Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest
Delve more deeply into your calling as a healer as you improve your medical intuition techniques.
Continue to explore medical intuition’s true Indigenous origins as you incorporate new tools from 5 distinct types of medical intuition — to support your clients’ healing and better understand your soul’s journey.

As a spiritual seeker who is called to cultivate your medical intuition skills, you’ve already begun the deep inner work to access your gifts with more confidence…
In your work with Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, you learned how to feel connected to — and empowered by — your intuitive gifts like never before as you explored the true Indigenous framework of your medical intuition.
Join Dr. Vest for an advanced 14-module course to expand your exploration of medical intuition as an Indigenous healing tradition. Dr. Vest will be your mentor as she shares advanced methods to grow your healing gifts — so you can add to the medical intuition toolkit you’ve created to support your clients’ healing and answer your soul’s calling.
You’ll find everything you’ll need to know about the practice of medical intuition in this comprehensive, detailed course. Dr. Vest will walk you through exploring which type of medical intuitive you are (or want to become), the best practices and ethical guidelines for working with clients, the most effective intuitive techniques, the nuts and bolts of making referrals and charging for services, and everything in between.
You’ll build on the scanning techniques you explored in the 7-module course, including advanced methods for easily moving between your different gifts during the scanning process.
Dr. Vest will also guide you to fully explore all 11 elements of the Vest Protocol™ for Medical Intuition, her multi-pronged approach to developing medical intuition.
You’ll learn about the five distinct types of medical intuition — intuitive clairvoyance, intuitive counseling, medical mediumship, medical mysticism, and medical shamanism — to determine which type of medical intuition is the best fit for your gifts and personality.
You’ll also add in other wisdom tools and practices, including aura techniques, accessing the Akashic Records, an energy library that holds the records of all souls, and many more…
As Dr. Vest guides you to refine your medical intuition skills, you’ll maintain your focus on community and responsibility — and implement her guidance for staying safe and well as you help others heal in this next stage of your own healing journey.
During this 14-module advanced course, you’ll:
- Use your clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient gifts at the same time to uncover the most information during your readings
- Practice emotional scanning and self-scanning techniques to receive the most accurate intuitive information
- Use trance techniques to detect, identify, and treat illness
- Visit the Akashic Records to learn more about your own soul path and discern the spiritual causes of your clients’ dis-ease
- Explore the safest methods for out-of-body medicine journeying
- Work with spirit animals, spirit guides, and spirit teachers to assess illness
- Become a Hollow Bone of Love so energy can move through you to most effectively facilitate healing
- Communicate with organs and body parts to determine the origins of illness
- Learn to provide the best referrals using claircognizant scanning
- Discover how to decide when to work with certain clients, and when you’re ready to charge for services
- Learn methods for working with challenging clients and protecting your own energy along the way
How This Advanced Course Will Take You Deeper
What You’ll Discover in These 14 Modules
In this 14-part transformational intensive, Dr. Vest will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully provide the most accurate readings with the advanced skills of scanning, trance, and the 11-step Vest Protocol.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dr. Vest. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to delve more deeply into your calling as a healer as you improve your medical intuition techniques.
Module 1: All Together Now — Use Your Clairvoyant, Clairsentient & Clairaudient Gifts Simultaneously to Receive the Most Information During Your Readings

As the course begins, you’ll learn a new, deeper version of the Vest Protocol that combines clairvoyant and clairsentient scanning so you can move between your gifts easily.
Dr. Vest will explain how to combine gifts while doing full-body scan, zoom-in scan, or system scan. You’ll learn how to tap into multiple sources of information at the same time.
Knowing how to move back and forth between gifts will enable you to receive a maximum amount of information. It will also allow you to always have a source for information, even when one of your clairs is not working.
This technique will also help you improve your weaker gifts by not becoming overly reliant on one specific gift.
In this opening session, you’ll explore how to:
- Move between different gifts during scanning
- Aura wrap safely, while also seeing and hearing
- Adapt on the spot when one of your clairs isn’t working
- Participate in a guided practice to ask for alternate clair clarification when you’re scanning
Module 2: Whose Feelings Are These? Emotional Scanning & Self-Scanning to Receive the Most Accurate Intuitive Information

