With Bestselling Author and Dream Shaman
Robert Moss
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Rise from the darkness of life’s uncertainties in seven dream journeys with mythical goddesses led by a world-renowned dream shaman for an empowered, vital, and joy-filled you.

Our lives are always trembling on the edge of a greater drama... a bigger, more fulfilling story we’ve yet to live...

If you pay attention, you can feel things stirring behind the curtain of everyday perception, moving pieces around you, bringing things together in astounding moments of synchronicity.

You begin to notice that what is with you and around you has been charged with the energy of an archetype call it a goddess or daimon, an angel or elemental.

Some of the most transformative of these energies emanate from the mythic Goddesses of rebirth, transporting us from our everyday challenges and the dark and musty confines of our outdated beliefs about ourselves and what our lives can be.

They guide us out of darkness and into the light, helping us heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually... and show us the next step in a difficult situation, as we awaken to our higher Self.

In this brand-new online video course with dream shaman Robert Moss, you’ll tap into the potent archetypal energies of some of the most inspiring and empowering of these Goddesses.

Weave Myth, Shamanism &
Dream Wisdom to Birth a New Life and World

Through Active Dreaming Robert’s powerful synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism that allows you to “dream” while awake you’ll embark on fascinating dream journeys to their mythic realms for healing, inspiration, and reimagining.

You’ll learn dreamwork practices for retrieving lost parts of yourself your braver, more playful, creative, passionate soulselves waiting to help you birth the “bigger,” more fulfilling story for your life.

You’ll enter the mysteries of death and rebirth with the Greek Goddess Persephone Queen of the Underworld and draw from her wisdom to find courage and clarity to claim the gifts of your wounds.

You’ll make a heart journey to Celtic Goddess Brigid’s eternal flame to guide you in healing and ignite your creative side as you approach the threshold of a more soul-centered life.

Sky Woman from Iroquoian cosmology will connect you with spirit animals and bird tribes, and fresh ways to dance a new world into being, even or particularly when you fall through a hole of hopelessness in your life.

There will be a special Dream Clinic and Mythic Workout an opportunity to share a dream and receive expert guidance from Robert, including insights about your dream’s narratives, themes, preoccupations, and more.

And there will be lots of teaching stories and fun.

Robert’s students consistently praise his broad expertise in everything from science to history to mythology to psychology to mysticism and more. The tales he weaves reveal his own rich dream life and the fascinating dreams of some of the thousands he’s taught around the globe.

During this powerful 7-step journey with one of The Shift Network’s most beloved faculty, you’ll:

  • Claim the power of an archetype a goddess or god from myth to ignite your larger life
  • Discover Robert’s simple four-step process for sharing dreams and life stories
  • Grow your power of “goodly speech” to practice a Celtic way of blessing
  • Claim the gifts from your wounds
  • Confront and resolve nightmare terrors on their own grounds
  • Become a shaman of your own soul and healer of your own life
  • Enter the mysteries of death and rebirth and bring back courage and clarity for life choices
  • Learn the power of magic words and journey to the Library of the Goddess Seshat, patron of scribes and writing
  • Follow a 7-stage journey to meet your Dark Double
  • Explore the practice of the ancient Mesopotamian “dream questioner”
  • Believe there are happy endings even when going through hell
  • And much more...

The Value of a Master Guide

Robert is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with over 20 books and countless popular workshops over a lifetime of teaching.

Like a wise shamanic elder, Robert can show you how to apply time-tested principles and practices from dreamwork to use your dreams as portals to places of healing, initiation, and transformation in a deeper reality.

Through dreams, synchronicity, and your willingness to travel via imagination to realms of greater possibility, you’ll emerge with living myths that bring courage, passion, and healing into your life energies for birthing greater creativity, fulfilment, and joy.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Robert will guide you through the fundamental insights and practices you’ll need to successfully rise from the darkness of life’s uncertainties through shamanic dream journeys with mythical goddesses to bolster your courage, deepen your perspective, and uplift your being.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to travel through your imagination to realms of greater possibility... emerging into a new world of deeper physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Module 1: Carry Brigid’s Flame to Light Your Life & Our World (April 9)

May the radiance of her blue mantle surround you and protect you.
May you burn with her fires: fire of seership, fire of craft, fire of inspiration, fire of healing, fire of transformation, fire of heart. May you always stand ready to wrest the killing irons from evildoers and oppressors and to take up the Sword of Light in defense of the weak and the just. May you always be a lover of poets and commit poetry every day.
Robert Moss, “Brigid’s Flame”

In our first class, we’ll call on the blessings of Brigid, beloved throughout the Celtic lands and especially in Ireland, where she is both goddess and saint.

