With Founder of MetaIntegral & Author
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Ancient and modern ways to tune into your 3 wisdom centers (head, heart, and hara or gut) to sync up and embody your ‘whole-body’ knowing.


The number three is sacred in almost all spiritual traditions ancient and modern, East and West. It’s also an important number in nature and our environment...

And, according to the world’s ancient traditions, it’s the number of wisdom centers we each have our Head, Heart, and Hara (or gut).

You’re most likely already attuned to one or more of these centers, even if you’re not aware of it...

Perhaps, you’re heart-strong, making life choices about relationships, work, play, and health from your heart center.

Or, you may lead with your intellect, crafting your perceptions from all angles and carefully plotting the best plan for going forward on your life’s journey.

Or, maybe you most often go with your gut, because it registers first when you’re approaching a new situation, and you’ve come to trust it.

Yet, learning how to “listen to” and integrate the wisdom of all three of your wisdom centers can greatly enrich your personal life, spiritual life, and all your relationships including your relationship with yourself.

When you tune into this powerful form of “whole-body” knowing, you allow for a greater understanding of your true needs and desires how you really want to respond in a situation, while also allowing for deeper, more compassionate insight into others’ intentions and points of view.

You stand more authentically in who you truly are, and easily bring feelings of groundedness and ease into every part of your life.

In Integrating Your Head, Heart & Hara with author Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, the founder of MetaIntegral, you’ll discover a variety of powerful ways to tune into your wisdom centers based on sacred traditions all over the world...

... practices that can open you to profound clarity, increased feelings of love, and heightened self-empowerment.

You’ll explore how your three wisdom centers combine into nine unique combinations to form all of the personality types in the Enneagram a system that can help you better navigate the relationships in your life.

You’ll discover the three cauldrons, or energy centers in your body, based on ancient Irish mystical tradition... and how they can help you access other dimensions and interact with subtle beings including nature spirits and Irish Gods and Goddesses.

You’ll learn how Daoists believe that nature, and its encompassing cosmology, is filled with the flow and exchange of energy, or Qi. ..

... and how you can work with what Daoists call the Three Gates to circulate energy throughout your body.

By experiencing practices from different traditions you can zero in on which approaches are most effective for you in accessing the wisdom from each of your centers. You’ll also discover sacred practices to incorporate into your existing daily practices... and even find a new wisdom tradition you’d like to explore further.


During this transformative 7-module journey, you’ll:

  • Experience and begin to listen to the unique language of all 3 of your wisdom centers
  • Discover how your wisdom centers are related to your 3 souls, the 3 realms, and the 3 faces of the Divine
  • Understand the important role our wisdom centers play in many traditions of human development and integration, and their connection to ancient Shamanic culture and practices
  • Learn how your Enneagram personality type is the result of a unique combination of your 3 wisdom centers
  • Engage in invigorating Qigong breathing exercises to fill your 3 wisdom centers with clean, pure energy
  • Discover how your 3 wisdom centers are linked to your physiology and nervous system
  • Explore the 4 unique senses associated with each of your wisdom centers
  • Experience the “12 senses exploratory exercises” to access a new reality
  • Learn how various pagan, wiccan, and faery traditions work with the 3 centers and use practices based on the 3 cauldrons and their associated realms
  • Participate in guided co-walker visualizations to connect to each cauldron and bring more poetic experience and expression into your life
  • Experience the meditative practices from the Integral Yoga tradition to explore how the triple lower worlds (physical-vital-mental) connect to the triple divine worlds
  • And much more...

Sean is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking. He’s a prolific writer and editor and has published more than 30 articles and seven books, helping thousands of people deal effectively with the complexities of life.

His passion comes from his love of being alive, his commitment to look directly and fearlessly at reality, and his desire to increase others’ experience of intimacy with Being.

His approach to triple wisdom activation is rich with practices from ancient traditions, yet it’s also designed for our modern times...

... offering quick and easy ways to tune into each of your wisdom centers in the moment so you can access your inner knowing throughout your busy day.

You’ll also be wowed by Sean’s expansive knowledge of the teachings of many ancient traditions, and his expert ability to guide you to easily integrating some of their richest and most empowering practices into your life... for a more authentic, soul-led, harmonious way of being and expressing your truest Self.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Sean will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully tune into your wisdom centers and integrate your “whole body” knowing... to live a more authentic, easeful, and harmonious life.


Module 1: Discovering the Sacred Architecture of Being Human: Your 3 Wisdom Centers Head, Heart, & Hara


The number three is a sacred number in almost all spiritual traditions ancient and modern, East and West. It’s also an important number in nature and natural systems...

In this opening class, you’ll begin your journey by exploring just how much of reality has this triadic structure. You’ll examine numerous sacred traditions that believe humans are comprised of three distinct “wisdom centers” Head, Heart, and Hara.

