Do you want to develop new insights to apply in your professional work or healing practice to facilitate deep and lasting transformations?
Would you like to build more trust and rapport with your clients and minimize their
resistance to change?
If so, then you’ll be excited to learn that for the first time, four leading “depth” teachers of the Enneagram have created a special course to give you an integral approach to healing, growth and human development through a time-tested system.

The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners offers therapists, social workers, coaches, educators, spiritual directors and healers a powerful tool for supporting clients that complements your primary approach.
The Enneagram transcends simple personality typologies to offer a multidimensional map of your own and your clients’ psyches and souls that can create a more empowered client-practitioner relationship. And as you deepen your understanding of the nine types, you’ll understand yourself and your clients more rapidly, and get to their core-motivation patterns, fears and challenges that would otherwise take far longer to recognize and address.
A great deal of research shows that the quality of a healing relationship, not the methodology itself, is the most important predictor of successful outcomes. A deeper understanding of the Enneagram will help your clients to feel more seen and therefore more connected to you. As a result, trust builds and the relational dynamic strengthens... which improves outcomes.
As you gain more rapid insights about the worldview and challenges associated with each Enneagram type, you are more quickly able to recognize and comprehend their core patterns — as well as the most effective ways to intervene.
The same principles apply to you as a practitioner. When you understand your own Enneagram type, you become more aware of your own motivation, mental and emotional patterns, and beliefs that can affect how you engage with clients.
Integrating the Enneagram into your client relationships leads you to recognize not only the patterns and fixations, but also the latent potentials within each type, inspiring greater healing and ultimately, a sense of wholeness in your clients.
As a healing practitioner, you are always expanding your understanding of the body, mind and soul. The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners training will allow you to harvest the best of decades of application in clinical, therapeutic, coaching, and consulting arenas so that you can become a more effective, skilled and self-aware practitioner.

If you are in a profession that deals with coaching, teaching, supporting or empowering people to live their full potential, an in-depth understanding of Enneagram types can be invaluable.
That’s because the kind of feedback, mirroring or guidance that works for one Enneagram type does not necessarily work as well for another type. So knowing how to navigate each type lets you offer more skilled interventions, coaching and psycho-spiritual support.
Developing your understanding of different types of people is thus one of the most important ways to advance your professional skills, giving you more clarity around other people’s core motivations, fears and challenges.
Evolving Your Understanding in a Multidimensional Way
To successfully apply the Enneagram in a client relationship is best accomplished by spending time with true masters of the Enneagram who can unveil the deeper levels of this “map of the soul” and how it can help liberate clients from fixed identities, unhealthy patterns and limited self-perceptions.

Each Enneagram teacher brings unique insights, which is why we have brought together four gifted teachers from two prominent schools — giving you the most multidimensional perspective into the Enneagram and its application in healing work ever offered in a virtual format.
Imagine having multiple Nobel Prize-winning chemists to tutor you in chemistry — that is what The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners will be like. It’s an opportunity to enter the depths of this highly effective system in a way that you never could with only a single perspective or teacher.

The value of interpreting the world through multiple lenses is intrinsic to the Enneagram itself, as it teaches you to see, honor and more effectively understand nine different types, with their unique patterns of aspiration, motivation, defense and shadow.
To apply the Enneagram in a healing context also means going beyond cookie-cutter descriptions. You can’t just type someone as a three and understand everything about them, reducing their full complexity to a stereotype.

The truth is that all of the types show up within all of us, albeit in lesser forms. So it’s essential for practitioners to have a more complex and multidimensional understanding. Seen in this way, the types are more like deep structures of the psyche that show up in everyone to some degree. Each type represents a pathway to wholeness, healing, and liberation.
So when we see, honor, and evoke those multiple pathways, it helps our clients achieve greater self-awareness, wholeness and mastery.
Why this Training Benefits You Personally
In addition to the professional benefits, why might this 5-month journey into the Enneagram be beneficial for your own growth and evolution?

