With Certified Interface Therapist, Author &
Holistic Healer for Animals and People
Tammy Billups
New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
7-Module On-Demand Video Training

What if animals and their humans aren’t just companions, but sacred partners in an emotional healing journey?

Discover the collaborative healing blueprint at the heart of each animal-human relationship and explore weekly practices to illuminate and transcend emotional wound patterns and distorted beliefs to activate higher levels of wellbeing, love, and peace for both of you.

You’ve always felt an undeniable bond with your animal friend. But did you know they’re actually your spiritual guru, here to help you heal and grow in ways you never imagined?

That’s because they’re on a soul mission with you, according to Tammy Billups, certified interface therapist and intuitive healer for animals and people.

Animals are wise souls, wired to be extraordinary healing partners. Your furry friend’s connection to you runs deeper than unconditional love it’s part of a sacred soul contract crafted to support healing and evolution for you both.

Join Tammy for an extraordinary 7-week course to explore the profound psychic bond and emotional wound soul contract between humans and animals.

Whether you’re deepening your relationship with your own animal companion or integrating this wisdom into your work as a practitioner, you’ll gain powerful insights and tools to foster mutual healing and spiritual growth.

Throughout this course, Tammy will help you heal and dismantle the protective emotional wound patterns that you and your animal kin created early in your lives to get your needs met.

As you mature, those patterns are no longer effective or needed. They keep you and your animal from revealing your truest, vibrant, healthy selves.

As Tammy will explain, these protective patterns are often what’s lurking behind undesirable experiences, negative behaviors, and health issues.

Shedding light on emotional wound patterns and disentangling them allows you, your animals, and your clients, if you’re a practitioner, to embrace the wellbeing, safety, and peace that all beings deserve.

At a soul level, animals and people are wired to keep healing, growing, and evolving. Due to past abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences, people will often partner with animals to heal their emotional wounds together.

You’ll learn how animals have been collaborating with humanity and lessening their pain since the dawn of time.

Tammy is an international authority and spiritual guide on the extraordinary animal-human sacred soul partnership. She’s a celebrated international holistic practitioner and author of three award-winning books (and a fourth coming out this year!) about the animal-human healing relationship.

With her decades of research and experience, Tammy is a true pioneer in her field.

What People Are Saying About Tammy Billups…

Donna Sabino: “Tammy’s Work Helped Me Release Core Wounds That Were Prohibiting Me From Living Authentically”

Cheri Hayashi: “Tammy Is Such a Gracious, Kind-Hearted Teacher”

Are you ready to take your animal relationships to a higher state of consciousness? Don’t miss this chance to learn how your animal friends can show you how to dismantle your emotional wound patterns and lift you into a higher frequency than ever before.

In this live online video course, you’ll explore:

  • Weekly meditations and practices to address specific emotional reactions, fostering deep healing for you and your animal friends
  • Many levels of the animal-human healing partnership
  • The deeper soul messages your animals are relaying to you through their issues and behaviors
  • The practice of soul mirroring to heal the emotional wound patterns you share with your animal companions
  • Patterns of protection that have prohibited your ability (and that of your animal) to embrace wellness, safety, and harmony within
  • Releasing resistance to knowing and experiencing your divine essence (your truest self) through the eyes of your animal companion
  • How and why emotional wound patterns are created so you can develop more compassion and love for yourself and your animal companion
  • The origins of the emotional wound patterns, to shed light and bring healing where you and your animal companion need it most
  • How to gently release repressed emotions (grief, anger, shame, emotional pain, and more) through Tammy’s proprietary 4-step Emotional Release Technique, WISH
  • A quantum shift in perspective so your animal relationships can deepen and harmonize
  • Highly effective, leading-edge tools and guidance for emotional healing to support lasting wellbeing for you and your animal companions plus practical applications for animal practitioners
  • Releasing guilt and regret regarding decisions you’ve made on behalf of an animal that have been weighing you down
  • A healing mantra in each module to help you further embrace each week’s sacred teachings
  • Andmuch more...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Tammy will guide you to explore the psychic connection and emotional healing process for you and your animal companions.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Tammy and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Tammy’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Tammy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones as you explore weekly exercises and wisdom teachings to illuminate and transcend the emotional wound patterns operating at the center of your animal-human soul collaboration.

