With Systemic Executive Coach & Systemic Work and Constellations Trainer
Judy Wilkins-Smith

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Release and redesign old emotional patterns with constellation work to deconstruct your family system and relationships positively changing those imprints for generations to come.

Physical traits and predispositions have been passed down through the generations of your family through physical DNA.

Did you know that you’ve also inherited something you can think of as emotional DNA, too?

There is now an established epigenetic mechanism for how this happens, whereby emotional life experiences get encoded in our genes to be turned on or off by future generations.  

Add to this the presence of subtle energies that also get passed along, and it’s clear that we all have a lot of ancestral imprints to clear or embrace.

In simple terms, certain events were so significant in your ancestors’ lives that they now impact your mental health, the code of ethics you live by, your sense of purpose, your relationship to money, and how you relate to success, failure, and all the people in your life.

Sometimes we express our  ancestors’ limitations as though they were OUR limitations. But this doesn’t have to be the end of the story. Systemic work and constellations will empower you to choose and manifest your own destiny.

While these forces are quite influential (and often unseen or unnoticed), you have the power to get to the origins of these imprints, understand how they affect your life, and discover the hidden wisdom and gifts they bring with them.

Judy Wilkins-Smith, a highly regarded individual, family, and organizational patterns expert, systemic coach, facilitator, and founder of System Dynamics for Individuals & Organizations, teaches that the key to exploring and transforming these inherited patterns lies in understanding two powerful elements: systems and constellations, as they relate to you.

Judy’s unique approach to ancestral healing combines systemic work and constellations…

Systemic work is the study of yourself within a system, in this case your family system and its various rules and components. Once you understand how the system operates (and has often been operating for centuries, with a rotating cast of characters!), you can transform how you relate within it and empower yourself to make more conscious and liberating choices.

Constellations are a breakthrough approach using a spatial setup of family members within a system, or other members within other systems, and their relationship to one another. It’s a 3-dimensional approach that engages multiple senses, facilitates deep insights and the decoding of your emotional DNA enabling the unconscious experience to become conscious, and the invisible to become visible.

Together, they surface multigenerational patterns and unconscious loyalties that tend to result in limiting behavior. And they do it in an experiential way that leads to deeper shifts than just cognitive understanding.

As you move into experiential transformation of inherited patterns, you can cultivate new, healthier patterns for yourself and future generations.

Join us for an empowering 7-module course where Judy will share powerful wisdom, practices, and guided exercises to help you decipher the living patterns of the ancestral DNA within you so you can use those limitations and gifts as a launching pad for the transformation needed to lead a remarkable life.

Judy will guide you to delve deep into your family system so you can see your potential for evolution as you quickly shift ancestral patterns.

As you become empowered to transform your relationship to systems and gain control over your present-day choices and actions, you’ll catalyze change in your own life and the lives of future generations and open infinite possibilities, profound liberation, and joy along the way. 

What Are Ancestral Patterns?

What Is Systemic Work?

What Is Emotional DNA?

In this inspiring 7-module course, you’ll explore:

  • How to choose your destiny, instead of automatically falling in line with the systems you’re a part of
  • The many systems you’re a part of, each with their own unique language and rules including the broader field system we’re all a part of, called the knowing field
  • How to acknowledge and honor your lineage and inheritance, using old emotional DNA patterns to evolve and create an enormously rich and satisfying life positively changing those imprints for generations to come
  • How you inherit issues via epigenetics and how to mindfully choose which issues to keep, build on, lay to rest, or change
  • The physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that emerge to call attention to dynamics and patterns that are causing dysfunction, failure, or a standstill in the system and in your life
  • How limiting emotions are inviting you to complete a pattern revealing your heart’s desires in the new pattern that’s trying to begin
  • Exercises to identify the systemic rule(s) that are asking to change
  • Systemic language that’s been passed down through the generations so you can shift the limiting systemic language, creating powerful resolutions for wellbeing in your life
  • How the choices you make in your everyday life are shaping your system anew during this era of great change and how these choices will determine your success or failure as the world moves forward
  • Exercises to reframe and transform blocks, rewire ancestral patterns, and find sovereignty and freedom to create a remarkable life for yourself and future generations
  • How to shift limiting money-related patterns in ways that will allow your finances to flourish

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Judy will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to transform your lineage and inheritance, shifting old emotional DNA patterns to evolve and create an enormously rich and satisfying life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Judy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform your lineage and create a deeply fulfilling life.

Module 1: Our Ancestors Speak Through Us

As this powerful journey opens, Judy will introduce or reintroduce you to emotional DNA, systemic work, and constellations as a practical, yet profound source of inner wisdom, transformation, and outer action and results.