We have no doubt that you are committed to living consciously and being as self-aware, clear and grounded as possible, and not only in your profession. Yet, every day you encounter situations and people that can trigger reactions and misunderstandings.
Even if you’ve been doing transformational work for decades, you may find yourself humbled by the ways these unconscious reactions bring you back to patterns you thought you had outgrown long ago.
Whatever the core patterning, every one of us has habitual ways of being that block our full self-expression, joy and positive impact in the world.
All of these unconscious patterns can cause suffering AND are linked to the specific coping mechanisms of different Enneagram types.
When these very human patterns are triggered, we all tend to forget the bigger picture of who we really are.
The more you can find clarity and free yourself from the ego-driven fears, desires and motivations that fuel your negative behavioral patterns, the more self-actualized a person you become, in addition to becoming a more and more skilled practitioner.
The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners will help you take your self-inquiry to the next level, with a transformative system of spiritual psychology that can evoke greater understanding of the wondrous complexity within you, while helping you more effectively work with other equally complex beings.
Over the course of 21 sessions, you will not only develop a deeper understanding of all nine types (which exist in every one of us), but you will also expand your understanding of new ways to work with all nine types through their psyches and souls.
Master Guides into Harnessing the
Power of the Enneagram

The teachers of this program represent diverse perspectives sourced from two of the most respected schools for Enneagram studies and application in the world, The Enneagram Institute and Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT). They have taught this work for decades at the highest echelons and trained thousands worldwide.
Each teacher has had their own experiences and path, and they represent varied schools of thought, orientation and applications. So you will experience the richness of contrasting, complementary and resonant views for working with clients — perhaps even debate — and the fundamental unity of seemingly divergent approaches.
This unique program could lead to unparalleled dimensions of understanding and discovery — the teachers themselves are excited about what they will undoubtedly learn from each other.
Together, they will offer an in-depth, developmental and integral approach to the Enneagram that approaches the work in a holistic, multi-dimensional way.
During the 5-month training, these experts will go to the core of each Enneagram type, offering their unique perspectives to help you better understand, embody and create real transformation through the lens of each type.
More About the Enneagram
If you are not as familiar with the Enneagram, it is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. The nine-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine distinct strategies for relating to the self, others and the world. Each of these Enneagram types expresses a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview.