Module 1: Apr 9, 2025

Module 1: Discern Your Emotional Wounds & Patterns of Protection So You Can Observe How They're Showing Up in Your Animals (April 9)

Are you ready to courageously dive into the heart of the animal-human emotional healing relationship?

Learn about the collaborative soul plan you created with your animal, so you can walk beside each other on the path to wholeness.

Tammy will reveal why humans and animals repress emotions, how distorted beliefs and deeply rooted fears are formed, and how they create chaos in our psyches over time.

She’ll equip you with tools for your journey through this course, empowering you to take the next step forward on the emotional healing path with your animal kin.

End with a healing mantra to further embrace this week’s sacred teachings.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The hidden impact of shamed, buried, and unprocessed emotions and how (and when) they resurface
  • How to bravely release resistance and step into doing your inner work with greater ease and trust so you can, like an oyster, create a pearl from the irritants that show up in your life
  • The trauma responses within animals and humans and why animals partner with humans to heal their emotional wounds
  • The history of the 5 emotional wound patterns and their groundbreaking ability to incite deep healing
  • A guided exercise to deactivate an emotional wound reaction in the heat of the moment
  • A meditation featuring affirmations to reclaim your authentic power and strengthen your emotional foundation
Module 2: Apr 16, 2025

Module 2: "The Scared One" Emotional Wound Pattern Transcend Your Feelings of Terror to Feel Safer in Your Body (April 16)

An animal and person can share the unhealed emotional wound of terror. These fear-filled and very intuitive souls are typically easy to spot!

Animals and people who have experienced terror are often riddled with anxiety and want to hide and not be seen. Think of an animal that trembles with fear and doesn’t want to be touched.

Often, people or animals with this emotional wound pattern develop autoimmune disorders, anxiety, and mystery illnesses that leave doctors scratching their heads.

Learn about the origins of this wound and be guided to identify, understand, and help heal this wound within you both.

Tammy will conclude with a powerful healing mantra to deepen your connection with this week’s sacred teachings.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the foundations of the unhealed emotional wound of terror for people and animals, and how to spot and shift out of the usual reaction of running away and detaching from others
  • Be guided to feel safer in your body and allow healing to unfold for both you and your animal companion
  • Meet and garner wisdom and inspiration from Tammy’s client Donna and her horse, Rylee, learning from their extraordinary soul-healing journey
  • Discover the beauty and gifts this pattern can hold and the positive qualities it contributes to the collective consciousness
  • Receive guidance for approaching animals and people who are using this pattern of protection
  • Experience meditative practices that are key to healing terror-based wounds, a grounding exercise, and an exercise to strengthen your energetic boundaries
Module 3: Apr 23, 2025

Module 3: "The Needy One" Emotional Wound Pattern Transform Your Fear of Abandonment to Cultivate Confidence & Healthy Connections (April 23)

The unhealed emotional wound of abandonment perhaps the most common of all the core wounds manifests in the lives and bodies of people and their animals.

The animals and people who’ve experienced abandonment can be insatiable with their needs and may experience difficulty with self-reliance or they become caretakers and nurturers.

They often have oral fixations and addictions, such as a human overeating or a dog that over-licks or carries a toy everywhere. Codependency and separation anxiety are also rooted in unhealed abandonment wounds.

Learn about the origins of this wound that most everyone has experienced, and be guided to identify, understand, and help heal this wound within yourself and your animal.

