Sarah McCrum
Discover the essential practice of making “beautiful requests” — the most natural way to engage with money so that it works FOR you.
Easily release your internal money blocks and external money ‘triggers’…
Experience the healing power of a step-by-step process to activate your soul’s purpose — aligning it with your deepest values and with money’s love for you.

It may surprise you to discover that money’s energetic vibration is LOVE…
Possibly you’re even excited by the prospect of healing your old relationship with money and embarking on a new adventure with this loving energy.
Imagine a new relationship with money that is based on love — instead of fear, or worry, or a culture which is completely unaligned with the essential energy of money...
And in spite of the laws of abundance and attraction, money theology, and self-help programs, our ideas of money and how it works are still rooted in an underlying sense of scarcity, guilt, lack of self-worth, and fear of the power of money.
According to leading money consciousness teacher Sarah McCrum, author of Love Money, Money Loves You, money says we’ve gotten it all wrong...
Money is, in fact, generous and abundant beyond our imaginations.
Love can replace all of YOUR old programming about money…
We’re often taught that money is “neutral,” in that it only represents the ideas and feelings we project onto it or holds the power we give to it. However, Sarah teaches that money is LOVE and is not neutral. Money is there to help you succeed, to experience vitality and joy, to thrive in your relationships… and to fulfill your soul’s calling. Money loves YOU.
Like love, money is infinite, constantly available to every human being on the planet, and waiting for you to wake up and see it for what it really is.
By allowing yourself to receive from, dialogue and share your dreams with money, YOU will radically transform how you engage with it, believing in its generosity instead of its scarcity, and treating it as a living expression of your deepest desires and values.

Yet, just as in your relationships with people, if part of you is angry at money, afraid of it, or feels unworthy, it’s difficult to have a healthy, prosperous relationship with money — just as these “blocks” would deter a healthy relationship with another human being.
By opening to the true energy of money, you'll naturally let go of the unhealthy imprints in your energy field associated with your childhood experiences, family patterns, and a media-driven culture — enabling you to expand your vibrational capacity to embrace the exquisite energy of money.
Then, you’ll effortlessly align with money’s generous, creative energy… and in a way which is conscious and supportive of your deepest values.
Sarah McCrum teaches that money simply wants for you what your soul wants for you…
Many of us learned to avoid money because we didn’t want to confront the issues and feelings we have about money… namely, fear, guilt, and shame. Yet, relating to money as an ally can bring a huge sense of relief.
During this truly self-empowering 7-part program with Sarah, you’ll:
- Initiate a new relationship with money that is conscious, loving, generous, and inviting
- Explore and release your personal fears, limiting beliefs, and old energetic patterns in relation to money
- Find out how love replaces old programming about money
- Learn a guided practice to activate the releasing of money blockages
- Receive individual coaching to experience the 3 different approaches to releasing money blockages
- Participate in a step-by-step process to release a significant external financial trigger in your life, fully and permanently
- Discover the code that shows you how you’ve been blocking the expression of your soul
- Learn a repeatable method for opening your heart any time you’re triggered
- Discover how to interact with money in a way that money will respond to
- Connect with your Higher Self to explore, expand, and refine your soul’s purpose
- Find work more aligned with your purpose OR align your current work with your purpose
- Discover how to value yourself and your work in a way that feels comfortable, generous, and loving
- And much more...
In The Generous, Loving Energy of Money, Sarah McCrum will guide you to explore how you think, feel, and act around money — in order to discover the beauty of engaging with a consciousness, which supports your deepest creativity and wellbeing.
This brand-new 7-module training is about transforming your life in ways you’ve always wanted to... bringing in more creativity, joy, fulfillment, and, yes, abundance. Your perceptions about and connection to money will change, and so will your outlook on your life.
You’ll be invited into a loving, intimate relationship that will beautify your life and help you manifest your gifts while expressing more love in the world.
If you don’t allow money to love you, your soul is on some level unable to fully express itself through you, says Sarah.
Through her precise and practical methods, you can clear your emotional blocks and wounds, and your negative beliefs around money and society, and learn to love money, just as it loves you... AND love your life, yourself, and others much more.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part video training, Sarah will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to transform your relationship with money. You’ll connect your soul’s purpose and your financial desires through the art of making “beautiful requests” of money.
Each class features simple energy healing practices that draw on Sarah’s background in Chinese metaphysics. The sessions will build harmoniously so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of truly game-changing principles and practices to connect authentically with money’s love and support.
You can look forward to moving past fear, worry, and your old money “triggers,” as you explore your current money relationship and allow money’s loving energy to heal and guide you. Sarah’s teachings have touched hundreds of people who’ve shared that their new, relaxed, and joyful relationship with money carries over into their relationships with other people, their work in the world, and their approach to life.
Module 1: Re-Imagining Your Relationship With Money (July 10)