She’ll explain emotional DNA as your inherited pattern of thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, and unique language garnered from your family line.

You’ll discover how systemic work and constellations reveal multigenerational patterns and unconscious loyalties that create repetitive and sometimes limiting patterns.

Judy will guide you through experiential exercises to show you how you can shift those patterns, profoundly transforming your life for the better.

You’ll learn how you’re part of many systems, each with their own unique language and rules and how we all belong to a broader field called the knowing field.

You’ll also learn how to dimensionalize your family system creating a 3D model of your issues and your system, enabling you to use multiple senses to gain embodied insights into limitations and possibilities. You’ll freshly interpret and make meaning of relationships and events.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • A guided exercise to energetically and physically get in touch with the knowing field of energy and information
  • How family systems work, the language of systems, and how to use them wisely
  • Exercises to identify the systems you belong to family, organizational, work, religion, and more and which parts of them are keeping you stuck
  • The 3 principles of systems belonging, order, and balance
  • The true power of constellations and how to physically “dimensionalize” your inner issues creating a 3D model of your issues and your system

Module 2: Exclusions, Emotional DNA & the 3 Principles of Belonging, Order & Balance

Judy will explain who belongs in your family, why it’s important to include all members, and what happens when there are exclusions.

You’ll discover how emotional DNA originates in systems especially family systems from reactions to and decisions made about events.

This recorded library of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is passed down epigenetically through generations and becomes law, or the truth in your system. Then your past becomes your present and, of course, your inevitable future...

As Judy will explain, you also create emotional DNA, adding your own issues to the system’s inheritance.

You’ll explore how you inherit issues via epigenetics and neuroscience, and focus on how to become aware of what lives in your system and learn to mindfully choose what you keep, build on, lay to rest, or change.

You’ll take a deep dive into symptoms physical, emotional, and psychological that emerge to point out dynamics and patterns that are causing dysfunction, failure, or a standstill in the system and in your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • An exercise to identify your family system members who may have been excluded, children born into your family then placed for adoption, miscarriages, and more
  • An exercise to discover where your thoughts, feelings, and actions come from, and why they’re critical to personal and system evolution
  • The impact of epigenetics and neuroscience on events and how they ignite emotional DNA and how to rewire your limiting DNA
  • An exercise to identify emotional DNA’s symptoms of limitation, the messengers that show up through illness and accidents, repeating events, emotional issues, financial problems, and mental blocks
  • A deeper dive into the 3 principles in all systems, exploring how they are entry and exit points into and out of constellations

Module 3: Acknowledging What Is & Understanding Patterns Waiting to Be Seen

Judy will explain the importance of acknowledging what is as a fundamental prerequisite for growth. This is the key that unlocks a shift.

As Judy will share, when you can look even the most awful circumstance in the face, you can then unfreeze and consciously begin to make different choices because acknowledging what is enables you to see what’s now possible.

Each pattern has a time and place and needs to be acknowledged.

As you’ll discover, when you don’t bring a pattern to completion, it continues to cycle down through the generations, looking to be seen and given a place so it can rest.

Once completed, this pattern becomes a source of wisdom rather than contention. You can open the door to the pattern trying to emerge and step into the realm of what’s possible.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Why acknowledging what is is ground zero for the transformation process and the prelude to pivoting from what is to what’s possible
  • An exercise to open a space in your heart by acknowledging what is Judy will coach you to bring up an issue and move past excuses, non-acceptance, and limiting stories, so you can open your heart to greater possibilities
  • That every pattern has its time and place for instance, a problem might have once been a solution in another generation
  • An exercise to determine how you might be a victim in your family system Judy will coach you to examine yourself in the context of a family pattern that no longer serves you
  • How irritants and limiting emotions are telling you that your box is too small and inviting you to grow and your heart’s desires are revealing the new pattern that’s trying to begin through you
  • A guided exercise to identify a multigenerational pattern

Module 4: The Conscience of the System Inhabiting & Exiting the Systemic Trance

The conscience of the system is all about systemic loyalty and unity, and its sole function is to bind the system’s members to it.

As Judy will explain, this function strengthens bonds and offers support and confidence by providing security of identity. However, when it functions blindly, the system stalls.

She’ll also explain the conscience of the system, in terms of the often-unwritten, yet powerfully dominant rules that run systems.