Tammy will close with an affirming mantra to support and integrate the healing wisdom you’ve explored.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how this protective pattern manifests in both people and animals so you can recognize it and shift from caretaking or clinging to others into a more balanced, empowered connection
  • Receive guidance to self-nurture and self-fulfill and allow healing to unfold, for you both
  • Meet and absorb wisdom and inspiration from Tammy’s client Jody and her dog, Jet, to learn from their healing journey
  • Discover the positives of “the needy one” emotional wound pattern
  • Learn how to approach and connect with animals and people who have this pattern of protection
  • Experience the perfect soul antidote for healing the abandonment wound at its core during a nurturing inner child meditation practice
Module 4: Apr 30, 2025

Module 4: "The Sensitive One" Emotional Wound Pattern Leave Behind Your Fear of Invasiveness So You Feel Safe Being Seen (April 30)

Tammy will explain the unhealed emotional wound of invasiveness and how it takes shape in people and animals.

These introverts are empaths, healers, and intuitives who’ve gone through much in their lives, yet somehow find the will and inner strength to keep moving forward.

They often become overwhelmed in crowds because of their porous boundaries, so they need safe retreat spaces.

Learn about the origins of this wound in animals and people, and be guided to identify, understand, and help heal this wound within you both.

Tammy will share a sacred affirmation to embody and reinforce this week’s teachings.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the intricacies of this protective pattern for both people and animals, and learn to recognize and break free from resistance and self-defeating habits
  • Receive guidance to express your truest self and discover the importance of self-kindness and self-love so healing can take place in your life and that of your animal
  • Connect with Tammy’s client Cathy and her cat, Storm, and gain wisdom and inspiration from their journey as they share their transformative soul-healing experience in connection with their mirroring invasiveness wound
  • Explore the gifts cultivated by those who embody this pattern and how their positive traits and qualities enrich the collective consciousness
  • Gain insights on how to effectively approach both animals and people who embody this protective pattern
  • Experience a meditative practice to help you express your heart more effectively you’ll open and activate your throat chakra
Module 5: May 7, 2025

Module 5: "The Protector" Emotional Wound Pattern Address Your Fear of Betrayal So You Can Feel at Peace With Yourself & Others (May 7)

The unhealed emotional wound of betrayal shows up in the bodies and lives of both humans and animals. These animals and people are the opposite of shy. You’ll hear them trying to right the wrongs of the world.

Animals and people who’ve experienced betrayal learned that with control comes power. They feel they must remain on high alert and be louder, stronger, and more powerful than others to survive.

Think of the reactive dogs barking at the fence, or people who always blame others for life’s negative events. As Tammy will explain, most trust issues are rooted in unhealed betrayal wounds.

Explore the roots of this wound and be guided to identify, understand,

and help heal this wound within you both.

Tammy will end with a transformative mantra to help you align with and embrace this week’s lessons.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the intricacies of this protector emotional wound pattern and learn how to move beyond the instinctive reaction of anger and blame
  • Receive guidance on how to channel your anger constructively, allowing you to release emotional pain from past betrayals and dismantle the armor around your heart
  • Learn from Caring for Creatures founder Mary Birkholz and R.C., the blind rescue cat she welcomed into her animal sanctuary and how they navigated R.C.’s betrayal wound on a profound soul level
  • Consider what the positive traits acquired from this protective pattern might bring out in you and your animal
  • Experience the perfect soul antidote as you begin to heal this wound at its core with a practice to productively release anger in healthy ways
Module 6: May 14, 2025

Module 6: "The Perfect One" Wound Pattern Heal the Connection to Your Authentic Self to Dissolve the Armor Around Your Heart & Access Your Divine Essence (May 14)

Animals and people who are prevented from connecting with their core essences exist in a unique prison known as “The Perfect One” wound pattern.

These confident, grounded extroverts appear to have perfect lives. Animals and people (over)trained to be “perfect” detach from their emotions and lean into their masculine sides.

They learned early that acting appropriately and looking flawless garnered admiration, respect, and power, and they became overachievers and winners of many ribbons.

However, as they age, they begin to realize something is missing. Learn about the origins of this protective pattern including why some say it’s better to keep it rather than release it.