Think of money as energy — and then imagine what kind of relationship you have with this energy. This will give you insight into your personal experience and history with money.
In this session, you’ll hear from Money itself — what it really is, and how you can relate to it in a radically different way that not many people understand... not even the wealthy.
It may be the first time the possibility of connecting with Money has opened up for you in a way that feels kind, aligned with life, and worth putting your time and energy into. Creating a new relationship with money is surprising, because it makes life feel different. It enables you to connect your spirituality with your daily, material life into one whole, integrated experience.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the deep nature of money
- Activate a powerful energy field for the course that will make your learning experience light, natural, and easy
- Dynamic exploration of your current relationship with money
- Initiate a new relationship with money that is conscious, loving, generous, and inviting
- Start your own conversation with money
- Guided practice to activate a new relationship with money
Module 2: Releasing Money Blockages (July 17)

When you infuse love into your relationship with money, it quickly becomes apparent that you hold many old stories that get in the way of having a fulfilling financial experience.
In this session, you’ll learn three different ways of releasing old financial patterns that no longer serve you.
Many of your stories will start to drop away naturally as you allow the new energy to replace your old energy. Others will become obsolete as you become conscious of how they’re holding you back. As you explore the power of love in relation to money, fears and lack of self-worth become less and less powerful.
Being willing to face your fears and limitations around money is rewarding and freeing — it becomes harder for them to survive as you recognise the deeper truth about money.
In this class session, you’ll discover:
- How exploration of your personal fears, limiting beliefs, and old energetic patterns work in relation to money
- The key to releasing old or stuck energy around money
- How consciousness works to help you let go of negativity about money
- How love replaces old programming about money
- A guided practice to activate the releasing of money blockages
- Individual coaching to demonstrate the three different approaches to releasing money blockages
Module 3: Transforming ‘External’ Money Triggers (July 24)

The topic of money often triggers strong emotions, especially in relation to the use and abuse of power and access to financial systems.
At a deeper level, whatever triggers you is a reflection of your energy and consciousness — it acts as a key to decoding some of your most deeply suppressed patterns and karmic issues.
In this session, you’ll learn a step-by-step technique to liberate you from the disempowering energy of rejection, judgement and blame. This will enable you to open your heart and receive the loving energy of money into your life fully and generously... so you can access all the support you need — including financial resources — to realize your soul’s purpose.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover the core principle that helps you understand all emotional triggers and liberate yourself from their grip
- Participate in a step-by-step process to release one significant external financial trigger in your life, fully and permanently
- Discover the code that shows you how you’ve been blocking the expression of your soul
- Learn a repeatable method for opening your heart any time you’re triggered
- Coaching throughout this process, to make sure you have a powerful and transformative experience
Module 4: Grounding In Your New Relationship With Money (Coaching & Integration) (July 31)

At this mid-point in the course, significant transformation is underway. Because you’re bringing love into your relationship with money, it changes your essence and allows you to relax more deeply into life.
At the same time, many questions tend to arise as you start to apply your new awareness in your practical, everyday world.
This is the chance to explore all your questions about your new relationship with money — including any blockages and limiting beliefs still holding you back.
Because of the powerful and beautiful energy field you’ve invoked by working with the energy of money, you can shift very quickly... and a lot of financial healing can occur simply by attending the session and listening to the guidance and teachings that emerges from each question.
You’ll spend this session:
- Addressing your new awareness of money and how it affects every aspect of your life
- Going deeper into your relationship with money and what it really means
- Getting practical and applying the new principles in your life and work
- Dealing with more challenging blockages and self-limiting beliefs
- Unpacking the biggest financial triggers
- Embracing money and aligning with its love
Module 5: Making Beautiful Requests — Aligning With Money’s Desire to Give to You (August 7)

