A 7-Module Program to
Master Your Creativity, Energy, Time and Relationships
With New York Times Bestselling Author
Gay Hendricks
Virtual Audio Training
Recorded May 13 - June 24, 2015

Go beyond your internal limits, release outdated fears and learn a whole new set of powerful skills and habits to liberate your authentic greatness.

Have you reached a level of respectable competence or even excellence that gets you by in life but leaves you feeling that your highest potential is, as yet, unexpressed?

Do you often feel like you are “going through the motions” rather than waking each day passionate to engage in your life?


You don’t need to feel badly if you answered “yes” to either question: This is the condition of the vast majority of people who have succeeded in meeting the basic challenges of making a living, developing relationships and creating a life for themselves.

They live moderately satisfying lives but there’s not a lot of zest. They look forward to their vacations as the time when they will really feel alive. They accept that their relationships are a bit flat. They are outwardly successful but feel a bit hollow inside.

So often as we achieve a moderate level of success in life, we get stuck on auto-pilot. Safety, security and the tried-and-true replace the things that truly make us feel alive. We do what we’re good at not because we love it anymore but because it pays the bills and we get respect for it.

We begin to settle, slowly but surely, into a humdrum existence rather than a passionate, spectacular, adventurous one.

While that may be normal, is it what YOU really want?

Do you want to end your life feeling that you haven’t fulfilled your highest purpose?

Chances are, you don’t.


You know that there is something amazing within you... a special gift for the world that only you can give. There is a “soul mission” you have that only you can complete. There’s an area of pure genius in you that’s just waiting to find it’s full expression.

You know, deep in your heart, that something in you is hungry to express a bigger, bolder, brighter you... the essence of who you are.

As you live into that bolder, wiser, more vivid version of yourself, you know that you will also play a bigger game (even if it’s a less conventional one). You might start a new business. You might tell your story in a book. You might start teaching... travel to Africa... get engaged in transforming your community... fall passionately in love again....

Whatever that highest, truest expression of you is, it requires you to say an unequivocal “YES!” and commit to bringing it forth.

Going Beyond Your Upper Limit

The challenge as you commit to the journey of bringing it forth, though, is that you have a lifetime of beliefs, fears and habits that have held you back often subconsciously and in subtle ways.

Taken together, they create what Gay Hendricks calls the “Upper Limit Problem,” that virtually all of us face: Parts of us are programmed to stay safe not shine or stand out from the crowd.

In this way, we each create our own internal glass ceiling. We limit our fullest expression for fear of the consequences. We hold ourselves back because of a core set of beliefs that we will fail, we will be alone, or success will be burdensome.

And this paralyzes us from making the “big leap” into our greatness and our genius.

However, this doesn’t have to be the case... you CAN reprogram yourself, let go of the old fears and shift the focus of your creativity and your drive to what you are uniquely gifted at.


You can stop frittering away your time on areas where you don’t excel or things that you’re not passionate about, and focus more of your attention on what truly brings you alive.

You can, in short, live more and more from your genius and your soul.

The wonderful part is that when you dare to make the leap from your comfort zone into the unknown realm of genius, the universe conspires to help you.

That’s because what the world most wants and needs from you is that which is uniquely yours to give something that literally no one else on the planet can deliver.

Your “Zone of Genius” is where the magic happens where you become so excited by your mission you can’t wait to get out of bed. It’s when you create a career or business that is uniquely expressing your true gifts.

People who live from this place live longer, healthier, happier lives because they have more passion for what they do. They are creative, energized and more magnetic.

So, be honest with yourself, where are you not yet living in your Zone of Genius?

And not just what career you are in, but what are you doing with the hours of each day? How many of those hours are an expression of what is highest, best, most creative and most energizing for you to do?

Gay estimates that the real fulfillment in life comes when we spend 70% of our time living in our Zone of Genius.

If you’re like 99% of humanity, you are not spending nearly enough time in your Zone of Genius to feel truly happy and fulfilled.