These types or styles are not who you are, but show you the patterns that tend to dominate your experience.
The Enneagram illuminates nine ways we leave presence, nine ways we forget who we really are, nine unconscious patterns that can lead us away from all we truly care about — and also nine direct pathways to reclaiming your essential nature.
When you understand it in depth, the Enneagram reveals the inherent strengths or gifts that each type wants to bring to the world.
Each of these nine gifts is truly needed for human beings to evolve, and to create a world in which we can all thrive and flourish — personally, relationally and collectively. The Enneagram helps us see new ways to combine our diverse talents and particular forms of genius, and to see a bigger unity.
The wisdom of this system is valuable to promote personal well-being and to help build organizations, structures and institutions that we all relish and celebrate.
The Enneagram has not only withstood the test of time; it is a field of innovation and creativity, constantly inspiring new processes and practices for consciousness in spirituality, business, education, healthcare, relationships, psychology, coaching, parenting, sexuality, healing and more. It is currently being taught in graduate-level human development programs in esteemed universities and being used in advanced coaching and healing programs.
When people first accurately identify their individual Enneagram type and understand its key distinctions, they often describe the experience as akin to a spiritual awakening. This can feel like you’ve discovered a blueprint of your soul — all that makes you unique, as well as the similarities that unify us all.
If you’re new to this system, The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners will guide you to understand and apply this system in a powerful way. If you are already well-versed in the Enneagram, there will be plenty of advanced insights and applications that take your understanding to another level.
The program is specifically designed to support:
- Counselors, coaches, therapists, ministers, etc., in learning advanced strategies for working with others in ways that are multidimensional, effective, collaborative and empowering for the client
- Advanced students of the Enneagram who wish to deepen their inner practice and accelerate their unfolding
- All people interested in experiencing personal development, inner healing, presence, awakening and self-actualization
During the 21-session Enneagram for Healing Practitioners, you will:
- Gain a deeper understanding of Enneagram types and how the system as a whole works.
- Learn specific ways that you can apply your understanding of the types to client relationships.
- Learn how you, as a practitioner, can embody the essence of the types at head, heart and body levels to build rapport, trust and client confidence in the process.
- Develop an understanding of the triadic nature of the Enneagram and how the different centers contribute to core patterning.
- Understand type transference and counter-transference and and how it might limit client development.
- Understand Enneagram types from a developmental perspective and how childhood experience shapes the types.
- Understand a higher viewpoint of the transformational paths underpinning all types.
- Learn how to engage effectively with different types.
- Open to a deeper understanding of core defense and motivation patterns, so you can work with types, instead of unwittingly against them.
- Support yourself and your clients in experiencing greater freedom from self-judgement and self-sabotage.
- Harness strengths intrinsic to each type that are hidden in the core patterns.
- Recognize aspects of your personality that you may not normally see, that may be hindering client breakthroughs.
- Cultivate compassion and presence to help transform psychological patterns, reactivity and suffering.
What You’ll Learn in The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners
In this 21-part transformational intensive, each teaching, discussion and training session will build harmoniously upon the next. You’ll receive new principles, insights and processes for working with type in your clients and with your own type, with an eye towards developing truly co-creative therapeutic relationships.
Different faculty will co-teach each session and within every module. David Daniels, Helen Palmer, Russ Hudson, and Jessica Dibb will each elaborate on a specific area of expertise (as it relates to each Enneagram type), as follows:
Interwinding the Enneagram Elements
David Daniels will present the role of childhood temperament in the formation of personality and the implications for parents and caregivers. He’ll share the 5 vital ingredients of healthy relationships that flourish rather that flounder, and show you how to work with the key ingredient of developing a separate self and self-care and their vital function. Lastly, he’ll highlight the ingredients by type for intimate and close relationships, including sexuality.
Type and Its Inner Observer: A Spiritual Method for Psychological Distress
Helen Palmer will explore with the importance of observing the patterns of our minds and listening to the self-reports of people who see the world differently. This simple turn of attention that self-reflection requires marks a giant stage in human development.
In the language of neuroscience, self-reflection joins two different levels of consciousness — the conditioned level of the brain’s embedded neural pathways and the “pure knowing” of intuition that marks recurring habit as it appears. Clients can learn to turn attention inward to recognize automatic inner patterns that drive them in a predictable direction. With practice, clients can note their own repeating pattern such as doubt (type six) flattery (type two) and judgement (type one) as it starts to engage. Eventually, they can choose to let conditioned suffering go instead of letting it run.
Triadic Structures and the Enneagram: Optimizing Balance, Harmony and Transformation for Clients
Russ Hudson will address triadic structure of the Enneagram, to highlight distinctions that are useful in zeroing in on particular challenges and capacities that arise for clients, and also for exploring ways to bring about better balance.
The Enneagram as a “three by three system” offers a number of groupings that can be quickly employed to illuminate key issues and open new possibilities for the client. Among these groups are the Centers (Belly, Heart and Head) which delineate different modes of intelligence; the Hornevian Groups which reveal fundamental ways we approach goals, wishes and needs (Assertive, Dutiful, and Receptive); The Harmonic Groups which highlight how we approach conflicts and interpersonal problems (Positive Outlook, Emotional Realness and Rational Competency); and the Object Relations Groups, which reveal underlying, and often subconscious, emotional convictions often at the root of the client’s psychological issues. Each Enneagram type represents a unique combination of these groups, and the groups are also useful in determining a client’s type.
Conscious and Unconscious Dialogue and Dance in Client/Practitioner Relationships
Jessica Dibb will address one of the most transformational aspects of the practitioner/client relationship: Learning to utilize the unconscious material and object relations that clients project onto practitioners (transference) and the unconscious material and object relations practitioners project onto clients (countertransference).
The framework of the Enneagram adds rich dimensions to this phenomena because each type will have certain qualities they wish for from a practitioner, and certain fears or blind spots they wish to avoid seeing or contacting in the practitioner. Additionally, the practitioner’s type can deeply affect what qualities and strengths they emphasize in the work with clients, and what blind spots or areas they actively deny, avoid or react to.
You’ll learn about type transference and type countertransference. And you’ll discover ways to be aware of this, ways to utilize the material that arises, and experiential exercises for working with blind spots in both yourself and your client. We will even occasionally dip into “relational therapy” that honors the unique relationship of each practitioner and client as important — and see how the practitioner’s type can bring strengths or limitations to the healing relationship.
Module 1: Practitioner Principles for Co-Creating Dynamic, Empowering & Enduring Change with Clients: Utilizing the Enneagram to Guide, Inspire & Ground Transformational Process