In this class session, you’ll discover:

  • Exactly what the 3 wisdom centers are including the many names they go by, the important role they play in many traditions of human development and integration, and their deep roots that stretch back to ancient Shamanic culture and practices
  • How these wisdom centers are related to our 3 souls, the 3 realms, and the 3 faces of the Divine
  • Plato’s tripartite theory of soul and how this serves as the basis for Western philosophy and psychology
  • How to experience and begin to listen to the unique language of all 3 centers
  • A powerful wisdom inquiry practice to give voice to each wisdom center and incorporate that wisdom into your daily decision-making process

Module 2: Exploring the Enneagram & George Gurdjieff’s 3 Paths of Awakening Fakir, Monk, & Yogi


One of the most powerful examples of systems built on the three wisdom center traditions is the Enneagram. In this session, you’ll take a deep dive into the Enneagram’s ancient roots based on this sacred triadic structure.

You’ll explore how the three centers combine into nine unique combinations to form all of the personality types in the Enneagram system.

As you’ll discover, each personality is the result of a specific combination of a primary center, a secondary center, and a tertiary center. You’ll explore how the three wisdom centers form the basis of your personality and provide you with a unique path of transformation....

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how YOUR Enneagram personality type is the result of a unique combination of the 3 wisdom centers
  • Explore how your path of integration involves working with the centers in a way that’s unique to you
  • Discover the Law of Three and how it connects to the “3 brains,”the “3 paths,” and the “3 centers”
  • Discover the unique contribution that the 3 paths of awakening provide and how a “Fourth Way” integrates them into a new integral path
  • Explore foundational Fourth Way exercises to activate and harmonize your three centers

Module 3: Discovering Daoism’s 3 Dantians Lower (Jing), Middle (Qi) & Upper (Shen)


For thousands of years, Daoists have mapped how nature and its encompassing cosmology is filled with the flow and exchange of energy, or Qi. They’ve identified three major energy centers dantians that occur in the body.

In this session, you’ll learn how the dantians can work in concert with what’s known as the Three Gates (also located in the body) to circulate energy throughout the body.

Sean will share how these three wisdom centers are a major component of YOUR subtle energetic body... and how they’re both similar to, and distinct from, the chakra system.

You’ll discover:

  • How both the Daoist “energetic” cosmology and Chinese medicine operate using the 3 wisdom centers
  • How the 3 dantians work with the 3 gates to create a subtle energy system in the human body
  • How Qigong breathing exercises engage and energize each of the 3 centers in a unique way
  • The role the 3 centers play in Taoist Internal Alchemy and how they create a path to immortality
  • The microcosmic orbit... used to link the 3 centers
  • Invigorating Qigong breathing exercises to fill your 3 wisdom centers with clean, pure energy

Module 4: Tapping Into Your 3 Neurological Brains to Improve Your Leadership Skills


During this session, you’ll explore how the three wisdom centers have a neurological and physical basis that can support you to be a more effective leader.

Leading-edge neuroscience reveals that people actually have three distinct neurological networks or brains in your head, your heart, and your gut all of which are designed to help you be adaptive to the complex physical, social, and psychological environments you live in.

Working with all three of these neurological brains gives you the tools to make better decisions in the moment.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The links between each center... and your access to courage (the gut), compassion (the heart), and creativity (the head)
  • How the 3 centers link to your physiology and nervous system
  • The core functions of each “brain” and how you can better leverage their unique role in your life
  • The profound impact the 3 neurological brains have on the concept of your consciousness and path of transformation
  • Multiple brain exercises to tap into and weave these functions together throughout your day-to-day life

Module 5: Integrating Your Will, Feeling & Thinking Through Rudolf Steiner’s 3 Foldedness


In this session, you’ll explore Rudolf Steiner’s concept of “threefoldness” a foundational system for understanding the cosmos.

Steiner showed how healthy societies, and integrated human beings, can balance and coordinate three distinct interdependent realms... and identified four distinct senses of perception associated with each of these three centers in the human body.

You’ll explore how the three wisdom centers are an organ of perception which have their own unique modes of knowing by engaging all 12 senses and how each one gives us new access to reality through their associated wisdom center.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how the 3 centers link to Steiner’s view of our 3 souls
  • Explore the 4 unique senses associated with each center
  • Experience new modes of perception that these 12 senses provide
  • Learn how the 3 centers are a foundational part of the Waldorf educational pedagogy
  • Experience “12 senses exploratory exercises” to access a new reality

Module 6: Accessing 3 Realms of Existence Through the Celtic Tradition of the 3 Cauldrons


In this session you’ll explore the three cauldrons or energy centers in your body based on an ancient Irish mystical tradition...

