Lavinia Plonka, RSME
Experience subtle, yet powerful somatic movement, cogent wisdom, and guided meditations to move with greater freedom, cultivate emotional fluency and turn your own sensations into a powerful way to heal.

How you move your body is how you move through life. It’s a sacred vessel that contains a universe of possibility.
If you’re like many of us though, you move through your days without a clear understanding of how you function physically.
As a result, your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects may not be aligned, leaving you with physical pain as well as emotional and spiritual turmoil.
You have the power to unlock your body’s life-changing secrets using the keys of embodiment and connection.
You can then fully inhabit your body as your vessel — so you can realize your dreams, connect to your emotions, and ignite your understanding of your own potential in this world.
Join us for a 7-module journey through Lavinia Plonka’s Feldenkrais-inspired somatic method, the Kinēsa process, which is her own synthesis of many different disciplines, including the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, Emotional Body®, martial arts, yoga, and the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff.
Somatics and spirituality will come together in each session as you experience Lavinia’s Kinēsa-based wisdom, exercises, and guided practices so you can realize your dreams.
Lavinia has helped people improve their movement, behavior, relationships, and careers for over 35 years as a Feldenkrais teacher, a teacher of the Alba Method, and as a lead instructor of Emotional Body. Her unique expertise connects the dots between posture, movement, emotions, and the mind.
Her training has included theater, dance, yoga, and the martial arts. Lavinia’s students consistently report feeling a renewed sense of hope, self-awareness, and re-engagement with their bodies. One of the most profound benefits people experience is — to use one participant’s words — leaving “chronic pain in the dust.”
Whether you’re a healing professional, personal coach, yogi, Feldenkrais Practitioner, movement teacher, or personal spiritual seeker — Lavinia’s Kinēsa process will help you fully inhabit yourself in an embodied way so you can better communicate with yourself and the world around you.
Experience firsthand how Kinēsa can empower you to find emotional and spiritual freedom within your body — so you can experience greater tenderness, compassion, clear thinking, emotional resilience, and a powerful sense of overall wellbeing as you expand what’s possible for your life.
What Is the Kinesa Process?
Going Beyond Traditional Concepts of Our Body
Using the Prism of Movement
During this empowering 7-module course, you’ll:
- Dive deep into Kinēsa — Lavinia’s unique synthesis of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, body language science, martial arts, and yoga — to reduce physical pain and cultivate greater tenderness, compassion, clear thinking, emotional fluency, and an expanded sense of possibility for your life
- Journey toward inner freedom as you recognize your perceived limitations and experience inner illumination
- Enjoy movement experiences and somatic learning each session to solidify and build on what you’re learning
- Explore the Kinēsa Process’ 4 powerful archetypes — the Healer, Warrior, Teacher, and Visionary — that offer tools for becoming the change you want to see in this world
- Become more emotionally fluent as you feel things more deeply — so your life becomes more fulfilling
- Improve your posture and relieve tension in your body
- Interrupt the pain loop with gentle, safe movements that direct your nervous system’s attention toward greater ease and improved function
- Understand your movement choices so you can reduce back pain and tension
- Experience your own anatomy and your sixth sense
- Learn how your posture, breath, and facial expression communicate feelings to yourself and others
- Become aware of how you move so you can become aware of habits and tensions that interfere with clear thinking and action
- Use imagination to move toward a goal with less struggle — and use movement to remove obstacles
- Open your throat, relax your jaw, and allow your voice to move with your energy to manifest the power of your word and release your imprisoned fifth chakra energy
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Lavinia will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to explore her Kinēsa process, advanced Feldenkrais-inspired movement for heightened physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Lavinia. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore Lavinia’s Kinēsa process, advanced Feldenkrais-inspired movement for heightened physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
Module 1: Your Physical Body — Learn the Language of Your Nervous System to Reduce Pain & Increase Flexibility

Chronic pain, discomfort, and stiffness can sometimes make you want to shut down and escape. Yet sensation and movement are the keys to moving from pain to pleasure.
As your journey through this course begins, Lavinia will explain how the pain loop can be interrupted with gentle, safe movements that direct your nervous system’s attention toward greater ease and improved function.
She’ll share how understanding your movement choices can reduce back pain and reduce tension, introducing you to experiencing your own anatomy and your sixth sense. (And no, it’s not ESP!)
You’ll explore how tension affects your ability to perceive yourself, and how it affects oxygen and cellular structure. You’ll learn why so many people have emotional, mental, and physical tension that results in back pain — and how somatic movement can relieve pain and expand proprioceptive movement.
Lavinia will guide you to examine how the concept of rotation — the ability to turn and be flexible in the spine — affects your ability to respond, receive, and allow information to flow within your body.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- The relationship between sensation and perception and how that influences pain
- How hidden tensions influence your flexibility
- The statistics on back pain and why movement can help
- Mythbusters about your low back and twisting
- A powerful movement lesson that can help relieve back pain
Module 2: Your Emotional Body — Improve Your Mood as You Improve Your Posture