Patron of poets, healers, and metalsmiths, Brigid is therefore a patron of dreamers since in Celtic tradition the gift of inspiration that moves us to acts of creation and healing is directly linked to what opens in dreams.

We’ll make a heart journey to Brigid’s eternal flame, let ourselves be bathed in her blue radiance, and receive if it’s timely and appropriate the word of light she reserves for warriors of the heart.

We will learn from Brigid, who is born at a threshold with a red sunrise blazing, how to manage the liminal passages in our lives. We’ll track the Blue Lady in myths and dreams, including the visions of P.L. Travers, a world-class mythologist as well as the author of Mary Poppins, who encountered her Greater Self in the form of Brigid in a wild wood.

We shall seek such a revelation for our own lives and:

  • Invoke Brigid to bless our lives and our healing
  • Make a heart journey to the place of Brigid’s eternal flame
  • Seek Brigid’s help in approaching threshold moments when we have the chance to birth something new in our world
  • Bring inspiration for fresh creation, craft, and healing from our dreams
  • Grow our power of “goodly speech” to practice a Celtic blessing way
  • Follow the footsteps of the Blue Lady through myths and dreams, perhaps all the way to a luminous encounter with a Goddess self

Module 2: Rise From the Underworld Shining Like Persephone (April 16)

With the coming of spring, as the Earth bursts into fruit and flower, many societies have honored the dying and returning god/goddess who embodies the cycle of death and rebirth.

For ancient Greeks, this was the time of Persephone, whose story resonates with many of us. In the season of Persephone, who is goddess of spring as well as Queen of the Underworld and guide of souls on both sides of death, we’ll learn how to bring treasures from darkness.

In the myth, a maiden is torn from her regular life and plunged into the Underworld in a terrifying, dizzying journey from which she comes up shining. As an initiate, she is now an initiator, guiding souls on the roads of birth and death and rebirth. She comes and goes between the worlds. There are a thousand versions of this story and its many players...

You’ll find the one that speaks to your current life and use its in-spiriting power to:

  • Claim the gifts from your wounds
  • Explore the mystery of the pomegranate seeds
  • Confront and resolve nightmare terrors on their own grounds
  • Become a shaman of your own soul and a healer of your own life
  • Enter the mysteries of death and rebirth and bring through courage and clarity for life choices
  • Meet Persephone enthroned beside Hades
  • Claim the power of an archetype a goddess or god from myth for your larger life

Module 3: Raise Osiris & Birth the Golden Child of Your Creativity (April 23)

She stands beside the sick in their dreams, providing remedies for their illnesses, and if they declare to her their obedience, then they regain their health contrary to all expectations.
Diodorus Siculus on Isis as a dream healer

Most of us know what it feels like to let ourselves be trapped in a box, because it looked pleasant or because we thought we had no choice. We have felt the crushing burden of being used to prop up a whole structure, be it a marriage, a job, a community, or a world.

This is where the great story of the passion of Osiris and Isis begins. As we enter its mysteries, we may know the joy of being released by one who loves us and never ceases from seeking us.

We will recognize the pain of being torn apart, our pieces scattered to the four quarters, and losing something that could never be found again in an ordinary way. We enter this story in order to find the sacred healer who can bring our broken pieces together, and to come alive under the great wings of the Beloved of our soul. We will claim those wings, and know the fierce joy of giving birth through soul magic to our golden child, a new creative life project.

As we go deep into great Egyptian myths of Divine Family, we will:

  • Meet Anubis as gatekeeper and opener of the ways
  • Seek keys to our own life story, and potential, in the Sacred Triad: Osiris, the one who dies and comes back; Isis, the soul shaman who brings vital spirit back into the body; and Horus, the magical child
  • Discover why in ancient Egypt a dream is an “awakening”
  • Learn the power of magic words and journey to the Library of the Goddess Seshat, patron of scribes and writing
  • Develop a personal ritual of rebirthing
  • Learn ancient Egyptian rituals of spiritual cleansing and dream incubation under the aegis of Isis

Module 4: Dance a New World Into Being With Sky Woman (May 7)

“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we’re afraid!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we will fall!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
Guillaume Apollinaire

In the Iroquoian cosmogony (the creation stories of a North American tribe), our world begins with a fall not the fall of Adam, but the fall of Sky Woman from another realm known as Earth in the Sky.

The old ones say that the origin and purpose of human life is to be found in that Sky World. Tosa sasa ni’konren, they say in Mohawk. “Do not let your mind fall” from the memory of that other world where everything is directed and created by the power of thought, and everything lives in the glow of a great Tree of Light.