But that CAN change and you can live the life you dream is possible.

Learning from a Master Guide


In The Big Leap Experience, New York Times bestselling author Gay Hendricks will help you reprogram yourself to make the shift into living more and more of your life from your Zone of Genius.

Gay’s book, The Big Leap, has been a bestseller for five years and sales have been steadily growing by word of mouth. It was launched right after the beginning of the “Great Recession,” and it has helped hundreds of thousands of people go beyond a culture of fear and safety and live out their true passions.

The results are remarkable on every level from amazing careers to passionate marriages to vibrant good health.

Gay is a shining example of the benefits of what he teaches. He’s prolifically creative, wildly successful as an entrepreneur, a renowned teacher, and a devoted husband. At age 70, he lives more life in a day than even an exuberant 20-year-old.

He’s writing books, teaching courses, playing golf, launching companies and having a delicious time with his wife.

And now he’s eager to share his secrets to living a passionately engaged and wildly successful life.

For the first time ever, Gay has taken the core teachings from The Big Leap and designed a 7-module online experiential journey that will help you put the principles and practices in motion in your life, all with a community of support.

You’ll have the chance to dialogue live with him about your most pressing concerns and your most limiting patterns.

You’ll have a step-by-step roadmap that you can immediately apply to shifting your fears and opening to living your most outrageously authentic (and wildly successful) life by focusing on what you and only you can do best.

Profound shifts in your internal set points do not generally happen overnight, which is why a 7-module journey together is so helpful.

As you understand the key fears and issues that hold you back as well as how to address them in an effective and grounded way you will also build daily and weekly practices that put you on a new exciting path.

Gay will show you how to transform the primary fears for anyone who stands at the precipice of genius but is afraid to take the leap.

He will also give you daily practices that help you stay focused, clear the mental clutter and deflect the negative conditioning that others often give you when you start to shine.

How You Will Benefit

If you choose to join Gay for this 7-module experiential journey, you’ll:

  • Discover the particular upper limit issues that you have and implement practices to transform them.
  • Identify your Zone of Genius in a specific and actionable way.
  • See the specific ways that you sabotage yourself when things are going well.
  • Come to understand how and why you have a fear of outshining
    other people.
  • Learn how to work with the fear that if you enter your Zone of Genius, you’ll be disloyal and abandon important people in your life.
  • Surface and transform the belief there is something fundamentally wrong about you.
  • Transform your barriers to abundance and wealth.
  • Implement work habits that allow you to minimize distractions and focus more and more of your time on your Zone of Genius.
  • Learn how to work in a state of effortlessness living more in flow, with time going by in a flash.
  • Master time rather than be driven by it: Have time become your best friend rather than your enemy.
  • Do more of what you most love to do, recognizing that you don’t have to do a lot of it to produce huge results.
  • Reboot your energy and vitality by connecting with your core
    life force.
  • Improve your relationships by eliminating unproductive arguing and removing the Upper Limit Problems that lead to fights.
  • Identify your Zone of Genius in a partnership, and learn how to create more magic together.

In short, you’ll receive a lifetime of wisdom from a master teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands globally to have breakthroughs into living the life they were truly meant to live.

If you want to live a life that is truly fulfilling and expresses your core gifts, this is the program for you.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational training, Gay will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies that you’ll need to raise your upper limit and occupy your Zone of Genius.

Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to move beyond your Zone of Excellence and be in your Zone of Genius.

Module 1: How To Transcend Your
Upper Limits

Preparing for Your Big Leap into the Zone of Genius (Recorded May 13)


Gay introduces you to the keys for tapping into your own great potential and guides you through several meditations that help you discover the previously unseen barriers to fulfillment in relationships, creativity and abundance. These discoveries prepare you for your Big Leap Experience.