Located near the naval (cauldron of warming), the center of the chest (cauldron of vocation) and in the head (cauldron of wisdom), these three cauldrons also link to the three realms of earth, sea, and sky and to our three souls that allow us to walk through each of these realms.

You’ll discover how your three wisdom centers can be used to access other dimensions of reality and to interact with the subtle beings (e.g., nature spirits and the Irish gods and goddesses) within those worlds.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the role the 3 cauldrons of the Celtic tradition played in ancient Druidic training
  • Explore how each cauldron is the basis for your 3 co-walkers our surface walker who allows us to walk in the earth realm... our dream walker who allows us to enter the faery realm... and our star walker who allows us to walk in the celestial realm
  • Discover how the 9 Celtic virtues relate to the cauldrons
  • Learn how various pagan, wiccan, and faery traditions work with the 3 centers and use practices based on the 3 cauldrons and their associated realms and co-walkers
  • Participate in guided co-walker visualizations to connect to each cauldron and bring more poetic experience and expression into your life

Module 7: Exploring Sri Aurobindo’s 3 Planes of Being Physical, Vital & Mental


In this class, Sean will share the path of Integral Yoga developed by Sri Aurobindo in India in the early 1900s one of the most sophisticated systems for human development and spiritual transformation.

Foundational to his system is the recognition that human consciousness consists of three different levels or planes the physical body... the vital domain of energy and emotions... and the mental sphere of thought.

The path of Integral Yoga aims at a complete transformation and integration of these three planes of being.

In this session, you’ll explore how the three wisdom centers serve you in the evolution of your own consciousness...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover Sri Aurobindo’s 3 planes and how they form the foundation of human spirituality
  • Explore how these 3 planes are linked to the evolution of consciousness and 9 stages of development
  • Understand how Aurobindo’s 9 types of personality are similar and different from the Enneagram system
  • Explore how the triple lower worlds of the 3 planes are reflected in the triple divine worlds of Sat-Chit-Ananda
  • Experience the meditative practices from the Integral Yoga tradition to explore how the triple lower worlds (physical-vital-mental) connect to the triple divine worlds

The Integrating Your Head, Heart & Hara Bonus Collection

In addition to Sean’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Our 3 Souls
Video Teaching From Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

This video provides a general overview of the wisdom traditions that discuss how humans have not one but three souls. Sean discusses several examples of these triple soul systems where each soul has its own subtle body and can explore different spiritual realms. He also compares and contrasts these triple soul systems with triadic soul and tripartite soul approaches. Triadic soul systems are where there are three souls in a single body, whereas tripartite soul approaches are where there is one soul but it has three distinct parts. By exploring these various approaches to the human soul you will develop a better understanding and appreciation of the multidimensional nature of your own soul.


Cultivating Tetra Awareness Meditation
Audio Meditation With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

This meditation introduces you to the four quadrants of Integral Theory in an experiential way. The experience quadrant is where your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations arise. The senses quadrant is where your five senses give you access to the world around you. The relational quadrant is where you connect to the intersubjective field between you and others. The systems quadrant is where experiences of time and space arise. You will be guided to connect with each of these four modes of Tetra Awareness and learn how to rest your consciousness at the intersection of all four co-arising.


The Power of 3 in the Enneagram
Video Teaching With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

This video presents how the Enneagram system is based on sacred triadic architecture. Sean discusses how this triadic structure permeates many of the key features of the Enneagram. First, he will present how the foundation of the system is the three wisdom centers (3). Next, each of the nine types is the result of a unique combination of the three wisdom centers, which results in a specific path of development for each type (3 x 3 = 9). Lastly, each of the nine types has three distinct expressions (3 x 3 x 3 = 27). By understanding how the “power of three” shows up in the Enneagram system you will develop an appreciation for the mystery and magic of the number three not only in the Enneagram but in other contexts as well.


What Sean Esbjörn-Hargens' Students From Previous Courses Are Saying...

Alia Aurami: “Sean Beautifully and Eloquently Helped Us Expand and Open Our Consciousness and Our Hearts”
Jon Kohl: “Sean’s Probably the Only Person in the World Who Could Teach This”
“Sean’s synthesis skills are over the top...”

Sean’s synthesis skills are over the top, his clear and concise presentations are perfectly brilliant, and he is a pleasure to be with during the live discussions!
Jacqueline Elliott

“... an illuminating, inspiring, enchanted experience for participants.”

Sean is an utterly compelling teacher whose spontaneity, warmth, infectious enthusiasm, brilliance, and incomparable grasp of seemingly countless topics make for an illuminating, inspiring, enchanted experience for participants. He is passionate, dedicated, and fully committed to the art of integral education.
Deborah Boyar

“ [Sean’s] extensive knowledge and research are unparalleled.”