Tammy will share a guided affirmation to anchor and amplify the healing energy of the week.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the dynamics of “The Perfect One” protective wound pattern (in both people and animals) to recognize and release rigidity, embrace your feelings, and reconnect with the core essence of your being
  • Gain insights on dissolving the armor around the heart, allowing the discovery of your own divinity and authentic self
  • Be inspired by Shayleigh and her horse, Kip, as they share their transformative soul-healing journey, breaking down emotional barriers to reveal their true selves
  • Uncover the beauty and strengths cultivated by those who rely on this pattern and how these qualities enrich the collective consciousness
  • Receive guidance on how to compassionately engage with animals and people who embody this protective pattern
  • Experience a guided heart activation and clearing to begin to heal this wound at its core
Module 7: May 21, 2025

Module 7: Move Beyond Guilt & Regret Regarding an Animal The WISH 4-Step Emotional Release Technique (May 21)

Animal lovers like you are likely to be empathetic and sensitive beings who suffer at the thought of others suffering especially when it’s a beloved animal companion.

When your animals are hurting, you might feel you’ve failed them and blame yourself, even when you had good intentions.

Tammy will help you bring ease to your heart and mind so you can be free of the guilt that has haunted you for too long.

Learn Tammy’s proprietary 4-step emotional release technique, WISH, as a tangible option to expose the emotional wound pattern that is most ready for healing and heal and discharge emotions that have been safeguarded for too long.

Tammy will end this week with a soul-nourishing mantra to enhance and internalize your new sacred insights.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn which emotional wound patterns make you more likely to harbor guilt and regret
  • Explore ways to shift out of guilt and self-blame regarding your animal and allow the virtues of compassion and kindness to soothe and comfort your soul in just the right places
  • Discover how Tammy’s client Lori and her horse, Vinnie, began to release lifelong patterns of guilt and how she received deeper clarity from Vinnie when making important decisions on his behalf
  • Experience a healing meditation to release guilt, embrace compassion, and forgive yourself.
  • Understand how and when to use the WISH emotional release technique as you are walked through a trial run of the steps

The The Emotional Wound Soul Contract Between Animals & Their People Bonus Offering

In addition to Tammy’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, March 15, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Sound Healing for Animals & Their People
Video Teaching With Sacred Sound Shaman Don Reed Simmons

Discover the world of sound therapy and how it can bring you closer to your animal companion. Don, animal-loving global pioneer in sound, shows you how to use sound to bring comfort and healing to you and your animal simultaneously. He helps you understand how to tune into your animal kin and use this ancient method of sound healing in a modern format to deepen your animal-human connection. He takes you and your animal through a meditation to activate a new level of shared consciousness and heightened awareness of the sacred soul connection you share with your animal kin.

Register by to claim this bonus before it expires.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, March 26, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Gratitude to Animals
A Video Meditation With Tammy Billups

Tammy created this beautiful 15-minute heart-centered guided meditation to honor and thank the animal kingdom for its sacred service to humanity. Animals have consistently shown up to serve humankind in profound ways that have aided in evolutionary journeys to hold more light and feel more love. They are divine messengers and teachers, bringing us joy and consoling us at just the right times.

Register by to claim this bonus before it expires.

Characteristics, Challenges & Guidance for the Emotional Wound Patterns
5 Digital Charts Featuring Research From Tammy Billups

Tammy shares her proprietary findings from two decades of research on the emotional wound patterns navigating within animals and their people. Receive one chart per week specific to each emotional wound pattern (Modules 2-6). Each chart has guidance for both the animal and human and includes action steps to activate an environment of inner and outer wellness for both the person and the animal.

Cultivating Emotional Wellness
Book Excerpt from Tammy Billups

Be among the first to read an excerpt of Tammy’s newest book coming in September, 2025, Your Animal, Your Soul Mirror: Healing the Emotional Wounds of Animals and Their People. In this excerpt, Tammy reflects on how activating your soul-healing partnership and creating new conscious habits will soften the effects of the emotional wound patterns and help you ease stress in both of your lives. Your animals will feel the new vibes you are emanating from your commitment to engage in new healing practices and rituals. Receive this bonus at the end of the final module to help you reflect on all you’ve learned.