Dr. Vest will take you on a deep dive into new ways of using the Vest Protocol to assess the causes of emotional and physical ailments.
You’ll learn how stuck emotions, unprocessed trauma, and relationship issues all manifest as illness in the body. She’ll explain how these emotions can manifest as mental illness, physical illness, or both.
You’ll also discuss the importance of emotional self-awareness and self-scanning when you’re developing your medical intuition.
Dr. Vest will explain you should always conduct emotional and physical self-inventories before working — and how and when to use clairvoyant, clairaudient, and claircognizant scans and organ telepathy on yourself.
You’ll learn the importance of setting aside your preconceptions and emotional attachments to certain explanations for yourself or your clients — so you can receive accurate intuitive information.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- How to create a color chart and use it for your emotional scans
- How to do a thorough and consistent emotional self-inventory
- How to trace an emotion to its source
- A guided practice to help you scan yourself for somatic ailments
- An exercise to help you to gain awareness of and disengage from expectations before scanning
Module 3: Understand the 5 Types of Medical Intuition to Determine Which Type of Medical Intuitive You Are (or Want to Become)

You’ll learn about the five distinct types of medical intuition: intuitive clairvoyance, intuitive counseling, medical mediumship, medical mysticism, and medical shamanism.
Dr. Vest will then guide you to review the strengths of medical mysticism and medical shamanism in Indigenous cultures.
Understanding these classifications will help you get clear on how medical intuition works in Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures to assess spiritual, emotional, and physical causes of illness. It will also help you get clarity on which type of medical intuitive you are or want to become.
In this session, you’ll:
- Gain clarity on how you want to work as a medical intuitive
- Learn how to combine your various gifts with medical intuition
- Conduct an in-class self-assessment to determine which type(s) of medical intuition you’re best suited for
- Understand the role of spirit doctors in assessing illness
- Learn the role of ancestors in assessing illness
- Explore how your training in healthcare and other healing modalities can grant you specific strengths and advantages
Module 4: Medical Shamanism — The Use of Trance in Indigenous Healing Traditions to Detect, Identify & Treat Illness

Dr. Vest will walk you through healing traditions from around the world in which illness is detected, identified, and treated using the power of trance.
You’ll discuss the use of trance in Sangoma (South Africa), Curanderismo (Mexico), Orisha (Caribbean), and Native American (U.S.) healing.
You’ll learn about how these traditions combine medical intuition with altered states of consciousness — and how trance work allows us access to other realms where we can obtain spiritual information related to illness.
Dr. Vest will share the role of music, vibrational technologies, and plant allies for entering into trance — and explain how to take your client into an altered state when needed.
You’ll learn about the role of out-of-body travel, and work with higher level spirit teachers and guides.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How to work with music and acoustic technologies to facilitate a trance state
- Learn about how plant allies can facilitate trance states
- The risks of out-of-body travel and how to keep yourself safe
- An experiential exercise to learn how to connect with your spirit doctors
Module 5: The Soul’s Journey & Illness — Visit the Akashic Records to Learn About Your Own Soul Path & Spiritual Causes of Clients’ Illness

Dr. Vest will explain the journey of the soul, soul contracts, life purpose, karma — and how they all manifest here on Earth.
You’ll learn about the Akashic Records and advanced methods for visiting them to obtain information about your own soul path, as well as to obtain insights into spiritual causes of illness for your clients.
And you’ll explore the unique Vest method for accessing the Akashic Records using meditation
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How to make the connection between life purpose and illness in the Akashic Records for your clients
- How to access information about karmic causes of illness in the Akashic Records
- How to access soul contracts and causes of illness in the Akashic Records
- How to access your own soul records during a guided exercise
Module 6: Out-of-Body Medicine Journeying — Work With Spirit Animals, Spirit Guides & Spirit Teachers to Assess Illness

Dr. Vest will share all about medicine journeying, a method of accessing information about illness by traveling to other realms, common to many Indigenous traditions of healing.
You’ll learn how out-of-body traveling can provide much-needed perspective. She will explain the types of information found in other realms — and how working with spirit animals, spirit guides, and spirit doctors can assist you in helping your clients heal.
You’ll also explore how to become aware of mischievous or uneducated spirits, and how to avoid being misled by them. You’ll gain clarity on who you’re working with and their role in your medical intuitive healing work.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The different ways to travel out of body to obtain wisdom
- The types of information found in other realms
- How to gain clarity on who is on your otherworld healing team
- An in-class exercise to travel to other realms to meet ancestors and guides
Module 7: Become a Hollow Bone of Love — Allowing Higher Powers to Move Through You So You Can Most Effectively Facilitate Healing