Even when you don’t realize it, you’re using your body to communicate — not just with others, but also with yourself.
For instance, your head, which can weigh up to 15 pounds, rests on top of your spine. Or does it? If your head is forward, or hanging down, gravity pulls your spine down, rounding your back. This influences your mood and how others perceive you.
Lavinia will explain how your posture, breath, and facial expression communicate feelings to yourself and others. You’ll learn how the position of your head affects and reflects certain emotions, as well as strategies for putting your head “in its place” for optimal posture and ease.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The concepts of flexion and extension
- How the position of the head influences your posture and emotions (and vice versa)
- A seated movement lesson for improving posture and relieving stiffness from sitting
- A fun exercise connecting positions of the head with emotional expression
- The relationship between posture and health
Module 3: Your Mental Body — Apply Intelligent Choice to Your Actions

When you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want.
— Moshe Feldenkrais
To truly know yourself, you need to observe yourself.
As Lavinia will explain, your ability to attend to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations begins with a clear mind.
By becoming aware of how you move, you become aware of habits and tensions that interfere with clear thinking and action. She’ll share how to make a plan and follow it, observing the results and reflecting along the way — with clarity of thinking towards not just your movement, but also your life.
You’ll also explore the movement of folding and unfolding — how to expand yourself when tense thoughts cause contraction, affecting your body as well as limiting your choices and your ability to move forward.
Lavinia will explain how to visualize movements so you know ahead of time how you’re going to move (which reduces fear of the unknown), as well as how your life transforms as you follow them through.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A movement lesson to improve mental and physical flexibility
- How unconscious tension in the face affects the quality of thoughts, emotions, and movement
- How to introduce intentional tension to discern whether it impacts your movement abilities
- A process for setting an intention and clarifying your goals
- A simple exercise for solidifying your priorities
- How to clarify your direction so you don’t have to grip
Module 4: Your Creative Body — Open to New Possibilities & Spontaneity

You’re a creator of your reality and your destiny. Whether you’re creating a product, a relationship, or an atmosphere for joy, the process is the same.
Finding yourself in an unexpected circumstance, novel situation, or a new position can be frightening or exhilarating! The ability to see what’s necessary, remain curious, and allow yourself to be in the unknown can make the impossible possible.
Lavinia will explain how strategy, imagination, and successive approximations lead to an effective creative act. You’ll explore how learning to let go, make mistakes, and play without judgment makes living itself a creative act.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A movement lesson that challenges your perceived limitations while focusing on pleasure
- A practical exercise for exploring new possibilities in how you create your life
- How to use imagination to move toward a goal with less struggle
- How to use movement to remove obstacles
- The connection between curiosity, play, and freedom
Module 5: Your Archetypal Body — Discover the Healer Archetype & the Power of Your Hands to Address Wounds

Exploring Archetypes is a powerful and enriching way to go deeper into personal growth.
The Kinēsa Process focuses on four powerful archetypes that offer you tools for becoming the change you want to see in this world.
Lavinia will guide you to access the center of presence of the Healer Archetype — the power of your hands to heal yourself. From ancient traditions to modern science, you’ll learn about the power your hands hold for healing, harming, communicating, and impacting you as a whole person.
You’ll activate your hand energy for healing, helping you release tension in your chest, neck, back, and shoulders.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The Healer Archetype’s power of the hands to support and heal yourself and others
- How the hands communicate your thoughts
- The paradox of the wounded healer
- How you can use your hands to help heal yourself
- A powerful movement lesson to use the hands to help with shoulder pain
Module 6: Your Energy Body — Finding Your Voice, Speaking Your Truth & Unlocking Your Jaw

Imprisoning the energy of the fifth chakra can constrict the throat, lock the jaw, and make you literally tongue tied...
This imprisoned energy of the fifth chakra can lead to TMJ dysfunction, headaches, a stiff neck, a weak voice, and more. As Lavinia will share, she often wonders whether she became a mime because she was told to shut up so many times as a child.
Lavinia will help you open your throat, relax your jaw, and allow your voice to move with your energy to manifest the power of your word.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Two somatic explorations for freeing the jaw, tongue, and voice
- An exercise to anchor your authentic voice
- A meditation on vibration, sound, and the throat to reduce tension in the throat
- The surprising connections between language and the brain
Module 7: Your Alchemical Body — Access the Power of Inner Transformation