The first person on Earth who was anything like a human came from that Sky World, after she fell or was pushed through a hole among the roots of its great tree.

As she fell, she was given light by a Native American version of the Dragon, called by the Huron tribe the White Lion. Her fall was finally broken by the wings of great blue herons, who carried her gently down to a chaos of water.

Animals, diving into the black deep, found Earth for her, so she could begin to make a world. Turtle offered its great back and First Woman danced a new world into being. Under her feet, a handful of soil became all the lands we live on. She arrived pregnant and now gave birth to a daughter who, in turn, gave birth to cosmic twins Dark and Light and the contest that has raged ever since.

You will find your own place in this marvelous creation story, which may already have been playing in your dreams, and you’ll find confirmation for the power of dreams in a rich shamanic tradition.

In this class, you’ll explore how to:

  • Look for the ways to dance a new world into being when you fall through a hole in your old life
  • Apply signature dreamwork practices of Iroquoian tradition
  • Connect with the spirit animals and bird tribes, as well as the Fire Dragon of the White Body who gave Sky Woman light and encouragement
  • Search in your dreams for the secret wishes of the soul
  • Approach life in the understanding that, as the Seneca Iroquois say, “the dream world is the Real World”

Module 5: Visit the Dream Clinic for a Mythic Workout (May 14)

During this class, you’ll make a visit to the Dream Clinic. You’ll have the entire class to share your reports and ask your questions surrounding your narratives, themes, preoccupations, and more and you’ll receive Robert’s answers and guidance.

You’ll be invited to choose an archetypal figure who has aroused you, and to share your understanding of that character. You may want to prepare for this part of the class by doing a quick writing exercise that will be suggested as a deepening practice following each previous class. Think about what elements of a myth you recognize in your own life, and perhaps in your own dreams. Then write, as fast as you can, your immediate responses to the question, for example, “Who is Persephone to me?” If names from your own family or your personal history come up, so be it.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • How much energy can be generated through the process of sharing
  • The magic of empathy, compassion, intuition, and guidance in action
  • Robert’s simple four-step process for sharing dreams and life stories
  • How to carry this sharing process with you anywhere in life
  • How to deepen your relationships and grow friendships on the level of the heart

Module 6: Mine Treasures From the Darkness With Inanna (May 21)

When we are seized by terrible emotions of rage or grief in our own lives, we can choose to try to harness the raw energy involved and turn it like a fire hose towards creative or healing action.

You may know already that on a path of transformation, you reach a point where you break down or you break through, and sometimes the breakdown comes before the breakthrough.

The story of the Descent of Inanna to the Underworld is seen by some groups today as the model for a woman’s journey to the depths to meet and integrate her Shadow side. The myth does not explain clearly why the goddess chose to go down seven terrifying levels to be hung on a meathook in the realm of her dark sister Ereshkigal.

We do know that she did this of her own volition. It was a choice she made freely. We know also that after she came back, she forced her unwilling consort Dumuzi to make the Underworld journey. This is a story for men as well as women and may be scarier for men.

We will honor the Goddess of many faces as she descends to the Underworld and draw courage for our own journeys. We’ll explore mysteries of the Goddess and the Bull. And we’ll learn from the story of Enheduanna, the priestess-princess who composed some of the most amazing poems in the Cycle of Inanna.

In this class, you will:

  • Find the gifts in your wounds
  • Draw creative fire from the dark places of initiation
  • Follow the 7-stage journey to meet your Dark Double
  • Discover for yourself why the Goddess chose to descend to the Underworld
  • Draw inspiration from the life of the priestess of the Moon, who gave us hymns of Inanna and is the first named author in history
  • Learn why in ancient Mesopotamia dreams may be “zephyrs” or “archive baskets of the gods”
  • Explore the practice of the ancient Mesopotamian “dream questioner”
  • Study the Dream of Dumuzi and explore what it means for a man to share the trials and transformations of women

Module 7: Meet the Beloved of Your Soul & Open to Divine Comedy (May 28)

“Why are you traveling?”
“So I may return to where I am.”
Dante, Purgatorio II, 9092

In our final class, we’ll look at other faces of the Goddess that appear in our dreams and our lives. We’ll enter the story of Saranyu, a Hindu goddess who was so miserable in her marriage that she projected a double a kind of ancient Stepford wife to take her place in her home while she ran off like a wild mare.

We’ll celebrate the power of regeneration under the aegis of the Antlered Goddess of the North. We’ll sing for Sequanna, the Fast-Flowing One, a Celtic goddess of dream healing and sweet waters. We’ll borrow from Dante’s Divine Comedy as you’re invited to make a personal journey of ascension to encounter the Beloved of your soul.