You’ll discover:

  • A unique, new set of consciousness tools to move beyond your upper limits
  • Powerful ways to tap into your ability to manifest what you most want and need in relationships and creative expression
  • Guidance for charting your map to your Zone of Genius, so you can take actionable steps to live more consistently from this space
  • How to overcome obstacles that prevent you from living in increasing waves of creativity and contribution

Module 2: Dissolving the 4 Fears That Keep You Trapped Below Your Zone of Genius (Recorded May 20)


This session gives you a deep understanding of what keeps “Upper Limit Problems” frozen in place. Specifically, 4 hidden fears are usually implicated in triggering the self-sabotage mechanisms of Upper Limit Problems. In this session, you’ll learn a gentle process for exploring and dismantling any of the 4 fears that appear to be limiting the expression of your genius (and account for more than 90% of Upper Limit Problems).

You’ll discover:

  • Techniques for overcoming the fear of outshining others
  • Ways to move beyond your fear of being a burden to others
  • How to transform your fear of leaving loved ones behind if you expand into your full potential
  • How to conquer your fear that something is fundamentally wrong or unloveable about you

Module 3: Your Zone of Genius
Mapping the Territory (Recorded May 27)


As you transcend the 4 fears that have been keeping you operating beneath your Zone of Genius, you begin a journey to your ultimate destination: the ability to live your whole life within your Zone of Genius. In this session, you’ll get a map for the new territory. First, you’ll discover how you are squandering energy in your Zones of Incompetence and Competence. Successful people are able to reduce dramatically the amount of time they spend in the Zones of Competence and Incompetence. You’ll also see how successful people relentlessly focus on the Zone of Genius to produce extraordinary results.

You’ll discover:

  • How to raise your upper limit to enter into your Zone of Genius and return to it more effortlessly
  • Strategies to move out of your Zones of Incompetence and Competence through delegation and asking for support
  • Powerful ways to transform your hidden fears to increase abundance and wealth
  • Effective methods for increasing the amount of time you work and live in your Zone of Genius

Module 4: Living in Your Zone of Genius
Mastering the 3 P’s (Recorded June 3)


This session shines a light on a particularly troublesome area of life one that saps the energy of many creative people. Most of us have one or more of these crystallized patterns that keep recurring, often in spite of our best efforts to eliminate them. A pattern of repeated conflict or self-criticism, for example, can consume the very energy needed to fuel our creative projects. In this module, you’ll experience a new way to clear up your own self-limiting patterns by exploring the 3 P’s: Punishment, Prevention and Protection as well as self-sabotaging symptoms that are usually motivated by deep, unconscious needs.

You’ll discover:

  • A life-changing process for awakening from long-held patterns (such as overeating under stress)
  • How to eliminate the tendency to sabotage success and move beyond the 3 P’s
  • Effective ways to diminish the inner critic and invite positive energy and creativity into your work and relationships
  • Potent daily practices to increase time in your Zone of Genius every day

Module 5: Mastering Time
Making the Shift from Newtonian to Einstein Time
(Recorded June 10)


The most successful people you’ve probably ever met are likely masters of time. Time doesn’t run them, they run time. By shifting from an outmoded paradigm of time and by implementing a few simple "time-tricks" that allow your creative output to soar, in this session, you’ll learn to take charge of an area of life that devours the energy of many creative people.

You’ll discover:

  • How to structure your day and week to optimize your creative output
  • Effective ways to deal with interruptions, distractions and difficult interactions in a time-efficient manner
  • Powerful techniques for working in a state of effortlessness and flow to fulfill your life work with passion and renewable energy
  • How to soar into the open spaces of your Zone of Genius the critical place where time moves at exactly the pace we need

Module 6: Taking Big Leaps in
Your Relationships
(Recorded June 17)


Nowhere is the Upper Limit Problem more observable than in our close relationships. Whether at home or at work, the quality of your relationships is determined by your ability to spot your Upper Limit Problems and move through them gracefully. Gay shares personal stories of upper limits in his 35-year marriage to his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, as well as specific tips and techniques for navigating through upper limits on your journey of love.