The energy of money is a system that enables us to share and exchange our gifts and creativity and access the abundance of life. It’s unlimited, freely available, and works for everyone — but it’s important to understand how it operates and what makes it flow in your direction with ease.
In this session, you’ll learn how to make financial requests that the energy of money hears and responds to.
There’s an art and a science to this, and it develops through lots of practice. You’ll learn how to make a request from your heart that’s light, simple — and doesn’t even require you to believe it will be fulfilled. This will stimulate and expand your deep life creativity.
During this class, you’ll explore these powerful questions:
- How do you request money?
- How do you recognise a request that will be easily fulfilled?
- What blocks requests and how to prevent the most common mistakes?
- What do you do when you’re stuck between a rock, a hard place, and a sharp stick?
- How do you interact with money in a way that money responds?
- How do you manage the time between making a request and receiving what you asked for?
- How can you grow your financial capacity in alignment with your new relationship with money?
Module 6: Aligning Your Beautiful Requests With Your Soul’s Purpose (August 14)

A relationship with money that’s based in love makes it possible to bring your financial life together with your deepest purpose. It’s the key to making money doing what you love without guilt, shame or undervaluing yourself.
In this session, you’ll explore your soul’s purpose through conversation with your Higher Self.
You’ll learn some of the common misunderstandings about purpose that prevent you from getting on with it immediately. You’ll explore how you can connect your soul’s purpose and your financial desires through the art of making beautiful requests... and you’ll explore how to value yourself and your work, based on the new principles of money and love.
In this class session, you’ll:
- Connect with your Higher Self to explore, expand, and refine your soul’s purpose
- Learn how to avoid the mistakes most people make about purpose
- Deepen your experience with Beautiful Requests so money’s love can be expressed through your life
- Find work more aligned with your purpose OR align your current work with your purpose
- Discover how to value yourself and your work in a way that feels comfortable, generous, and loving
- Receive coaching to help you align your relationship with money and your soul’s purpose
Module 7: Embodying Money’s Loving Energy in Your Work in the World (August 21)

Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, employee, business owner, project leader, volunteer, investor or anything else, you influence those around you, through the contribution of your gifts — and your relationship with money.
Embracing this new relationship with money based in love makes you a game changer in today’s world.
In this session, you’ll explore how to create significant impact in the world, whatever your sphere of influence. You’ll discover how to address today’s great challenges through your work with love and creativity, so you can inspire and lead people who are struggling with grief, despair and powerlessness.
You’ll learn the key to deep integrity in your work — and to bringing in all the resources you need to live a beautiful life.
In this module, you’ll receive powerful new insights about:
- Your life as a game changer
- Your energetic influence and the extraordinary creative impact of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions
- Creative conversation and how to impact the future for good
- Exploring the broader consequences of your new relationship with money
- The key to integrity at all levels of your life
Plus, you’ll receive coaching to make sure you expand your impact by being who you are.
The Generous, Loving Energy of Money Bonus Collection
In addition to Sarah’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses. These bonus materials complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Love Money, Money Loves You
Ebook by Sarah McCrum

This book takes you into the heart of the world of money, but not into financial systems as they exist on this planet. Rather it gives you an insight into how the money energy operates behind our physical world. It shows you what happens when you make any financial request and explains why so many people struggle with the lack of money. It gives clear, simple guidelines on how to transform your relationship with money so you can be aligned with the way it works naturally, including two blueprints for making money in today’s world. It’s funny at times, very uplifting and enlightening in surprising ways, offering a view of money unlike anything we’ve seen elsewhere.
Getting Real About Money
Audio Interview With Sarah McCrum and Matt Murphy