And we’ll draw the message from the heart of Western religion and literature that our dreams open the ways to the Greater Self. In your own journey, the Self may appear to you as a god or goddess. If you have traveled far enough on your path with heart, you may find you have opened a space where you can now embody more of your Greater Self. This may lead to the profound transformation known as spiritual enthronement.

You will awaken to the divine comedy beyond the veil of consensual reality, which requires three things. In this final class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop witness perspective
  • Believe there are happy endings even when going through hell
  • Never leave home, or return to it, without your sense of humor

Then you can harvest the core techniques and discoveries you’ve made in this course, and play world-weaver as you create an evermore magical life.

The Shamanic Dreaming Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Collection of Robert Moss Journeys
Set of 3 Audio Recordings From Robert Moss

Let the magic of Robert’s drumming take you soaring through time and space as you journey into other dimensions and return with gifts for living your truest life. This collection of mythic journeys and shamanic drumming includes:

Retrieve Solutions From the Magical Maze Audio Recording
Enter a unique take on the myth of the labyrinth and the Minotaur, where Ariadne’s thread becomes a luminous guide lighting your way through a winding path as you recognize and find the way to overcome an obstacle that’s been holding you back.

Grow Your Tree Vision With the Goddess Audio Recording
Travel deep into a wondrous imaginal realm as you enter a tree the tree, descend into the Earth, and bring back from your vision new or stronger animal connections, an experience of healing, or a place of creative inspiration that you can return to again and again.

Soul Healing With the Mirror of Your Radiant Light Audio Recording
Find yourself in a magic mirror like that of the Japanese sun goddess who retreated to a cave in pain and came out radiating her fullest glory. In this deeply cleansing soul healing, you’ll bring light to a wounded aspect of yourself and celebrate as you recover your radiance.

Active Dreaming Toolkit
A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

As an Active Dreamer, your repertoire will be enriched by these three tools for deepening your experience. Selected from Robert’s previous courses with The Shift Network, your toolkit includes:

Drumming Track for Shamanic Dreamers Audio Recording
This 12-minute drumming track was created for you by Robert to complement your Active Dreaming practice.

The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories Audio Recording and Transcript
The Lightning Dreamwork Game, invented by Robert, is a fast, FUN way to share dreams and life stories, receive helpful feedback, and encourage each other to move toward creative and healing action.

Creative Journaling Audio Recording and Transcript
In this powerful recording, Robert offers you many fun games to play with in your journal, from formulating your daily one-liner... to reading signs and symbols from the world around you... to turning reports into poems, stories, and scripts.

Celtic Shamanism: An Awakening Landscape
Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Jane Burns

The ancient Celts understood that the Land was a living being, a Goddess, from which everything else sprang. The Land was a memory, an archive, a consciousness, and a conscience. If we are to heal what is amiss in our present world, we must recapture the reverence of the world of the past, and reconnect with our ancestral lands. Listen as Jane Burns and Sandra Ingerman discuss the crucial ancient practice of connecting with the Land.

Sandra Ingerman, MA, is an award-winning author of 11 books, the presenter of several audio programs produced by Sounds True, and the creator of the Transmutation App. A world-renowned teacher of shamanism, Sandra has been guiding and instructing for more than 30 years.

Jane Burns is a writer and teacher of Celtic shamanism and spirituality. Her introduction to the shamanic path coincided with a diagnosis of cancer in 1996. She teaches a variety of courses on Celtic shamanism, myth, and the Bardic tradition, and is writing a novel titled The Hungry Sea.

The Quest for the Beloved
Audio Teaching From Robert Moss

You’ve felt it pulsing inside you: the yearning to be with the Beloved of your soul. In this audio, Robert tells stories from mythology, legend, and contemporary life about how dreams have guided the journey to the Beloved of the soul. The quest may take us, in this world, to seek the Mr. or Ms. Right who can satisfy us sexually, emotionally, spiritually. The trials on that road will involve recognizing and discarding our projections and the old histories that bind us.

You’ll find yourself deep in mythic adventures as Robert takes you with his amazing power of storytelling into the trials of Psyche and the dreams of a Celtic king. You’ll learn, in arousing and also highly practical ways, that your dreams can give you road maps to your meeting with Mr. or Ms. Right. You’ll also be invited to make a journey of ascension from the heart center powered by shamanic drumming to meet the Beloved of your own soul on the highest level accessible to you right now.

What Graduates of Robert’s Courses Are Saying...

“... this course was especially helpful in dealing with my depression and anxiety.”