You’ll discover:

  • How to identify and work with the specific fears that appear in close relationships
  • Ways to spot Upper Limits Problems before they become full-blown and snowball out of control
  • What to do when you find yourself in the midst of Upper Limit Problems in relationship
  • How to work in partnership to overcome personal upper limits and live together in the Zone of Genius

Module 7: The Big Leap in Action (Recorded June 24)


This session focuses on the real-world challenges that people typically encounter as they begin to take their big leaps into the Zone of Genius. Fear, doubt and communication glitches with key people at home and at work can sometimes occur as you take larger strides in your creative expression. You’ll learn about a new concept called “The Genius Spiral,” a tool you can use to make your expansion easy and gentle.

You’ll discover:

  • Strategies for effectively communicating about your transformation with those around you
  • How to harness the increased energy and vitality that develops as you spend more time in your Zone of Genius
  • How to organize and prioritize your activities, using The Genius Spiral, so that your creativity flourishes on a daily basis
  • The Big Leap Daily Practice, a way of centering yourself and priming your creative mind

The Big Leap Experience Bonus Collection

In addition to Gay’s truly transformative 7-module live training, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Opening Up to Your Zone of Genius
Audio Dialogue with Sophie Chiche


Sophie read The Big Leap several years ago and took her leap by launching a unique business, www.shapehousela.com, that has become hugely popular in Los Angeles, particularly among the movie and television set. It’s now in the process of franchising to other cities. She has a fascinating story to tell about the challenges and rewards of opening up to your Zone of Genius.

Sophie Chiche is the founder of Shape House (an urban sweat lodge) in Los Angeles and lifebyme.com, a website that is focused on finding the meaning in people’s lives and driving them to embrace it. Sophie encourages people to embrace and accomplish the goals they set for themselves. She gives highly valuable advice about how to live your life to the fullest by finding focus and drive. She also discusses personal experiences about difficult times and people she has had to deal with, and how to overcome those obstacles and feel more positive about those experiences. She has degrees in business, psychology, and journalism. She was born in Paris, lived in Barcelona and is now in Los Angeles.

Bonus Teaching Segments
With Gay Hendricks


1. Moments of Discovering the Upper Limit Problem in My Own Life

Long before Gay ever thought of writing a book about it, he began to catch glimpses of the Upper Limit Problem in three areas of his life: relationships, health and finances. In these bonus sessions, Gay will share the details of several specific moments, to illustrate how the Upper Limit Problem follows the same progression regardless of the area of life in which it shows up.

2. Unity vs. Individuation: A Relationship Dynamic That Triggers Upper Limit Problems

The groundbreaking work of Margaret Mahler in developmental psychology sheds light on a particularly thorny aspect of relationships: unity and individuation. Dr. Mahler contended that the first year of child development was important in understanding adult intimate relationships. The first six months of life is concerned with union, closeness and nurturing. At around six months when we begin to crawl, we develop an urge to individuate, to become our own, to explore the world on our own. Dr. Mahler’s insight is that adult humans go through a similar oscillation of union and individuation in their relationships. If you understand how this process works in your close relationships, you are better able to navigate getting close and becoming your own person simultaneously rather than stumbling over the fears that precede the appearance of an upper limit.

What People Are Saying About
Gay Hendricks...


Gay Hendricks’ positivity, his love, his genius fill me with hope...
Geneen Roth, Author of When Food is Love and The Craggy Hole in My Heart


Gay Hendricks is a great role model for true success. He enjoys abundance and a deep connection with his own spiritual essence, and at the same time has lived for three decades in a thriving marriage. Now, he shows us how to do it for ourselves.
Mark Victor Hansen, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and Cracking the Millionaire Code


Gay has the corner on living life well... he is hugely successful. There is no better person to inspire us all to be the best we can be at every level.
Mariel Hemingway, Actress, Author of Mariel’s Kitchen and Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living from the Inside Out

Join the Global Community

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The Big Leap Experience not only offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you gain a deeper understanding of how your Upper Limit Problem works and of the core fears that block you from more happiness and success.