The most gratifying thing in having Sean as a teacher is his dedication and love to his students. His extensive knowledge and research are unparalleled.
José Fuentes

“... an ambassador of integration, calling each of us into the future as multidimensional human beings.”

Sean’s breadth and depth of knowledge combined with his impressive intellect and inspiring and welcoming kindness make him the perfect teacher for complex and multilayered topics. He’s an ambassador of integration, calling each of us into the future as multidimensional human beings. He can be counted on unequivocally to stand firmly in the doorway, welcoming us through the threshold of this new reality.
Susan Thornett

“... an invaluable resource for future ecologists for many years to come.”

Integral Ecology gives us the first major application of Ken Wilber’s integral model beyond his own writings. Not surprisingly its scope and depth are vast, and the scholarship upon which it rests detailed and exquisite. This amazing investigation will be required reading and an invaluable resource for future ecologists for many years to come.
Allan L. Combs, Author of The Radiance of Being

“Sean is a teacher with great social skills, and very smart too.”

Dieuwke Begemann


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Experience a rare opportunity to learn with the founder of MetaIntegral author Sean Esbjörn-Hargens from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to experience ancient practices from Celtic Shamanism, Qigong, the Enneagram, and more for a more authentic, grounded, easeful, and joyous life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Integrating Your Head, Heart & Hara Bonus Collection
  • Our 3 Souls
    Video Teaching From Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
  • Cultivating Tetra Awareness Meditation
    Audio Meditation With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
  • The Power of 3 in the Enneagram
    Video Teaching With Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Integrating Your Head, Heart & Hara Virtual Training


We feel honored that Sean Esbjörn-Hargens has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from the founder of MetaIntegral and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about tuning into your powerful wisdom centers to integrate your inner knowing and live a more authentic life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Integrating Your Head, Heart & Hara with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Sean Esbjörn-Hargens...

“Time isn’t on our side, but... if we embrace the authors’ messages... we still have a chance...”

Integral Ecology is a forward-looking book that invites compassionate proactive activism when dealing with the messes we’ve made. Time isn’t on our side, but my optimism leads me to believe that if we embrace the authors’ messages and put them into action using humility, compassion, heart, and love, we still have a chance to pull ourselves out of the many deep holes we’re digging for ourselves, other animals, and ecosystems.
Marc Bekoff, PhD, University of Colorado, author of Animals Matter and The Emotional Lives of Animals

“[Integral Ecology] is the finest book on ecology bar none. Highest recommendation!”

Ken Wilber, Author of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality and The Integral Vision

“... a valuable roadmap for responding to contemporary problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and land use change.”

[Integral Ecology] offers a promising approach for making sense of the diverse perspectives on the environment, including the many ways of understanding the complexities and challenges of global environmental change. The integral ecology framework provides a valuable roadmap for responding to contemporary problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and land use change. Given the widespread and often heated debates about environmental issues, the publication of Integral Ecology is timely and appreciated.
Karen O’Brien, PhD, University of Oslo, co-author of Environmental Change and Globalization and member of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning team of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

“... an intelligent basis for discovering what questions need to be posed in our de facto postmodern era...”

In Integral Ecology, Esbjörn-Hargens and Zimmerman have produced a complex framework (rooted in a hierarchy of integrative levels proposed by philosopher Ken Wilber) for the multidisciplinary interrogation of ecological problems. This framework provides an intelligent basis for discovering what questions need to be posed in our de facto postmodern era, and how to formulate them most effectively.
Stanley N. Salthe, PhD, Brooklyn College, author of Evolving Hierarchical Systems and Development and Evolution

“It may even shift the course of our understanding of ecology.”

Integral Ecology is a remarkable work, indeed a tour de force. Like all path-breaking books, it will provoke lively discussion and inevitable debate. It may even shift the course of our understanding of ecology. This is a book that invites us to read, enjoy, reflect, and act. And the time is now.
Mary Evelyn Tucker, PhD, Yale University, co-editor of the 10-volume World Religions and Ecology Encyclopedia, and author of Worldly Wonder


About Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD, is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development, organizational design, and mixed-methods design. In 2011, he founded MetaIntegral, a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles.

Sean is a prolific writer and editor and has published over 30 articles and seven books that have helped leaders effectively deal with complexity and solve organizational problems. Many of his publications, which are used in universities and leadership programs around the world, have been translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, and Russian. He has made substantial contributions to the fields of integral theory, integral ecology, integral research, integral education, and integral business. His most recent book is Metatheory for the Twenty-First Century.

Sean’s passion comes from his love of being alive, his commitment of looking directly at reality without blinking, and his desire to increase people’s experience of intimacy with Being. He lives in Santa Rosa, California, with his wife and two daughters.


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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


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A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
