We are pleased to present our library of downloadable courses. This course includes all classes and bonus materials shown below. You will attend each session on your own time and in your own way, whether on your computer or another mobile device.
Available for Immediate Access: Recordings and transcripts of all seven sessions.
You probably already have a deep appreciation for the power of mystics to shift our minds, open our hearts and change our world.
But how do we go beyond placing these pioneers on a pedestal, and really follow their example into a new kind of life?

How do we get into THEIR innermost depths and mine the insights, practices and power that create an unshakeable connection to the Divine – and live that with our full passion?
And how do we address the profound challenges in our world with great courage and a unifying love?
The Courageous Mystic course, featuring bestselling author, theologian and change-agent Matthew Fox, is a profound solution to these questions.
It builds from a lifetime of work at the frontiers of our spiritual evolution. Matthew has made a life’s study of the great mystics in history, going beyond what they said or wrote. He immersed himself into what they actually DID to become such blazing lights of love, compassion, healing and awakening in the world.
In this first-ever 7-week teleseminar training with Matthew Fox, you’ll benefit from the lifetime of practice and teachings that has resulted in a concrete roadmap for how we can all become courageous mystics – ones that can light up a room, and help bend the arc of history (to use Dr. King’s phrase).
Matthew has walked this path himself, having been expelled from his religious order for his transformational views after 34 years as one of the most celebrated Catholic theologians. He’s supported gay rights, women in the church, healing with indigenous peoples, eco-spirituality – and even the Occupy Movement in his book, Occupy Spirituality.
He’s NOT an ‘armchair philosopher’ dispensing spiritual platitudes; he’s willing to be on the front lines, putting his formidable knowledge, wisdom and passion into action.

What he will make clear in this training, and by illuminating the Via Positiva teachings, is that becoming a courageous mystic requires more than just a sweet, tender, devotional love for God and creation – although that’s a wonderful start. It also requires a warrior’s courage to confront the shadow in ourselves and our world. It means developing the capacity to transform grief, release creativity, address injustice, and stand resolute through life’s storms.
As we establish a powerful mystical connection – and then begin living from it – we discover reserves of strength and love we didn’t dare believe that we had within us. We become modern mystics, with our feet planted firmly on the ground, our arms outstretched, and our minds open to the sky.
As it turns out, the Martin Luther King Jr.s of the world are not unique Messiahs, but wayshowers for us all to follow.
And when we do follow, real magic can happen. Our souls open to higher guidance. We feel the bliss of union with the Beloved. We are kissed by the sacred beauty of each moment. We become a change agent – not out of outrage at the world – but out of profound compassion.
We become a better Mom. Dad. Teacher. Ally. Friend. Citizen.
We let the Divine infuse our words, shift our behaviors and open our hearts. And we become a true conduit for grace.
What Matthew Fox will do is open the door for the courageous mystic within you to come forward by the power of his own teachings, and the bright light shone by mystic geniuses like Meister Eckhart, Einstein, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Merton, Hildegard of Bingen, Mary Oliver, Hafez, Clarissa Pinkola Estes and Black Elk.
He’ll illumine the actual path that mystics have walked (versus what is typically written about them), and show how it leads to a fuller understanding of ourselves as Divine beings – here to express great love and courage.
In short, Matthew is here to offer you a spiritual transmission of wisdom and a new template for your life – a life that is filled with the unmitigated joy of union with the Divine and the resolute power of the social change-agent.
If you are an evolutionary change-agent who is ready to elevate to the next level, you’ve been guided to the right place.
During the 7 weeks of the course, Matthew Fox will share how to integrate four essential streams of practice to become a courageous mystic – joy (a product of the Via Positiva), grief (of the Via Negativa), creativity (from the Via Creativa) and justice (the end result of the Via Transformativa).

When these four currents are married in your life, you develop the kind of spiritual courage that transforms individual lives, and even changed the course of history. It’s the synthesis of the light and dark, embodiment and transcendence, art and social action. It’s an expression of the Divine Human that is seeking to be born through you.
When you become a courageous mystic, you fulfill your soul’s purpose and become an inspiration to those around you for how to live a life of integrity, love, passion and service. What better vision for yourself can you hold?
Taking this course is not an academic exercise in simply understanding mystics – although Matthew has a remarkable scholarly wisdom to share with you. It’s really about embodying your spiritual path in a whole new way, building from the inspiring example, practices and principles of history’s greatest teachers.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-session training, Matthew will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies that you’ll need to successfully ignite your soul’s power – and create personal transformation and social evolution.
Each weekly contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to nourish your inner mystic and truly experience your spirituality.
Module 1: Awakening the Mystic Warrior Within