You’ll explore the personal conscience and how it’s often trumped by the system’s conscience. You’ll also discover the concept of a good and bad conscience and how your biggest areas of growth sometimes occur when you’re in a bad conscience.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What the conscience of a system is, and its primary functions, both “good” and “bad”
  • An exercise to identify when you’re in bad conscience in your system you’ll identify family system rules you’ve broken, and how that affects you
  • The systemic trance and why it’s so hard to break old habits and patterns
  • How to discern whether you’re in a systemic trance and a 2-part exercise to exit the trance
  • An exercise to identify the systemic rule(s) that are asking to change
  • How you’re unconsciously loyal in your family system to factors including your family’s struggles, limitations, and successes

Module 5: Systemic Language Learning to Break the Systemic Spells We Cast

There are sayings and words we use in every family encompassing platitudes, morals, codes of conduct, warnings, cautions, and prescriptions that we automatically utter, and that are handed down from generation to generation.

These sayings probably hold a deep unconscious place as the truth for you, yet as you’ll discover, you can change this dynamic anytime you want to.

These “systemic sentences” often run the show and act like they hold sway over your psyche, influencing your life in ways you might not see.

Judy will show you how to explore systemic language, including the words and sentences that limit you. You’ll then learn to shift limiting systemic language, creating powerful sentences of resolution that can springboard you to a whole new level of excelling and wellbeing in life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How words coupled to emotions can absolutely destroy or give wings to your hopes and dreams
  • An exercise to identify positive and negative systemic influences, examining common words and sayings in your family system to determine what is and isn’t helping you and who exactly is in your head (family members, authority figures, etc.)
  • An exercise to choose a goal or dream you want to act on, and identify any negative voices in your head that might be holding you back
  • How to determine whether you’re in a systemic entanglement by examining your unique language
  • A guided exercise to identify systemic sentences relating to money, your relationships, and your career
  • How to move from what is to what’s possible through the language you consciously create, digest, and employ

Module 6: The Meta Systems, Meta Events & Meta Patterns That Run the Show

You don’t just have individual family-transmitted emotional DNA you also have the emotional DNA of your culture, country, ethnicity, and East/West philosophical orientation.

Together, these elements create the meta emotional DNA that colors your individual emotional DNA...

As Judy will explain, global patterns emerge from large events like famines, wars, genocides, epidemics, and economic meltdowns that deeply affect us all.

There are also ethnic, nationalistic, and political patterns that shape our outlook, emotions, and overall way we relate to ourselves and the world around us.

Because of our deep unawareness, it often takes a meta event to wake us up to the new limitations and possibilities that are unfolding.

Judy will explain how humanity is at a point of great change. The choices you make in your everyday life are shaping your system anew, and these choices will determine your success or failure as the world moves forward.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The types of patterns that flow from meta events, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, fears about people of specific ethnicities, and more
  • An exercise where you’ll identify national and cultural meta events that have affected your family
  • A return to an exercise from Module 1, where you’ll look at who belongs in your system and consider who or what might have been excluded that you’d now like to include
  • How the issues surrounding meta events also resolve into one of the 3 principles that frame systems and systemic work and how to apply that information to meta patterns in your family system
  • An exercise where you’ll contemplate which great causes in the world you feel drawn to embrace
  • How to decipher the situations where you use hyperbolic language, think heavy thoughts, and experience large-scale reactive actions as they relate to a meta pattern in your family system

Module 7: Your Money DNA

Your money DNA the ways you do and don’t connect with and relate to money goes back generations, forming patterns and hidden loyalties that can determine your financial choices at the subconscious level.

As this course comes to a close, Judy will guide you to bring together all the concepts and principles from your journey through this course, using money as a practical example.

You’ll pinpoint the costs and opportunities as you come to understand the money patterns that are trying to rest in your system and identify the new ones trying to emerge through you.

You’ll then shift any limiting financial patterns to allow money to flourish in all areas of your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How you limit your wealth with your words, thoughts, feelings, and actions
  • How emotional DNA and the 3 principles (belonging, order, and balance) apply to money
  • The importance of accepting what is when it comes to money, so you can pivot to mindfully creating a new pattern and what’s possible
  • An exercise to identify your what is around money
  • The “rules and regulations” of your family system’s money DNA
  • An exercise to identify your family system’s language around money

The Claim Your True Family Lineage Bonus Collection

In addition to Judy’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Science & Research Behind Systemic Work, Constellations & the Knowing Field
PDF Guide From Judy Wilkins-Smith

Judy’s science-based treatise explores how systemic work, constellations, and the knowing field actually work. You’ll discover how you can be more connected to your ancestors, and how an event and its effects in one generation show up in another. Judy also shares how you can sense into the systems of others, and more.