This international community is also at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart, and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Gay Hendricks

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from bestselling author Gay Hendricks from the comfort of your own home. Each module helps you create the specific skills and abilities to push the edge for the next new thing occupying your Zone of Genius.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.

The Big Leap Experience Bonus Collection

  • Opening Up to Your Zone of Genius
    Audio Dialogue with Sophie Chiche
  • Bonus Teaching Segments
    With Gay Hendricks 1. Moments of Discovering the Upper Limit Problem in My Own Life2. Unity vs. Individuation: A Relationship Dynamic That Triggers Upper Limit Problems

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Big Leap Experience Virtual Training

We, at The Shift Network, feel deeply honored that Gay Hendricks has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a highly loved and respected leader in the field of personal growth and development.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Gay’s incredible teachings and exercises, from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about moving beyond stagnation into a truly energized, creative and fully lived life as you bring your unique gift to fruition, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

What Graduates of Gay’s Courses are Saying...

Gay is a master teacher! Time spent with him is a gift of many blessings that continue to unfold even after the course. Thank you.
Patricia, Capitola, CA

Learning from Gay Hendricks was one of the most beneficial experiences of my life. Within the first 20 minutes of the first class, I got all of my money’s worth and more! He is truly a gifted writer and mentor. Thank you Gay for helping me to claim my writing genius!
MaryJo, Irmo, SC

I have nothing but the deepest praise for this course. Gay feels like he’s right alongside you, in your living room, giving you great coaching, tips, understanding, inspiration, advice and motivation. It’s all encompassing and I feel as if so many layers and angles of the writing process are covered... not to mention the beautiful sensitivity with which Gay guides the “artistic soul.” I’m filled with huge gratitude to Gay and The Shift Network for hosting such an outstanding course and supportive structure... and I miss the weekly calls already! Thank you, with all my heart.
Louise Beker, New Zealand

The course with Gay transformed my business of being a life coach, gave me the structure to start my New York Times bestseller, and most importantly, allowed me to feel optimism and confidence as I move forward.
Michelle Hubbard, Ventura, CA

Gay provided so much useful information that I will continue to benefit from on a daily basis. I am so grateful for his inspirational teachings.
Deb, Falmouth, ME

It was wonderful listening to Hendricks and seeing him walk his talk with such commitment, integrity, and passion. Just by being who he is, he is a living inspiration.
Suraj Samtani, Hong Kong

Gay Hendricks has mastered the art of sharing his wisdom in simple yet profoundly transformative gateways for those seeking his guidance and counsel.
Manya, South Africa

Gay’s combination of professional guidance, personal support and genuine belief in each participant’s ultimate success through our creative individuality makes this class of immeasurable value. Thank you...
Lori Woodley, Simi Valley, CA

This course was a first for me! I am so grateful to "have been led" to take it through an ad on the web. It opened many “inner windows" for self-reflection and expanded discoveries about oneself... The aliveness, enthusiasm, honesty and generosity of Gay are marvelous! Contagious even thru the web!
Bernadette, Seattle, WA

About Gay Hendricks...


Gay Hendricks has served for more than 30 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving, At The Speed Of Life, Conscious Breathing, The Big Leap and Five Wishes. Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford in 1974. After a 21-year career as a professor at University Colorado, he founded The Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars in North America, Asia and Europe. He is also the founder of www.supermindapps.com, which produces personal development apps for iPhone and Android.

Throughout his career he has done executive coaching with more than 800 executives, including the top management at such firms as Dell Computer, Hewlett Packard, Motorola and KLM. His book, The Corporate Mystic, is used widely to train management in combining business skills and personal development tools. In recent years he has also been active in creating new forms of conscious entertainment. In 2003, along with movie producer Stephen Simon, Dr. Hendricks founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies to subscribers in 70+ countries around the world. He was the executive producer of the feature film, Conversations with God, and has appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows and networks, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we'll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Big Leap Experience
Gay Hendricks