Anonymous
“... filled my backpack with tools to find my own guidance on my path of truth and meaning.”
Ellen’s teachings and guidance have filled my backpack with tools to find my own guidance on my path of truth and meaning. I deeply appreciate Ellen’s teachings, full of hope and radiance, and The Shift for providing a platform.
— Josie
“... a perfect recipe for connecting with the Divine!”
Ellen Meredith... is a master in her field. Her workshops are the perfect combination of theory and practicum. Ellen then adds her healthy sprinkle of wit and wisdom... a perfect recipe for connecting with the Divine!
— FB, San Diego
“These techniques are “user friendly” and yet so powerful.”
[Ellen Meredith’s] class was a revelation for me, and each day since, I’ve become more and more aware of how important the content we covered was, for both those of us who are practitioners and those of us who just want to live more fully and freely. The material is laid out in a logical and invigorating manner, and Ellen brings such humanity, humor, and insight into every moment of her teaching. These techniques are “user friendly” and yet so powerful. I couldn’t recommend this class more highly.— Nicole K., New York
"Ellen has an easy, natural way of conveying energy wisdom with grace, humor, and love.”
Thinking outside the box means changing your focus to the person rather than the disease; dialoguing with the energies rather than fixing them; being with your client on his or her journey to wholeness, rather than healing or curing them; and healing in relation to our environment... Ellen gives us many options for centering, grounding, and sourcing both our own and our clients’ energies. As a teacher, Ellen has an easy, natural way of conveying energy wisdom with grace, humor, and love.
— Karen E Adamo, CHt, New Jersey
“... a very passionate, charismatic teacher and healer who makes a difference in our field of energy healing.”
[Ellen Meredith] enables us to powerfully peer into the elusive territory of the healing process. I’ve gained a deepened awareness through experiencing as well as giving the protocols that Ellen has shared... Ellen is a very passionate, charismatic teacher and healer who makes a difference in our field of energy healing.— Angela Walsh Denis, EEM-AP, San Diego
“... a better sense of... what my healing work is about for self and others...”
I came away with a better sense of... what my healing work is about for self and others... Ellen’s style is open, empowering, based on unconditional acceptance. Yet there’s rigor and precision as well. For me the experience was life changing; I’d recommend it to anyone.
— V.G., New York City
“... just being in her presence brings your vibration up...”
Ellen Meredith is a warm, down-to-earth, and knowledgeable healer. She is a natural and engaging teacher and just being in her presence brings your vibration up...
— S. Ortiz, Maryland
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Ellen Meredith
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from medical intuitive, energy medicine teacher, and author Ellen Meredith — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to activate your miraculous capacity for self-healing in new and powerful ways.

Twelve PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Energetic Language Bonus Collection
- Mother Teresa Touch: Finding Your Power to Make a Difference
Video Teaching From Ellen Meredith - Energy-Testing Techniques to Support Dialogue With Your Body
Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Ellen Meredith - The Energetics of Trauma & Stress
Video Dialogue with Lauren Walker and Ellen Meredith
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Master Your Body’s Energetic Language for Self-Healing & Wellness Online Training
We feel honored that Ellen Meredith has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a medical intuitive, energy medicine teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about unveiling and addressing your core energy issues to live a healthier, more joyous life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Master Your Body’s Energetic Language for Self-Healing & Wellness — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
More Praise for Ellen Meredith...

— Donna Eden, energy medicine pioneer and author of Energy Medicine

“ ...warm, rich, informative, and generous...”
This warm, rich, informative, and generous book is essential reading both for practitioners and for those who would like to unlock the healing power of energy in their lives.
— Dawson Church, bestselling author of The Genie in Your Genes

“... exercises [that] are just right for discovering your own personal language that your body is speaking.”
This book is destined to be on the top of your reference stack. Again and again you’ll reach for it when you’re curious about what your body is telling you or when you want more insight. The wisdom here is incredible and the exercises are just right for discovering your own personal language that your body is speaking. Ellen Meredith gives you the very tools you need to unlock this language that is waiting patiently for your arrival for your own personal miracles.
— Lauren Walker, creator and author of The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription

“A treasure!”
A treasure!... I know the amazing value these techniques provide, personally and for my students and clients.
— Devi Stern, MS, EEMAP, Author of Energy Healing With the Kabbalah

“... powerful both for beginners and for energy medicine practitioners...”
Ellen weaves an energetic tapestry that awakens you into a deeper experience of the soul. It’s powerful both for beginners and for energy medicine practitioners, who can learn to listen to their innate wisdom and dialogue using the language the body speaks.
— Dr. Melanie Smith, DOM, AP, EEMAP of Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc., and author of the Energy Mastery for Healthy Living online series

“Ellen Meredith never disappoints....”
Ellen Meredith never disappoints... Drawing from ancient wisdom and her own experience, she effortlessly weaves and creates protocols that get results and that are enjoyable to do, which means you will do them!
— Madison King, writer and teacher

“A guide to hearing, understanding, and dancing with the vital forces that animate your body.”
— David Feinstein, PhD, co-author of The Energies of Love

“... [teaches] you to dance with life and find your way home to your fully realized, vibrant self.”
... breathes life into the connection between mind, body, and spirit... This book will teach you to dance with life and find your way home to your fully realized, vibrant self.
— The Sunday Independent
About Ellen Meredith

Ellen Meredith, Doctor of Arts, is an energy medicine practitioner, medical intuitive, conscious channel, teacher, and author. She’s been in practice since 1984, helping over 10,000 clients and students around the globe tune in to and communicate with their own energies, hear their inner guidance, and heal.
Ellen is renowned for her down-to-earth, yet out-of-the box thinking. Originally trained as a healer by her inner teachers (Councils), Ellen later became an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEMAP) and has served on Donna Eden’s faculty since 2010.
Ellen brings humanity, humor, and insight in many forms to the world of energy healing. Her approach to self-healing with energy medicine offers students ways to understand and get to the heart of their health and life challenges, and to work compassionately with their body, mind, and spirit. She builds on everyday experiences and common-sense frameworks, believing that life reveals more of its meaning if you treat it as an evolving story and see yourself as a unique character helping to co-create it.
Ellen is the author of The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing With Energy Medicine... Listening In: Dialogues With the Wiser Self... and In Search of Radiance: Learning to Stand With Your Wiser Self.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.