My participation in this course was especially helpful in dealing with my depression and anxiety. Although those emotional issues made it difficult for me to keep up with the live sessions, I love that I can return to each lesson as needed to continue healthy growth.

“... a fuller life in the here and now.”

My dream life has grown by leaps and bounds in fact, I didn’t realize I had a dream life until I took this course. Robert is an expert tour guide who knows how to guide the dreamer into the dream world and teach the student how to experience every part of it fully. As you travel throughout the dream experience, you remember and recover long-forgotten parts of yourself necessary to live a fuller life in the here and now.
Erika, Atlanta, Georgia

“... took me on healing journeys I never expected.”

Robert has an uncanny ability to open doors into the dreaming mind that I have not experienced before. The guided meditations took me on healing journeys I never expected.
Helen, Blue Mountains, Australia

“I received so much healing and my life is definitely more joyful.”

Robert’s teachings have been invaluable to me. I received so much healing and my life is definitely more joyful. Thank you, Robert!
Leslie, Canada

“... several deep clarity visions totally impacted my life and business toward more joy and confidence.”

I had several deep clarity visions that totally impacted my life and business toward more joy and confidence. Fun and transformative dream journeys!
Jean Berry, Austin, Texas

“I have renewed purpose and a vigorous re-engagement with life and the world.”

This course is amazing! It has completely blown away my conception of what is possible. I have already experienced profound healing, within myself and in relation to others in my life. And I understand that, with practice, even more is available to me. I am tremendously excited to deepen my personal and spiritual knowledge by using what I’ve learned during this course. I feel that Active Dreaming is a necessity for anyone who wants to actively participate in Life. Thanks to this course, I have renewed purpose and a vigorous re-engagement with life and the world.
Eric Hudson, Point Reyes, California

“I felt stronger, more expanded, and knew for sure I was on the right path for myself.”

This was my very first online course and I had reservations. My dreams went through radical changes! I quickly learned about the many levels of dreaming and my own dreams reflected these levels. At the end of the course I felt stronger, more expanded, and knew for sure I was on the right path for myself. Taking this course was the very best choice I ever made for myself! And the gifts keep on coming. The Shift Network made it easy and Robert Moss is a master one can trust!
Iao Fairoh, Kapaa, Hawaii

“‘... tools to frame and understand my dreams and go back into a dream for clarification.”

I had doubts about my ability to dream. This course made it clear to me that I can indeed dream. Not only can I dream, I was given the tools to frame and understand my dreams and how to go back into a dream for clarification. Learning how to share our dreams with others was another essential element for me as well. Definitely, my life has shifted and expanded because of this course.

“I received so many confirmations of what was going on in my dreamlife...”

The course was incredible. Robert is a true expert and a qualified and supportive teacher. Throughout the course I received so many confirmations of what was going on in my dreamlife and learned new and exciting ways to work with my dreams and journeys. I am immensely grateful.
Severina, Slovenia

“I have had a permanent vibrational shift...”

I have had a permanent vibrational shift and have a heart so full of love it can barely be expressed in words.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Robert Moss

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to rise from the darkness of life’s uncertainties through dream journeying.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Shamanic Dreaming Bonus Collection
  • Collection of Robert Moss Journeys
    Set of 3 Audio Recordings From Robert Moss
  • Active Dreaming Toolkit
    A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss
  • Celtic Shamanism: An Awakening Landscape
    Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Jane Burns
  • The Quest for the Beloved
    Audio Teaching From Robert Moss

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth for Courage, Clarity & True Fulfillment Virtual Training

We feel honored that Robert Moss has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a bestselling author and dream shaman whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about rising from the darkness of life’s uncertainties through shamanic dream journeys with mythical goddesses, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth for Courage, Clarity & True Fulfillment with Robert Moss or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team on or before April 23, 2020 and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Robert Moss...

“Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul...”

Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Retrieval

“Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides...”

Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The Power of Premonitions

“Deeply healing and useful!”

Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Four-Fold Way

“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds...”

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier

“Transcends disciplines...”

Transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them

“Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul...”

Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Retrieval

“Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides...”

Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The Power of Premonitions

“Deeply healing and useful!”

Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Four-Fold Way

“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds...”

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier

“Transcends disciplines...”

Transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them

About Robert Moss

Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he’s a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar.

His more than a dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination include Conscious Dreaming... The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead... Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death... Dreaming the Soul Back Home... Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life... and his spiritual memoir, The Boy Who Died and Came Back. His amazing new book is Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler’s Tales from the Imaginal Realm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth for Courage, Clarity & True Fulfillment
Robert Moss