Dr. Vest will explain the importance of being a hollow bone when working as a healer.
This means you stay mentally, emotionally, and spiritually open as a pure channel — so you can get out of the way and allow the wisdom and healing power of the higher self, soul, ancestors, guides, and/or the Creator to move through you.
By adopting Lakota holy man Frank Fools Crow’s philosophy of the hollow bone, you’ll learn to control the ego — and recognize that healing isn't about you, your accomplishments, your failures, or your skills.
You’ll learn techniques and strategies for becoming a hollow bone — and for maintaining this approach to facilitate healing under all circumstances.
Dr. Vest will share stories from her own practice about the challenges of maintaining a hollow bone approach.
You’ll also explore the obstacles and temptations that often interfere with a healer’s ability to be a pure channel, and how to develop habits that keep you accountable to a community.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The importance of humility in healing
- The role that loving your clients plays in their success
- How to deal with negative feedback
- How to let go of the outcome
Module 8: The Usual Suspects — Claircognizant Scanning Through the Most Common Causes of Illness to Uplevel Your Medical Intuition Skills

Dr. Vest will discuss the Vest Protocol’s approach to using claircognizance for scanning common causes of illness, anatomy lists (to zoom in on a problem), lists of possible treatments, and how to get true/false confirmation for information received through other clairs during a scan.
Dr. Vest will share stories from her more than 15 years of experience working with hundreds of clients — and explain how she created her “usual suspect” claircognizant list.
She’ll also discuss the role of anatomy and pathology in medical intuition.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn about the types of information that are best for claircognizant scanning
- Receive some Vest Protocol claircognizant scan forms you can use in your practice
- Learn to accelerate your scanning with shortcuts based on basic anatomy and pathology
- Engage in a guided claircognizant braintrust group activity
Module 9: Medicine Journeying — Working With Soul Paths to Understand Your Own Life Purpose & Help Clients Heal

Dr. Vest will explain the journey of your soul — from pre-life planning and working with incarnation guides, to how we choose our life purpose and life lessons, and how illness plays a role in our soul path.
You’ll learn about the aspects of your current life that your soul has chosen prior to incarnating. And you’ll learn how and when sharing knowledge with sick clients in a loving way can help them heal.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn about the soul journey that each soul takes with incarnation
- Explore soul contracts, karma, and life lessons — and their relationship to illness
- Discover the connection between illness and the path of the healer in Indigenous cultures
- Engage in a guided journey to visit a pre-life conference where a soul’s lessons, contracts, and purpose are discussed
- Learn from an interview with a medical intuitive healer
Module 10: Working With Challenging Clients — Children, Resistant Clients & Those With Mental Illness

Dr. Vest will discuss how to deal with a wide variety of clients who are most likely to present challenges, including children, patients navigating mental illness, medical professionals, and clients who are resistant to healing.
You’ll learn what your role and responsibilities are when it comes to how your clients use the information you provide.
Dr. Vest will share some of the Indigenous spiritual cleansing techniques and safeguards she uses to avoid burnout and protect her energy and wellbeing when working with difficult clients.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How to choose language carefully to assist fragile clients
- Key phrases to employ when working with resistant clients
- Best practices when working with children
- Protocols and safeguards to put in place when working with clients
- How and when to safely work with clients struggling with mental illness
- Emotional inventory exercises to help you work with emotionally difficult clients (experiential)
Module 11: Best Practices for Suggesting Treatments & Referrals Using Claircognizant Scanning

Dr. Vest will discuss how to use intuition, spirit doctors, and claircognizant scanning to assist your clients in finding follow-up healthcare practitioners and treatment options.
You’ll learn how to prepare to make helpful referrals.
Dr. Vest will discuss the legal limitations of making treatment suggestions, and explore the importance of referring clients to a healthcare team of licensed professionals.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- How to intuitively scan using clairaudience for treatment options
- How to scan claircognizant lists for treatment options for yourself and others
- How to combine previous training in healthcare or healing with medical intuition
- Alternative and mainstream medicine modalities — and how knowledge of these can assist you in assisting your client
- Protocols for working with healthcare providers
- A guided exercise to intuitively receive a treatment for yourself
Module 12: Tuning In to Your Clients’ Readiness With the Vest Protocol

You’ll explore how to use the Vest Protocol technique of resonance to obtain information from what the client is not saying during their initial consultation.
Dr. Vest will explain how to intuitively tune in to your client throughout a session so you can assess their readiness to receive certain kinds of information.
She will discuss how customizing the session to the client is an important component in Indigenous healing practices.
In this session, you’ll:
- Receive a technique for tuning your clairaudient ears to pick up a second track of audio info that the client is not sharing (experiential)
- Discover how to move between scanning the client for health info and tuning in to them for receptivity
- Learn to tune out body language cues or combine the information you receive from Resonance and Clair scanning with body language
- Explore how patient medical history relates to medical intuition
- Engage in a guided resonance group demonstration exercise
Module 13: Understanding Indigenous vs. Mainstream Causes of Illness to Stay Open to Receiving Information About Causes You’ve Never Heard Of