The Importance of the Higher Emotions
Video Dialogue With Judy Wilkins-Smith and Cate Montana

In this Q&A teaching with journalist and author Cate Montana, Judy explores the importance of getting beyond the human perception of smallness. This involves moving out of the lower emotions of the ego, and evolving through the higher emotions. As you’ll discover, these higher emotions include love, compassion, understanding, inclusion, kindness, respect, appreciation, and gratitude.

Walking With Others to Uncover Their Incredible Gifts
Video Dialogue With Judy Wilkins-Smith and Kelly Sullivan Walden

Tune in to Judy’s conversation with dream analyst and fellow Shift faculty Kelly Sullivan Walden as they explore the phenomenon of dreams and nightmares. As you’ll discover, far from being disasters, nightmares and feeling stuck are strong indicators that it’s time to shift. Kelly explores the invitation to shift through dreams, while Judy takes viewers on a multigenerational walk from what is to what’s possible. Both approaches offer paths to take you beyond brick walls and into a rich and fulfilled life.

What People Are Saying About Judy Wilkins-Smith...

“The work that Judy does is absolutely transformational!”

The work that Judy does is absolutely transformational! When I started working with her, I was extremely unhappy in both my career and my personal life. Relationships were very difficult for me, drained me of energy, and often left me feeling sad and misunderstood. Judy’s Emotional DNA workshop was a turning point in my life. Through her coaching and workshops, I have been able to improve relationships at home and at work. I have been promoted twice since beginning my work with her four years ago. Ten years ago, my reviews said “not good with people, takes things personally, and needs help regulating emotion.” Today, I have been appointed to a leadership position because of my ability to build relationships and healthy teams.
Amanda Marquis, vice president, director of technology

“I am truly grateful for Judy, her passion for the work, her genuine care for whoever she works with, and the lasting results I have seen!”

I have had the privilege of working with Judy for about 15 years on personal and professional matters. For me, Emotional DNA has provided an experiential element that greatly improved my rate of growth over traditional therapy. Before this work, I was viewed as a pessimist. Today, my nickname is Sunshine! I am truly grateful for Judy, her passion for the work, her genuine care for whoever she works with, and the lasting results I have seen!
Gloria N. Howard, MS, MEd

“Judy Wilkins-Smith is a masterful teacher and practitioner of family and organizational systemic work.”

Judy Wilkins-Smith is a masterful teacher and practitioner of family and organizational systemic work. I loved the organizational systemic series she created so much that I then went through her family constellation training. I continue to attend trainings and be mentored by Judy to this day. The work is life-changing. I have gained a deeper appreciation for myself through connecting more strongly with my ancestors. I more fully honor the choices they made and have opened to new perspectives on their lives and their influence on me. I share this work with others because it is amazing. I stepped fully into my love of this work because of Judy Wilkins-Smith.
Mindy Schrager, founder of Systems of Change, LLC

“Judy is a tremendously gifted, engaging, and insightful teacher.”

For most of my life and in an accelerated way for the last fifteen years, I have studied with many great teachers globally in the areas of consciousness, personal and spiritual development, the Enneagram, executive coaching, organizational effectiveness, brain science, and somatic work. Last year I was blessed to discover and learn from Judy Wilkins-Smith. I have completed her Emotional DNA and Money DNA courses and I plan to take her entire program. Judy’s courses are beautifully designed and incredibly powerful. Her course materials are fantastic resources for her programs and outstanding reference materials on an ongoing basis. Judy is a tremendously gifted, engaging, and insightful teacher. She has helped me see family patterns, which has led to my healing and transformation and helped me become the leader and person I’m meant to be!
Marilyn Draper, MD in Organizational Effectiveness, executive coach for Fortune 500 leaders

“I highly recommend Judy and her courses to anyone who’s ready to discover hidden gifts and live a more fulfilled and satisfying life!”

I am a multilingual Swiss-American in Lausanne, Switzerland. On a recent trip to the U.S., I had the pleasure of completing the Money DNA program with Judy Wilkins-Smith. The work was profound. Judy got quickly to the heart of my ancestral patterns and helped me find the gifts that had lain hidden for generations. The result is that I’ve been able to in a powerful way step into my life mission of creating home and family. Because of Judy’s work, I am now so much more effective at not only my life, but in supporting women to become who they’re meant to be. I highly recommend Judy and her courses to anyone who’s ready to discover hidden gifts and live a more fulfilled and satisfying life!
Ronda Léchaire-Callahan, founder of two non-profit organizations