The ancient alchemists used the transformation of lead into gold as a metaphor for inner transformation — preparing the self to access higher powers and a connection with the Divine.
At this point in your journey, Lavinia will have guided you to expand your self-image and your possibilities.
As these seven modules come to a close, you’ll be invited to experience your inner illumination. In the process, you’ll learn to recognize your perceived limitations and begin the journey toward inner freedom.
Along the way, you’ll receive guidance for moving from sorrow to joy, pain to pleasure, intention to action, and potential to possibility. You’ll also gain insight into how to expand yourself to embrace your highest worth.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A meditation to experience transformation as you combine mind, sensation, and energy.
- A powerful movement session for “en”lightening your self-image
- An introduction to the presence process
- The Star, your personal link to the Tarot card
- A new meaning of the alchemical saying, “as above, so below”
The Kinēsa Process Bonus Collection
In addition to Lavinia’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
You’ve Got the Power! Four Paths to Awaken Your Body’s Archetypal Energies
PDF Excerpt of the Book by Lavinia Plonka

Explore the Four Archetypes — Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary — in the first three chapters of Lavinia’s new book. This book has been years in the making and these chapters will introduce you to Lavinia’s approach to embodiment as well as qualities of the Warrior and the Teacher. You’ll explore the ways you’re constantly being touched and influenced by the archetypes’ appearance in the world.
Movement & Presence
Video Dialogue With Lavinia Plonka and Larry Goldfarb, PhD

What does it really mean to be in the present moment? We speak of the importance of presence but it seems that the very presence we are seeking often evaporates as soon as life intervenes. In conversation with master Feldenkrais trainer and fellow somanaut, Larry Goldfarb, Lavinia explores the possibility of embodied presence. Larry weaves his cybernetic perspective with practical expertise that comes from over 40 years of teaching the Feldenkrais Method for an innovative approach to understanding Awareness Through Movement and its value in contemplative practice.
Softening Your Ribs, Enlivening Your Breath
Audio Teaching From Lavinia Plonka

This movement exploration offers an opportunity to explore both movement and breath more deeply, inviting novel positions and unusual ways to experiment with your breathing patterns. You’ll experience new places for your ribs to participate in the action of breathing, as well as seeing how more functional breath can influence the movement of both ribs and spine.
The Smart Way to a Strong Core
Audio Teaching From Lavinia Plonka

This lesson is a wonderful adventure into understanding the relationship of core strength to your back, your neck, and the function of sitting up. When you engage your core without strain, you’ll also enjoy healthier walking, knees, and ankles. This teaching offers an alternative way to strengthen your core and improve the way you move so you can step into your true power.
What Graduates of Lavinia’s Courses Are Saying…

— Lisa Stanley: “I’m 60 Years Old, and I Feel Stronger and More Balanced and More Capable Than I Did in My Thirties”
— Brenna Wilcox: “I Can Stand Up Long Enough Now to Cook Dinner”
— Chrish Kregse: “Lavinia Is a Patient, Understanding, and Very Wise Witness to Your Process”
— Marianna Hodel: “Lavinia Is a Very Compassionate, Gentle, and Understanding Teacher”
— Marsha Novak: “Lavinia Is an Amazing Role Model”
— Nicolette Gibson: “Lavinia’s Course Is One of the Greatest Gifts I’ve Ever Given to Myself”
“The more I learn, the more I’m able to effect change in a positive way, for both my physical being and my mental and spiritual one.”
Learning about Feldenkrais has taught me about my body and how it’s adapted to my life without my choosing! The more I learn, the more I’m able to effect change in a positive way, for both my physical being and my mental and spiritual one. Lavinia is a wonderful teacher and she makes these teachings easy to understand. Thank you very much and I look forward to more sessions!
— Tressa Guth, San Jose, California
“The Feldenkrais Method with Lavinia Plonka has been pitched perfectly for both lay people and professionals.”
The Feldenkrais Method with Lavinia Plonka has been pitched perfectly for both lay people and professionals. As a yoga therapist, my training has been aligned with the principles of Feldenkrais placing emphasis on the uniqueness of each and every individual and the integration of movement. I love the balance of Lavinia’s explanations and practical application. Thank you for this opportunity.
— Therese Lew, yoga therapist
“Lavinia was an excellent teacher and guide who knows her stuff.”
I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to improve on any aspect of your life, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychosocial. Lavinia was an excellent teacher and guide who knows her stuff. She addressed every question head on without any mumbo jumbo or skirting around any questions.
— Florie, Ontario, Canada
“Lavinia is an excellent and wise teacher; her longtime experience is reflected in her clear, respectful, and thoughtful way of teaching.”
I was inspired by learning about Feldenkrais; it helps to develop more awareness of your body and inner being (emotional and mental being) and thus providing opportunities to develop yourself or change habits. Lavinia is an excellent and wise teacher; her longtime experience is reflected in her clear, respectful, and thoughtful way of teaching.
— Gauri, the Netherlands
“Lavinia’s course was a powerful, clear, insightful, and practical introduction to developing an awareness of your body's habitual movements and postures…”
Lavinia’s course was a powerful, clear, insightful, and practical introduction to developing an awareness of your body's habitual movements and postures and experienced and skillful guidance to support you to develop a new kind of relationship to your body and habits. I'd really recommend this course to anyone curious about their habits and keen to understand how to create a more positive and connected relationship to their body.
— Rebecca, Derby, United Kingdom
“Excellent faculty, inspiring role model who is passionate, caring about her students, engaging, and expert in her field.”
This course was a nice mix of experiential learning, discussion, lecture/theory and demonstration. Excellent faculty, inspiring role model who is passionate, caring about her students, engaging, and expert in her field. Looking at the range of courses offered by The Shift Network, I wish I could take most of them. My course experience was smooth, from registration to completion, and I enjoy access through Zoom.
— Karen, Vermontville, New York
“[Lavinia Plonka] is a phenomenal teacher with much expertise, precise language, and well-guided exercises.”
I love Lavinia’s presence. She is a phenomenal teacher with much expertise, precise language, and well-guided exercises. Her experience and insights are invaluable.
— Anyez Klevecz, Newbury Park, California
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Lavinia Plonka
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Emotional Body lead teacher Lavinia Plonka from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities for heightened physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Kinēsa Process Bonus Collection
- You’ve Got the Power! Four Paths to Awaken Your Body’s Archetypal Energies
PDF Excerpt of the Book by Lavinia Plonka - Movement & Presence
Video Dialogue With Lavinia Plonka and Larry Goldfarb, PhD - Softening Your Ribs, Enlivening Your Breath
Audio Teaching From Lavinia Plonka - The Smart Way to a Strong Core
Audio Teaching From Lavinia Plonka
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Kinēsa Process Online Training
We feel honored that Lavinia Plonka, RSME, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a guild certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Emotional Body lead teacher, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about enhancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing through Lavinia’s Kinēsa Process, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Kinēsa Process — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Lavinia Plonka…