You’ll discuss the main causes of illness as used in Indigenous traditions of healing vs. those used in allopathic medicine and other mainstream Western modalities.
You’ll learn how to consider a multitude of potential causes, and how to be open to receiving information about causes you’ve never heard of.
You will also explore how to work with clients from various cultural backgrounds and with different understandings of illness.
In this session, you’ll:
- Understand the role of spirit communication in illness
- Learn about the role of thoughtforms, curses, charms, and belief systems in illness
- Discover a list of common understandings about what causes illness in Indigenous traditions
- Learn about the difference between root causes, primary causes, secondary, and tertiary causes of symptoms
- Learn from an interview with a medical intuitive healer
- Perform a self-assessment during class to determine the causes for your current conditions, using Indigenous and non-Indigenous diagnostic criteria
Module 14: When to Use Each Step of the Vest Protocol to Share Your Gifts as an Ethical, Effective Healer

As the course comes to a close, you’ll synthesize everything you’ve learned.
You’ll discuss techniques used in different traditions and how to avoid burnout. Dr. Vest will share how to decide if and when to work with certain clients, and when you’re ready to charge for services.
She’ll explain the importance of checking in on a regular basis with your higher self and/or guides about your healing purpose — so you can regularly reassess the role you’re called to play as a medical intuitive.
In this final session, you’ll explore:
- How and when to use each step of the Vest Protocol
- Techniques for quickly switching from one clair to another in the midst of a scan
- An in-class exercise to practice making an assessment of how best to use medical intuition in accordance with your life purpose
- A guided exercise to combine the clairs in different clinical presentations
The Indigenous Medical Intuition Gifts Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Vest’s transformative 14-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Discount on Wildcrafted Mugwort

Enjoy a 10% discount when you purchase wildcrafted mugwort from Hush Harbor Rootworks. This mugwort, sustainably sourced by an Afro-Indigenous herbalist, assists with dreaming and visioning. You can burn it during the medicine journeys held in class, or save it for later. It is also thought to boost energy, calm nerves, and support digestion, among other benefits.
Introduction to the Akashic Records
A Digital Guide From Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Explore the foundations of the Akashic Records, an energetic library that exists in another dimension — the Otherworld, the spirit realm, or the causal plane. It’s a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future for all souls and all life forms. As Dr. Vest explains in this guide, it’s similar to a giant cloud or digital hard drive that stores data about all incarnations in energetic or cosmic records.
What Graduates of Dr. Jennifer LIsa Vest’s Courses Are Saying…

— Natalia Rose: “Dr. Vest Has Played a Pivotal Role in the Development of My Own Gifts”
— Patrick Winfield Vogel: “There Are Very Few People I’ve Met in This Life Who Hold Themselves to Such a High Standard of Integrity”
— Amelia Vigil: “I Was Able to Come Out of a Group Ceremony With Excellent Connections to My Guides and My Ancestors”
“Dr. Vest is an incredibly honorable, wise, and gifted teacher who adds an incredible amount of knowledge to the practice of medical intuition.”
Dr. Vest is an incredibly honorable, wise, and gifted teacher who adds an incredible amount of knowledge to the practice of medical intuition. The Vest Protocol techniques are valuable for expanding my current Medical Intuitive toolbox. I felt my connections increasing. The breakout experiences are fabulous to enhance learning. Through the course Facebook group, I have attended many other practices. It offers the opportunity, not only to practice, but to learn from fellow students through experience. The Facebook group is also great with all the shares from fellow students and Dr. Vest’s responses to questions and issues.
— Kelly, Canada
“I have been a physical therapist for 30 years, and have learned so much from this course that it has changed how I work.”
I have been a physical therapist for 30 years, and have learned so much from this course that it has changed how I work. I truly appreciated learning how to clear my work space and my physical and mental body, and how to call in the energy of the ancestors, Mother Earth, and spirit guides to help educate patients. I also learned the importance of clearing the energy of others after they have left, and to let patients go. That is only the tip of what I have learned from this course.
— Ann, Lyons, Colorado
“Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is amazing, and is the most compassionate, humble, ethical, and excellent teacher that I have had the privilege to learn from.”
Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is amazing, and is the most compassionate, humble, ethical, and excellent teacher that I have had the privilege to learn from. I am looking forward to working with Dr. Vest again as soon as possible! I have also had flashes of intuition return, which I have not had since I was a child. I am looking forward to developing my intuition more. Dr. Vest excels at connecting you with your true self.
— Linda, Lakewood, Colorado
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Fourteen 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to answer your calling as a healer as you learn highly effective medical intuition techniques.