David, Helen, Russ and Jessica will share the journey that brought them to discovering the Enneagram, why they value it, and the foundational understandings for using it in a client setting.
You’ll emerge from this first session with a solid foundation of creative new ways to approach building relationships with clients that are empowering for both of you, create rapid change, and that are immediately accessible for clients of all nine types.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Ways to utilize the knowledge of childhood temperament to help clients unravel their unconscious patterns.
- How to work with yourself and your clients to develop an Inner Observer that allows core defense mechanisms to relax.
- How to work with the Hornevian, Harmonic and Object Relations principles with each type for optimizing change.
- How transference issues arise for each type in clients, and can limit holistic development.
- How counter-transferrence issues arise for each type in facilitators, and can limit holistic development.
Additionally, your four co-teachers will make sure you have a shared understanding of the way they’ll be speaking of core principles and dynamics of the Enneagram, including the following for each type:
- The passion (core suffering)
- Fixation (compensatory habit or dynamic)
- Shifting from vice to virtue
- Dynamism and change of movement along the arrows
- Instinct
Module 2: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Eight

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping eights release and relax out of destructive patterns of insensitivity, domination, excess, and separation from their feelings.
We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential vibrancy and power in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the eight’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn how to help eights develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the eight to support them in creating insight, harmony and balance.
- Learn how eight clients project onto healing professionals — transference
- Learn how eight clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Eights in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how anger reinforces the eight structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of type eight.
- Connect the eight’s sense of strength with true open-heartedness.
- Understand the ways the eight illuminates distortions and fears about power.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic vitality, strength and potency.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the eight.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Eight in a healing context.
- Recognize how the eight expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 3: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Nine

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Nines release and relax out of destructive patterns of disengagement conflict-avoidance, indifference and the suppression of their vital energy. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential aliveness and connection to self and others in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover unique, dynamic creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Nine’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn to help Nines develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Nine to support them in creating insight, harmony and balance.
- Learn how Nine clients project onto healing professionals — transference.
- Learn how Nine clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Nines in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how avoiding conflict reinforces the Nine structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Nine.
- Connect the Nine’s sense of peace with true groundedness.
- Understand how the Nine illuminates distortions and fears about stability.
- Identify a path for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic aliveness, engagement and harmony.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Nine.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Nine in a healing context.
- Recognize how the Nine expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 4: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type One

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Ones release and relax out of destructive patterns of perfectionism, judging, frustration and excessive self-control.
We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential wisdom and integrity in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover unique, dynamic creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Ones’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn specific ways of how to help Ones develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the One to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how One clients project onto healing professionals – transference.
- Recognize how One clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development – countertransference.
- Support Ones in understanding their developmental pathways to higher. expression of its core gifts.
- See how striving for perfection reinforces the One structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type One.
- Connect the One’s sense of purpose with true integrity.
- Understand the ways the One illuminates distortions and fears about one’s sense of goodness.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic alignment, serenity, and intrinsic goodness.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the One.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type One in a healing context.
- Recognize the ways that the One expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 5: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Two

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Twos release and relax out of destructive patterns of people pleasing, grasping for love, denial of personal needs, and over-involvement in the lives of others. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential compassion and altruism in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover unique, dynamic creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Two’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness
- Learn specific ways of how to help Twos develop an inner observer
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Two to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Two clients project onto healing professionals — transference
- Learn how Two clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Twos in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how striving to be lovable in the eyes of others reinforces the Two structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Two.
- Connect the Two’s sense of kindness with true self-love.
- Understand how the Two illuminates distortions and fears about being lovable.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic compassion, relatedness, and lovability.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Two.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Two in a healing context.
- Recognize how the Two expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 6: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Three

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Threes release and relax out of destructive patterns of overachieving, narcissism, image consciousness, and losing touch with feelings. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential authenticity and value in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Three’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn how to help Threes develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Three to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Three clients project onto healing professionals – transference.
- Learn how Three clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Threes in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how striving to be successful in the eyes of others reinforces the Three structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Three.
- Connect the Three’s capacity for achievement with connection to their own value.
- Understand the ways the Three illuminates distortions and fears about being valuable.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic value, capacities, and vocation.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Three.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Three in a healing context.
- Recognize the ways that the Three expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 7: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Four

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Fours release and relax out of destructive patterns of moodiness, hyper-sensitivity, self-absorption, and self-hatred. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential creativity and depth in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Four’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn how to help Fours develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Four to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Four clients project onto healing professionals — transference.
- Learn how Four clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Fours in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how striving to be different from others reinforces the Four structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Four.
- Connect the Four’s capacity for creativity with connection to their own development.
- Understand the ways the Four illuminates distortions and fears about one’s personal identity.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic depth, creativity and individuality.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Four.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Four in a healing context.
- Recognize how the Four expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 8: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Five