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Judy Wilkins-Smith

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from systemic work and constellations trainer Judy Wilkins-Smith from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to transform your family inheritance by redesigning old emotional patterns.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Claim Your True Family Lineage Bonus Collection
  • The Science & Research Behind Systemic Work, Constellations & the Knowing Field
    PDF Guide From Judy Wilkins-Smith
  • The Importance of the Higher Emotions
    Video Dialogue With Judy Wilkins-Smith and Cate Montana
  • Walking With Others to Uncover Their Incredible Gifts
    Video Dialogue With Judy Wilkins-Smith and Kelly Sullivan Walden

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Claim Your True Family Lineage Online Training

We feel honored that Judy Wilkins-Smith has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a systemic work and constellations trainer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about transforming your lineage and inheritance by shifting old emotional DNA patterns to create a rich and satisfying life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Claim Your True Family Lineage or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Judy Wilkins-Smith...

“Judy’s work is expansive, profound, and what the world needs right now.”

Judy’s work is expansive, profound, and what the world needs right now. I thought I knew what constellation work was until I read her book and worked with her. The depth and wisdom she brings is transformative personally and will be globally. She brings the wisdom of the ancients and science together seamlessly and with such clarity that it’s impossible to debate the work!
Betsy Chasse, filmmaker behind What The Bleep Do We Know?! and Pregnant in America

“Judy creates a container of safe and sacred space individually and with groups that allows transformational work to happen.”

Judy Wilkins-Smith offers a powerful way of working systemically, both in personal and professional levels of change. She is a master teacher and coach, and I have personally found working with her systemically to be life-changing. Judy creates a container of safe and sacred space individually and with groups that allows transformational work to happen. I appreciate her heart, and am in awe of the vast knowledge, skills, and experience she brings to this work. I highly recommend working with her if you are ready to create real and lasting changes in your life.
Beatrice W. Hansen, MSSW, PCC, principal of Presence-Based® Coaching

“Judy is a master at peering into the client’s ancestral past to find the hidden gems among the wreckage, ghosts, secrets, and skeletons.”

Judy is a master at peering into the client’s ancestral past to find the hidden gems among the wreckage, ghosts, secrets, and skeletons. These gems include a visceral sense of what the client has gained from the tragic events and how the generations persevered. Participants are encouraged to lay to rest the patterns that no longer serve them, and to capitalize on the strengths that come forth. Hopes and possibilities the client silently dreamed of are now within their grasp, and their view of themselves and their rich ancestry forever changed.
Kristina Baker, constellation practitioner and professional energy kinesiologist

“Judy’s capacity to get students enthusiastic about what she was teaching is awesome.”

I am thrilled to recommend Judy, whom I have known for 15 years. Aside from being my friend, she is an excellent teacher and a wonderful resource. She has always displayed a high level of integrity, responsibility, availability, and enthusiasm. For many years, Judy came to Montreal, Canada, where I met her, to teach Organizational Constellations. Students were delighted to learn from her and feel her support for them to move forward in their work as facilitators. Even after their training, students consulted Judy to deepen their knowledge and understanding. Her capacity to get students enthusiastic about what she was teaching is awesome. I personally have learned a lot from Judy and continue appreciating very much who she is.
Claire Dagenais,SEP, director of L’art des Constellations Familiales

“To say that Judy’s work is next-level healing is a rude understatement.”

To say that Judy’s work is next-level healing is a rude understatement. Healing in deep ways affects not only the individual, but also family members and those included in the system in ways that Western medicine cannot. It is THAT that has attracted me to this work, coming from a Western medical background and having seen its limitations. I extend much gratitude to all my teachers. Judy brings a unique and refreshing practical aspect to the work, making it accessible to those who want to learn more, and enabling people to move themselves from stuck to transformed!
Sabine O’Laughlin, MD, board-certified in Pathology, licensed acupuncturist, bioenergetic psychotherapist, ordained teacher of the Diamond Path (Ridhwan Foundation), and family constellation facilitator

About Judy Wilkins-Smith

Judy Wilkins-Smith, is a highly-regarded Systemic Work & Constellations expert, coach, thought partner, motivational speaker, and author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns.

Passionate about visionary leadership and positive, accelerated global change, Judy has mastered the art of understanding critical dynamics in personal and organizational systems and the points at which they intersect to create growth and success.

As the Founder of System Dynamics for Individuals and Organizations, she has 18 years of expertise in assisting high-performance individuals, Fortune 500 executives, and legacy families to create growth, drive success, break limiting cycles, and reframe challenges into lasting breakthroughs and peak performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Claim Your True Family Lineage
Judy Wilkins-Smith