Discover how to access and call forth your inner mystic
- Awaken your innate warriorhood to overcome any challenge on your path.
- Learn powerful practices to expand your heart and build unshakeable courage.
- Open to the prophetic dimension of your inner mystic.
- Learn how to call upon and draw support from your spiritual ancestors.
- Cultivate the very best of yourself to become a pioneer of a fuller consciousness.
Featured Mystics: Father Bede Griffiths, Albert Einstein
Module 2: Via Positiva – Part 1

Awakening to the Awe and Wonder of the God of Light and Creation
- Learn how to access mysticism as a gateway to higher intuition.
- Discover the mystical truths hidden behind the veil of religion.
- Experience a direct communion with Spirit – tasting it rather than describing it.
- Awaken to a deeper understanding of the world’s mystical traditions.
- Expand your capacity to live from your heart.
- Learn from Einstein’s insights into intuition.
- Discover Mary Oliver’s three main principles for living fully.
- Practice the Divine Names from around the world.
Featured Mystics: Rabbi Heschel, Mary Oliver, Hildegard of Bingen, Albert Einstein
Module 3: Via Positiva – Part 2

Accessing the Power of Gratitude and Praise for the Sacred
- Experience a sense of adventure on the leading edge of evolution, going into the heart of the unknown.
- Cultivate resilience to persevere in the struggle – making one’s heart stronger, fuller and more courageous.
- Discover a deeper spirituality and reverence for life.
- Access more gratitude in your daily life.
- Learn how women and men can each call forth their unique warrior nature.
- Access the Cosmic Christ and Buddha nature of the Universe.
- Learn “praising chants” from scripture that you can engage at home.
Featured Mystics: Rabbi Heschel, Mary Oliver, Hildegard of Bingen
Module 4: Via Negativa – Part 1

Understand the God of Darkness and Silence
- Awaken to the power of emptiness through the practice of silence.
- Discover a deeper awareness of the role of darkness and suffering – in ourselves and our world.
- Illuminate your personal shadow through depth psychology.
- Persevere through challenges with depth, clarity, commitment, humor and fun.
- Contemplate the Void as the essence of all creation.
- Become conscious of your projections, and how you obstruct clear seeing.
Featured Mystics: Meister Eckhart, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Merton
Module 5: Via Negativa – Part 2

Understand the Collective Dark Night of the Species That We Are Now In
- Transmute the destructive warrior into the life-affirming warrior for justice.
- Learn what the mystics teach us about the Dark Night experience.
- Cultivate humour, and stay grounded in the midst of conflicts and challenges.
- Learn to “let go and let be.”
- Participate in a potent grief-releasing ritual.
Featured Mystics: Mechtild of Magdeburg, John of the Cross
Module 6: Via Creativa

Activating Your Fuller Creativity
- Understand the thread that connects all paths and all humans – our creativity.
- Expand and nourish your creativity.
- Break the trance of excessive individualism. and return to conscious connected community.
- Empower the evolution of our species by expanding your own consciousness.
- Engage all that you are – body, mind, soul and spirit.
- See birthing new things as a mystical experience, the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Learn how creativity can provide a pathway for Spirit OR for Evil.
Featured Mystics: Meister Eckhart, Teilhard de Chardin, Hildegaard of Bingen
Module 7: Via Transformativa

Embracing the journey of justice, compassion and community
- Become an empowered agent of personal and social change.
- Learn how to translate mystic insight and experience into real world action.
- Understand how to honor the individual with a greater understanding of community and community celebration.
- Access the Cosmic Christ and Buddha Nature of universe.
- Step into the next stage of your evolutionary process.
- Access the power of your prophetic voice.
- Develop perseverance in the struggle to create a better world – and apply this to spiritual activism around your most important issue areas.
Featured Visionaries: Thomas Berry, Adrienne Rich, David Korten, Anita Roddick
The Courageous Mystic Bonus Collection
In addition to Matthew’s transformative 7-part training, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus videos and audio recordings. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course – and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Matthew Fox Live Retreat Video Series
In this powerful video package, recorded over 4 live retreat weekends in Boulder, CO, Matthew shares about the four-fold path of the Mystic. This series includes over 6 hours of intimate footage that will not only give you an experience of being in the room for a live retreat with Matthew, but also greatly enhance your understanding and embodiment of the path of the Mystic in profound ways.