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Fives release and relax out of destructive patterns of detachment from feelings and the body, compartmentalizing, withdrawing, and fear of depletion. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential understanding and vision in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Five’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn specific ways of how to help Fives develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Five to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Five clients project onto healing professionals — transference.
- Learn how Five clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Fives in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how striving to fully understand before taking action reinforces the Five structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Five.
- Connect the Five’s capacity for understanding with embodiment.
- Understand the ways the Five illuminates distortions and fears about competency and understanding.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic knowing, clarity, and spaciousness.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Five.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Five in a healing context.
- Recognize how the Five expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 9: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support the Healing & Awakening for Type Six

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Sixes release and relax out of destructive patterns of overthinking, reactivity, anxiety, and doubt. We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential courage and awakeness in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Six’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn specific ways of how to help Sixes develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Six to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Six clients project onto healing professionals — transference.
- Learn how Six clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Sixes in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how doubting and over-thinking reinforces the Six structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Six.
- Connect the Six’s capacity for courage with their own inner guidance.
- Understand the ways the Six illuminates distortions and fears about trust and support.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic knowing, guidance, and trust in oneself.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Six.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Six in a healing context.
- Recognize how the Six expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 10: Therapeutic, Coaching & Transformational Processes to Support Healing & Awakening for Type Seven

As facilitators we can become more skillful at helping Sevens release and relax out of destructive patterns of overachieving, narcissism, image consciousness, and losing touch with feelings.
We can partner with them to create a healing and learning environment that allows them to make contact with a greater breadth and depth of their capacities, freeing up the gift of their essential joy and freedom in a way that optimizes their self-care, choices, vocation, relationships and self- actualization.
In this module, you will discover dynamic, creative ways to:
- Understand and apply knowledge about the Seven’s childhood temperament to support clients in recovering their wholeness.
- Learn how to help Sevens develop an inner observer.
- Learn how to utilize the Hornevian, harmonics, and object relations of the Seven to support them in creating insight, harmony, and balance.
- Learn how Seven clients project onto healing professionals — transference.
- Learn how Seven clinicians project onto clients, and limit client development — countertransferrence.
- Support Sevens in understanding their developmental pathways to higher expression of its core gifts.
- See how fear of missing out reinforces the Seven structure.
- Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of Type Seven.
- Connect the Seven’s capacity for joy with their own landedness in the moment.
- Understand how the Seven illuminates distortions and fears about being deprived and unsatisfied.
- Identify paths for relaxing inner structures and experiencing authentic happiness, satisfaction, and spontaneity.
- Differentiate and learn how to navigate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the Seven.
- Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the type Seven in a healing context.
- Recognize the ways that the Seven expresses differently in typical men and women.
Module 11: Integration, & Emergent Ideas & Processes

As helping professionals, facilitators, coaches, even parents or educators we have probably tried a lot of new ideas with our clients, students and even children during this course. In these two sessions, all four faculty members are responding to questions about working with others! Not to be missed!
The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners Bonus Collection
In addition to the powerful 5-month immersion program, you’ll also receive these illuminating bonuses that complement the intensive — and deepen your understanding and transformation.
Methodologies, Tools & Processes from Additional Teachers in the Enneagram Field

In this special bonus package, you’ll receive exclusive audio teachings from these Enneagram luminaries:
- Mario Sikora – Actions, Choices and Practices for Transformation
- Andrea Isaacs – Movement, Blockages and Growth
- Tom Condon – The Five Elements of Change: Combining NLP with the Enneagram to Help Clients Change and Grow
- Marion Gilbert – Somatic Pathways for Embodied Transformation
- Deborah Ooten – Case Studies of Real Change
- Susan Olesek – Therapeutic changes in Motivation and Behavior
in the Incarcerated - James Flaherty – Essential Principles of Transformational Coaching
- Bea Chesnut – Deepening Self-insight of our Behaviors through Understanding Our Subtypes
Surprise Bonus Teaching Sessions from the Faculty

Based on your questions during the modules, halfway through the course each faculty will choose a topic that is not in the primary material or needs a longer class to do it justice, and will create a special recording to dive deeper in and expand your learning.
Growth & Development Meditations & Ebook
By David Daniels