Fourteen Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Indigenous Medical Intuition Gifts Bonus Offering
- Discount on Wildcrafted Mugwort
- Introduction to the Akashic Records
A Digital Guide From Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Deepen & Refine Your Indigenous Medical Intuition Gifts
We feel honored that Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, healer, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about incorporating new tools from five distinct types of medical intuition to support your clients’ healing and better understand your soul’s journey., then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Note:If you have NOT experienced Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest's 7-module Indigenous Medical Intuition training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Deepen & Refine Your Indigenous Medical Intuition Gifts — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before July 3, 2023 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest…

“Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is a unique and gifted medical intuitive who has a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection.”
Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is a unique and gifted medical intuitive who has a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection. She brought to my awareness past and present factors that have contributed to my state of health. She proved to be amazingly accurate. I feel that I can move forward with my life in a healthier, more balanced way. I recommend Jennifer Lisa’s unique intuitive work to anybody who seeks clarity, awareness, and empowerment concerning their overall general health: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Her gift as a medical intuitive will well exceed your expectations.
— Denise Carroll, Marina Del Rey, California
“Jennifer Lisa had information for me that changed my life.”
Jennifer Lisa had information for me that changed my life. She knew facts she could not have known and I am forever changed.
— Lawrence Dillard, Beverly Hills, California
“[Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest] is truly gifted and I continue to see her for guidance with my life.”
The first time I met Dr. Vest, I received a fractal healing treatment and she gave me accurate and unexpected information regarding my childhood without me speaking to her at all. The second time I went to see her for a reading, she was so accurate it was creepy. The information provided through her no one else could have known. She is truly gifted and I continue to see her for guidance with my life. She is very helpful and a loving healer.
— Kris Ladanyi, Los Angeles, California
“Jennifer Vest is my favorite healer.”
Jennifer Vest is my favorite healer. She is always right on target. She has an infinite connection with the Divine, and I know that what she says she could only know because of that. She never leaves you feeling hopeless, but always infuses love and healing through her work and touch. We always say we would rather go to her for healing work than get a massage! Her touch as she is healing feels angelic and relaxes you in a way that nothing else really does. She is a true healer and intuitive. My husband and I saw her a few times as we were faced with different crossroads in our life, and she was extremely instrumental at really critical times. We would not be where we are today without her! She deeply cares for all of her clients and that is evident in the work she does. Jennifer is definitely a true godsend to my husband and me!
— Danielle Boyle, Beverly Hills, California
“[Dr.Vest] has helped me to find peace and direction in an otherwise scary and helpless situation.”
I am so grateful that I found Jennifer Vest. We have been doing Skype sessions because I don’t live in her area. I immediately felt comfortable on our first session. Jennifer has a warm and light air about her. I have been struggling with late-stage ovarian cancer and have been quite fearful. Jennifer has given me insight as to why I am going through this based on my past-life experience and is helping me find the best course for healing. I am totally convinced that she is truly gifted. She literally has been a godsend to me. She has helped me to find peace and direction in an otherwise scary and helpless situation. Thank you, Dr. Vest, for using your gifts to aid humanity. You are a gem.
— Collette A., Kapaa, Hawaii
“Dr. Jennifer Lisa is an amazing healer!”
Dr. Jennifer Lisa is an amazing healer! After having my first incredibly transformative session with her, I made appointments for her to see my husband and children. She has been a magnificent healing force in each of our lives, which has strengthened our entire family system. I am deeply grateful for her intuitive gifts and abilities, and the insights and revelations that continue to create positive change for us all!
— Monica Oliver McCurdy, Long Beach, California
About Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is an Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, Akashic records reader, mystic, ceremonialist, and healer. She is a teacher of medical intuition, mysticism, mediumship, psychic development, and spiritual healing — and the author of The Ethical Psychic.
A former philosophy professor with extensive teaching experience, she helps clients connect to higher realms and develop their intuitive gifts. She is traditionally trained in Native American sweat lodge ceremonies, African American Hoodoo, Caribbean spiritual healing, and Spiritualism.
She is the founder of the online school Metatron’s Academy, where she teaches medical intuition and other supersensory courses. She also hosts the podcast, Journal of a Medical Intuitive.
Dr. Vest holds a PhD in Indigenous Philosophy from UC Berkeley, an MA in history from Howard University, and a BA in Physics from Hampshire College.
Frequently Asked Questions
Note:If you have NOT experienced Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest's 7-module Indigenous Medical Intuition training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
Note:If you have NOT experienced Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest's 7-module Indigenous Medical Intuition training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.