“... feeling taller, stronger, pain-free, and awakened...”
In practicing Feldenkrais, it looks and feels like you’re doing next to nothing, yet the effects are profound. Taking Lavinia’s classes always leaves me feeling taller, stronger, pain-free, and awakened to the potential of a better me. The power in the art of the subtle can’t be emphasized enough, and Lavinia delivers it with fun, precision, and grace.
— Merina Ty-Kisera, LAc, DiplAc, author of Acupressure With Essential Oils

“... free up our bodies, relax our minds, and open our hearts.”
Lavinia Plonka is one of the most engaging, brilliant, fun instructors I have ever experienced in any field. My students in the Florida Keys and I personally have benefited from Lavinia’s unique blend of somatic modalities that free up our bodies, relax our minds, and open our hearts. Lavinia’s profound understanding and easy-to-follow teaching of the Feldenkrais Method is refreshing, entertaining, and life-changing.
— Judy Greenman, Body Brain Freedom

“... unlocking the power of the Feldenkrais Method to free attention and create greater ease...”
Lavinia Plonka has an easy, understated teaching style that gracefully unwinds her vast formal and intuitive knowledge of the body and its metaphors, unlocking the power of the Feldenkrais Method to free attention and create greater ease — in our bodies and in our lives. If you have an opportunity to study with her, I recommend it.
— Mike Morrell, co-founder of ReWilder and collaborating author with Richard Rohr on The Divine Dance

“Lavinia... helps you know your body in easy and accessible ways that lead to transformation.”
Lavinia is an engaging and expert movement teacher who helps you know your body in easy and accessible ways that lead to transformation. I’m consistently amazed at how small movements have huge effects.
— Leanne Cusumano Roque, president of Shine Like the Sun and author of the award-winning book Live Light: Simple Steps
About Lavinia Plonka

Body language expert Lavinia Plonka has helped people improve their movement, behavior, relationships, and careers for over 35 years. Her unique expertise connects the dots between posture/movement, emotions, and the mind.
Lavinia’s training and professional career have included theater, dance, yoga, and the martial arts. She has taught the Feldenkrais Method for 30 years and is also a certified Assistant Trainer. She is a level CL4 teacher of the Alba Method and a Lead Instructor of the Emotional Body. She was an artist in residence for the Guggenheim Museum, and a movement consultant for theater and television companies around the world, from the Irish National Folk Theater to Nickelodeon.
From Esalen to the Council on Aging, from Beijing to Mexico, Lavinia’s popular workshops explore the intersection between movement, emotions, and the mind. She is the director of the Asheville Movement Center in Asheville, North Carolina. Lavinia’s writing includes several books and audio programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.