The book, Love Money, Money Loves You, presents a beautiful possibility of relating with money in a new way, but what does it look like in the real world? In this interview, Matt Murphy, who’s run a successful accountancy business in Australia for 20 years, questions Sarah about how she and others have applied the principles in the book and how effective it is in the real world of business and family life.
Matt Murphy is Managing Director, Business Strategy and Accounting for Prime Financial Group Ltd, Australia — an accountant and business owner with over 20 years experience. His focus has been on mentoring small- to medium-sized enterprises, with a particular interest in innovation and growth and helping business owners achieve what they originally went into business for. He’s also author of Dream to Realisation: The Business Owner’s Journey.
Money Is Your Friend So Talk With It
PDF Guide From Sarah McCrum

If you want to have a good relationship with money, it’s helpful to be able to talk with it like a good friend or true partner. This guide will show you a simple way to initiate and hold a conversation with Money. If you’re someone who tends to block yourself, it shows you what to do so your blocks don’t get the better of you. And it outlines the art of making beautiful requests.
Transformance: Money Is the Energy of Love
Audio Recording From Sarah McCrum With Music by Gary Malkin

Transformance is a new genre of improvised live recordings of spoken word and music pioneered by Sarah McCrum and multiple Emmy award winning musician, Gary Malkin. In this piece, Sarah shares an uplifting and enlightening inner experience of the energy of money, accompanied by Gary’s sublime piano playing.
Gary Malkin is a multiple award-winning media composer, public speaker, and music and health innovator who inspires the world to embrace music as a catalyst for healing, mindfulness, and a more meaningful life. His work redefines the role music and sound strategies can play in healthcare, education, mindfulness programs, and corporate America. A multiple Emmy, Clio, and ASCAP award recipient, Gary was a veteran composer of music for film, television, commercials, and socially responsible documentaries, preparing him to develop innovative musical solutions for many of the social and health challenges facing our society. Since 1998, Gary has been developing music-infused resources to support people while facing life’s significant transitions with greater compassion, emotional equanimity, and wholehearted mindfulness.
What People Are Saying About Sarah McCrum...