What People Are Saying About Tammy Billups…

Barb Techel: “Tammy Is a Gentle Master of Holding Sacred Space”

Elizabeth Anne Johnson: “My Animals Shifted, I Shifted, and My Menagerie Was Suddenly Happy and Peaceful”

Christine Noble Seller: “If you take Tammy’s Course, You Will Be Transformed”

“Tammy is a true lightworker and wayshower...”

My heart overflows with gratitude when I think about Tammy Billups and the positive difference her work has brought to the lives of not only the animals under my care, but also to myself. After reading her books, I quickly signed up for her classes and tandem healing sessions. The grace of Tammy is in how she guides us through the sacred soul bond we share with our animals. She effortlessly creates a safe environment so we can dive into the process of liberating and healing what has been under lock and key deep in our unconscious, longing to be free again. Then we can dare to be who we truly are and reveal our true essence to radiate what our animals have always known about us, our divinity. Because now is the time for animals and humanity to join forces to heal together so we can, in turn, heal our planet and all of its inhabitants. Tammy is a true lightworker and wayshower, guiding us down the evolutionary path to embrace a higher level of consciousness.

Stephanie E.


“[Tammy’s] work is transformative and brave...”

Reading a book or taking a class by Tammy Billups is like setting out on a starlit journey to discover yourself and your relationship with the universe. Tammy is an extraordinary writer, teacher, and healer. Her words flow from her heart with an energy that expands the hearts of readers and students, allowing the powerful wisdom she shares to transform old wounds into spaces of healing. She empowers others to shine and discover their unique paths to sharing their own healing gifts with the world. Tammy radiates loving purpose and commitment. Her profound insights and compassion guided me to face, and ultimately embrace, my fears. This journey deepened my understanding and love, empowering me to offer more of myself to my beloved dog Monty — beautifully featured in Tammy’s book Animal Wayshowers — and to the world. The loving purpose that I bring to my own heart’s work is in no small part due to her. Her work is transformative and brave, and I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Andrea Montgomery

Founder of Montheart Animal Communication, Washington

“You will find fulfilling inspiration in [Tammy’s] valuable work.”

The journey we take with our animal friends when we recognize them as spiritual beings like us, and are open to communicating with them, is remarkable. Tammy takes a vital approach to assisting people on their path of discovery as they face the shadows of their psyche. She offers detailed practices to guide and nurture people through exploring classic emotional patterns and our animal friends’ role in healing them. You will find fulfilling inspiration in her valuable work.

Penelope Smith

Animal communicator and author of Animal Talk, When Animals Speak, and Animals in Spirit 


Join the Global Community

The Emotional Wound Soul Contract Between Animals & Their People offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Tammy Billups will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Tammy Billups

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from certified interface therapist and author Tammy Billups, holistic healer for animals and people from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to activate and integrate higher levels of wellness, love, and peace for both you and your animal companions. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Seven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are not recorded for playback; if you’re unable to attend the live sessions, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Emotional Wound Soul Contract Between Animals & Their People

We feel honored that Tammy Billups has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a certified interface therapist, author, and holistic healer for animals and people whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Join Tammy and learn how animals are wise souls, wired to be extraordinary healing partners for you you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Emotional Wound Soul Contract Between Animals & Their People or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before April 23, 2025 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Tammy Billups

“Tammy has helped us to embrace purpose and to have gratitude...”

My dog and I began our healing journey with Tammy three years ago. I had been diagnosed with terminal metastatic ovarian cancer with little hope of survival. As Boo, our border collie, and I began our work with Tammy, amazing revelations occurred — and not only on a spiritual level. I have astounded pretty much everyone around me, including my medical doctors by still being here. Through Tammy, we learned it isn’t all about “right here, right now.” Getting well, and ultimately living well, includes rummaging around “back there.” You will dig up old finds in sad, dark, musty rooms that hold stowed away boxes of hidden emotional pain, grief, anger, resentments, open wounds and dusty old patterns. In doing this, you will open, understand, heal and release them. Tammy has helped us to embrace purpose and to have gratitude for the teachings of cancer. The seeds she planted in us are ripening with glorious fruit of new understanding of a whole new tree of life. In addition, we attended her Healing Emotional Wounds course and continue to refer to our notes — there are always new finds as we grow. We have a monthly tandem healing session, and our copies of Tammy’s books are loaded with dog-eared pages and always circulating, finding the way to those that need them and then back again. It is because of her teachings and healing we know we have all the days we will need still before us to be greatly lived. We are so very grateful for her.