Via Positiva Immersion
Matthew explores the Via Positiva – the Path of Awe, Delight and Amazement – using special teachings from Mary Oliver.

Via Negativa Immersion
Matthew explores the Via Negativa – the Path of Mystery, Suffering and Letting Go – using special teachings from Meister Eckhart.

Via Creativa Immersion
Matthew shares about The Via Creativa – the Path of Birthing, Imagination and Passion – with special teachings from Hildegard of Bingen.

Via Transformativa Immersion
In this final chapter to the video series, Matthew explores the Via Transformativa – the Path of Justice, Healing and Celebration – using special teachings from Howard Thurman.
Mysticism and Creation Spirituality
Audio Dialogue with Matthew and Father Bede Griffiths

Father Bede Griffiths is considered by many to be one of the most advanced, illuminated and profound modern Christian mystics. After a lifetime of deep devotion and study – including living in India – Father Bede underwent a transfiguration process as he moved towards death. In this exclusive bonus, which was recorded on his last visit to the U.S. before he died, Father Griffiths and Matthew discuss the nature of Mysticism and Creation Spirituality. They look at the need for Christianity to recover its mystic tradition and discuss the future of spirituality and theology.
Father Bede Griffiths was a British-born Indian Benedictine monk who lived in ashrams in South India and became a leading thinker in the development of the dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism.
What People Are Saying About Matthew Fox...

“Matthew Fox might well be the most creative, the most comprehensive, and surely the most challenging religious-spiritual teacher in America. He has the scholarship, the imagination, the courage and the writing skill to fulfill this role at a time when the more official Christian theological traditions are having difficulty in establishing any vital contact with either the spiritual possibilities of the present – or with their own most creative spiritual traditions of the past....He has, it seems, created a new mythic context for leading us out of our contemporary religious and spiritual confusion into a new clarity of mind and peace of soul, by affirming rather than abandoning any of our traditional beliefs.”
– Thomas Berry, author of The Great Work, The Dream of the Earth and The Universe Story

“The presence of Matthew Fox in our world today is a blessing on many counts: His indefatigable scholarship, his creative response to the needs of our time, his love of life and passion for justice.”
– Joanna Macy, author, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in Without Going Crazy

“One of the great prophetic voices of our time.”
– David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions with Matthew Fox
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with pioneering spiritual teacher and modern day mystic Matthew Fox – from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session
In addition to the MP3 audio recordings, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions, in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
The Courageous Mystic Bonus Collection
- Matthew Fox Live Retreat Video Series
- Via Positiva Immersion
- Via Creativa Immersion
- Mysticism and Creation Spirituality
Audio Dialogue with Matthew and Father Bede Griffiths
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
More Praise for Matthew Fox...

“Insightful and profound. History will name Fox one of the great Christian spirits of our age.”
– John Shelby Spong, author of A New Christianity for a New World

“Matthew Fox’s creation spirituality is the spirituality of the future and his theology of the Cosmic Christ is the theology of the future.”
–Bede Griffiths, author of The Golden Thread, Marriage of East and West and more

“Matthew Fox introduced me to Hildegard of Bingen and her wonderful work. I am grateful to Matthew for showing us that even in the Roman Catholic Church, there have always been women who had their own vision – and somehow found a way to empower themselves within that structure, then share that power with others.”
– Starhawk
About Matthew Fox. . .

Matthew Fox is author of 31 renowned books (selling millions) including Original Blessing and The Reinvention of Work. He was a member of the Dominican Order for 34 years and holds a doctorate (received summa cum laude) in the History and Theology of Spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris.
Seeking to establish a pedagogy that was friendly to learning spirituality, he established an Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality, that operated for seven years at Mundelein College in Chicago. For ten of his twelve years at Holy Names College (Oakland, CA) as chief Inquisitor and head of the Congregation of Doctrine and Faith (called the Office of the Holy Inquisition until 1965), the Cardinal Ratzinger tried to shut the program down. Ratzinger silenced Fox for one year in 1988, and forced him to step down as director. Three years later he expelled Fox from the Order, thus terminating the program at Holy Names College.
Rather than disband his amazing and ecumenical faculty, Fox started his own University called University of Creation Spirituality, where it thrived for nine years and closed in 2007. Fox has taught at Stanford University, Vancouver School of Theology, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, among other places. He is currently scholar in residence with the Academy for the Love of Learning headquartered in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center at support.theshiftnetwork.com, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."
Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at theshiftnetwork.com/affiliates and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.