“ I went from not being able to talk about money to realizing that its value is so great.”
Until Sarah’s teachings, I had never met money in a healthy way. It just happened in an unconscious way. I defined myself as a social change artist and entrepreneur and my relationship with money wasn’t happy and healthy. The course has helped me to stop for a second and explore some of my unexplored assumptions about money in my life. I went from not being able to talk about money to realizing that its value is so great. It has this beautiful quality. It’s so good.”
— Jon Ramer, Founder of Compassion Games and SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange)
“My hope for the world is much-increased since taking Sarah’s course.”
— Victoria Castle, Author of The Trance of Scarcity
“... made me feel like the richest person on the planet.”
The Consciousness of Money has made me feel like the richest person on the planet. I just became intensely aware of the abundance I live in. It shifted my consciousness.
— Rev. Deborah Moldow, Founder of Garden of Light
“... helped me to triple my income in less than half a year.”
I just want to thank you again for everything you do. Your work has helped me to triple my income in less than half a year. I completely stopped worrying about money and I am 100% sure that is just a beginning. I keep telling everyone about your books, about how essential they are. I think more people should be aware about everything you teach.
— Irina T., Russia
“... gently takes you to an uncomfortable place where true growth happens...”
I have worked with many different coaches and read many books in pursuit of finding purpose and becoming a better version of myself. Until I met Sarah, I felt misguided and at times confused. Sarah’s ability to help you focus on what matters most, based on real experience, and gently take you to an uncomfortable place where true growth happens through her coaching and writing is what enables her to make a significant impact on the lives she touches.
— Lisa Morris, global employee experience consulting practice leader
“I am able to achieve more without pushing and struggling.”
Sarah has been my most influential life adviser. She is a brilliant teacher and helps me make sense of concepts that no one else has been able to explain. My life is much easier now because of what she has taught me. I am able to achieve more without pushing and struggling.
— Matt Murphy, Managing Partner at MPR Group
“Sarah can help anyone move past any obstacle, no matter how difficult or deeply established...”
Everywhere Sarah goes, people love her and want to work with her! Sarah’s coaching style and acumen amaze me. She has a laser-like intuition – honed over decades of working with individuals, families, and groups. Sarah can help anyone move past any obstacle, no matter how difficult or deeply established it may be. She does this by working on multiple levels of subtlety, with a high degree of mastery.
— Jeff Vander Clute, Founder of Sourcing The Way
“... in deeply practical, precise ways, she helps you see and free yourself of whatever’s tripping you up.”
[Sarah] tunes into the underpinnings of your life — the blocks, the flows, the self-sabotaging beliefs, and the vast potentials — the whole tangle. Then in deeply practical, precise ways, she helps you see and free yourself of whatever’s tripping you up. Sessions with her aren’t about rituals or guides or temporarily absenting yourself from the world. They’re about clarity. How she reads our inner landscapes so accurately is a mystery to me. That she does it so skillfully is a great gift to anyone she works with.— Holly Thomas
“Sarah McCrum... will shift the way you think about money...”
Sarah McCrum... will shift the way you think about money — how you treat it, live with it, own it, make more of it, and deserve it.
— En-May Mangels
“Truly inspirational and enlightening!”
Truly inspirational and enlightening! The deep clarity that comes from the simple delivery of encouragement in understanding the basics for enjoying money, the role it plays, who we are, and what we do. Highly recommended!
— Maria Bäck
“It’s a humble wisdom. It’s a grounded wisdom.”
It’s not only wisdom that is empowering. It’s a humble wisdom. It’s a grounded wisdom. It is so full of heart. The quality of Sarah’s being impresses me deeply."
— Dawn Griffin
“... I could actually FEEL the life behind money.”
Tears are rolling down my face right now as I just heard that beautiful message from money come through Sarah’s mouth in the webinar... WOW. It really did touch my heart... it was the first time I have ever felt a connection to money as if it was a sentient being rather than a terrifying dark heavy concept or a lifeless pile of papers and coins that I have no idea what to do with. I’ve heard the phrase “money is energy” hundreds of times in the last few years and I’ve felt like I intellectually understood those words. But in that moment this morning I could actually FEEL the life behind money.
— Shelli Boucher, Charlotte, North Carolina
“... a role model who has taught me to accept myself and to accept all others...”
Sarah I can’t tell you how much your support has meant to me. Your listening ear and non- judgemental attention mixed with sage advice has been a God-send. You have caused me to stop and think deeply on issues that had been of great difficulty for me and that has allowed me to see more clearly what my next step should be. Your kind and gentle manner spoke to me in a way that penetrated deeply and profoundly. I look to you as a benefactress and a role model who has taught me to accept myself and to accept all others, to be a light in this world and to be encouraging not only to others but also to myself, for this I will be eternally grateful.
— Kim Tetreault
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Sarah McCrum
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from leading author, money consciousness teacher, and coach Sarah McCrum — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover the beauty of engaging with the consciousness of money, which supports your deepest creativity and wellbeing.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Generous, Loving Energy of Money Bonus Collection
- Love Money, Money Loves You
Ebook by Sarah McCrum - Getting Real About Money
Audio Interview With Sarah McCrum and Matt Murphy - Money Is Your Friend So Talk With It
PDF Guide From Sarah McCrum - Transformance: Money Is the Energy of Love
Audio Recording From Sarah McCrum With Music by Gary Malkin
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Generous, Loving Energy of Money Virtual Training
We feel honored Sarah McCrum has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a leading author, money consciousness teacher, and coach whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Sarah’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
If you’re serious about bringing more creativity, joy, fulfillment, and abundance into your life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Generous, Loving Energy of Money with Sarah McCrum — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
About Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum is a leading money consciousness coach and the author of Love Money, Money Loves You and Energy On Demand: Master Your Personal Energy and Never Burn Out.
Born and raised in the UK, Sarah is a graduate of Cambridge University. She is a former school teacher and spent 10 years working for BBC Radio, travelling all over the world and interviewing children for various stories.
Her life changed direction at age 30, when her younger sister died and she subsequently discovered Chinese Metaphysics. She trained with Chinese masters for the next 22 years, immersing a Chinese understanding of energy and natural health.
Sarah is the co-founder of The Consciousness of Money, a program that teaches us how money is interwoven through every moment of our lives, connecting us all in an invisible web of exchange. She guides students to explore how they think, feel, and act around money — in order to discover the beauty of engaging with a consciousness, which supports our deepest creativity and wellbeing.
She coaches spiritual seekers, entrepreneurs, and change leaders around the world, and lives in Australia.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.