Luann Madison

Merritt Island, Florida

“[Tammy’s] sacred work brings about a shift in every soul that meets her.”

My higher self guided me to Tammy Billups at just the right time. I was searching on the web for content about animals and healing and happened to discover her second book, Animal Soul Contracts. Our first encounter with Tammy occurred through an animal-human tandem healing session and was pure magic, full of love and tenderness. I believe our souls recalled that we had planned to connect. Tammy’s healing presence has felt like a love-filled hug for me and my beautiful dog, Nieve. Her smile, her words, and her voice calms anyone and brings peace to their soul. And of course, her mothering energy is a balm in every heart that knows her. The first time I read Tammy’s book, Animal Soul Contracts, I wondered why this information wasn’t available earlier! Her sacred work brings about a shift in every soul that meets her. The healing and transformative information that Tammy teaches during her courses about the soul-mirroring connection between animals and people is a must for every animal communicator and animal lover. In essence, her gifts will help you to heal, transform, and expedite the things you came to do in this life. I thank Source, the Universe, and my guides and angels who have led me to her work.

Brenda Ignorosa

Animal communicator, Mexico

“Tammy is a true healer, and has shown me a way out of that darkness...”

I first learned of Tammy’s work in the fall of 2020. Hearing Tammy teach in the first class I attended, Healing the Emotional Wounds of Animals & Their People, gave me a better understanding of why animals come into our lives. Listening as she shared her knowledge and people’s stories of healing was awe-inspiring and touched my heart deeply. While receiving animal-human tandem healing sessions that Tammy facilitated with myself and my cat, Storm, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions. Storm stayed close by me the entire time, supporting me... and we healed together. Past events that I had thought were insignificant turned out to be key reasons for my present-day emotional imbalances. Tammy is a true healer, and has shown me a way out of that darkness and provided me with tools to prevent it from returning. I will always be grateful for what she has done for both Storm and me.

Cathrine Srayko

Founder of True Soul Animal Communication, Canada


About Tammy Billups


Tammy Billups is a holistic practitioner for humans and animals, a certified Interface Therapist (Bioenergetics), healer to the healers, and an award-winning author of books that explore the multidimensional relationship we share with our animal companions.

Twenty-five years ago, she embarked on a deep inner healing journey after experiencing four losses within a few months’ time. Through this difficult period, she gained access to the spiritual “gifts” of seeing and sensing energy.

Since that epiphany, Tammy has established herself as a pioneer and global educator on the many levels of animal-human relationships and created several experiential masterclass courses for animal lovers. She’s the inventor of Tandem Healings, a groundbreaking modality that accelerates the healing of humans and the animals with whom they share a soul bond.

Tammy, whose fourth book is titled Your Animal Your Soul Mirror, has been featured on a plethora of podcasts, global summits, radio shows, and television.She’s facilitated thousands of sessions with both people and animals, and has donated more than 1,000 animal healing sessions to no-kill rescue organizations.

Tammy’s mission comes from her heart: to make the world a healthier, happier place for all beings to feel safe, loved, and free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we allocate a certain percentage of spaces for partial scholarships to support those who may not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply, please review our scholarship guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Please note: Scholarship applications must be submitted before the refund deadline, as we are unable to accept applications after that point.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! That’s why we offer a satisfaction guarantee, allowing you to sample the course risk-free.

If you’re within the refund period, the deadline to receive a full refund is April 23, 2025. To request a refund, please complete this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days, and you’ll receive an email confirming the refund.

We’d also love the opportunity to address and resolve your concerns directly. If there’s anything we can assist with, please get in touch with us at support@theshiftnetwork.com we’re here to help!

Please note: Refund requests are not accepted after the deadline or for courses purchased with scholarship awards.

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
The Emotional Wound Soul Contract Between Animals & Their People
Tammy Billups