In this bonus, David Daniels will guide you in an audio meditation for each Enneagram type. You’ll also receive The Essential Practices for Growth Type-by-Type ebook. The Meditations and Essential Practices for each type form the basis for personal growth and contain the key elements of the type structure and path of development.
What Graduates of Courses with the
Faculty Are Saying...
Well simply over the top. The instructors were involved with the class from start to finish. It was one of those classes where each session was a suspense waiting to hear more information. The guest were very open with their sharing of their personal journeys. I would tell anyone who wants to learn about the enneagram or just wanting to learn more about it. That this is the class for that to happen Yes I would take this class again and I would refer it to my friends. Thank You, Shift Network.
– Mack Johnson, Palm Springs, CA
As a life coach, I found the course to be valuable to me in being able to work with my clients with more knowledge of the Enneagram and how each type functions so that I can work with them on a deeper more meaningful level.
– Bettina, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
I’ve been studying and teaching the Enneagram for many years. This intense re-immersion in the Enneagram shined even more light into my shadow areas "the places previously hidden from sight." Of course this has been difficult and painful at times... But alongside this facing of disowned parts of myself has come more awareness, more breath, more kindness; a less idealized self and a more humble and real self. Also, this was a wisely guided exploration into all of the types from the inside-out, deepening my appreciation of all the other points around the Enneagram as well as providing access to their blind spots and higher qualities within myself. These four teachers have depth, breadth, diversity of disciplines, and years of experience. I highly recommend this course.
– Diane, CA
The accessibility of this course online was a Godsend for me. Due to my family life and work schedule travel and cost are often prohibited. The access to listen in and then to be able to go back and re-listen was a great fit for me during this time of my life. The course happened after an exceptionally painful, stressful and chaotic time in my life and the pathway set by the Enneagram was a wonderful companion as I worked through many things. The journey was definitely not always comfortable but the generosity and love of the facilitators was a comfort to my healing process. I’m extremely grateful to The Shift Network for scholarship which made the course a possibility for me. I’m looking forward to using the recordings, practices and transcripts as I go through them again this year. I have begun sharing the wisdom of the Enneagram with more people in the hopes they too may experience the help and healing I have found within its pathways. Gratefully yours,
– Wendy Chasney, Milan, OH
The Enneagram Immersion was just that! Truly an immersive experience. My understanding of the enneagram has increased exponentially. I can’t wait to spread this knowledge to anyone who wants to learn it or change their life and thinking. The teachers were all excellent, masters of their crafts. Each borough a unique perspective and new understanding to the material. The exemplars, male and female, were all shining examples of type in living color. I was lucky enough to receive a partial scholarship for this course for which I am eternally grateful. I would not have been able to take this course at this time without it and this was a great time to be a part of this course. I often lecture for my professional society for CE conferences on topics such as teamwork, motivation, and interpersonal relations in the workplace. This education will allow me to integrate the enneagram into those topics even more effortlessly. Thank you for such a great experience.
– Dustin Ward R.T. (R)(CT)(MR), ARRT, Kansas City, MO
The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion course was the best online course I’ve experienced. It gave me a chance to learn from the best teachers and from people who were the types and their experience as that type and working on themselves. It was transformative as you actually were taken through practices that were experiential and gained insights through real life experiences. The homework allowed me to continue the journey in between the sessions and the backup of recordings and transcript allowed me to reread and listen again to the session. Also the support of The Shift Network and the way that they coordinated everything was top notch professional. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested. It is worth the time and money and was truly life transforming for me as a person and will help me in my work as an executive coach. Thanks.
– Susan Inouye
As an LPC, this course has changed my practice. I have a deeper understanding of the Enneagram and I am more mindful in my relationship with my clients. In turn, I am better able to invite them into a "curiosity" about themselves, using the Enneagram as a powerful tool for transformation. Thank you very much.
– Barb Wolfe, Durango, CO
Intellectually and emotionally enhancing, and taught in a way it can be applied to life,growth and learning, as well as teaching, coaching and therapy.
– Leighah, Yorkshire, UK
One of the most amazing aspects of this course was its luxurious length. To have such rich content to ponder every single week for nine months has made possible the profound integration of the teachings into my life. I feel more alive, full of hope and joy yet more able to face pain. Several people have told me that I am more present with them and seem calmer and more grounded.
– Lillian, Ontario, Canada
I am experiencing greater compassion, diversity and enjoyment in my relationships and more creativity in my work from the insights and learnings from this course.
– Ann, Maui, HI
In summary, the Enneagram course reinforced for me how essential it is to continually cultivate my ’Inner Observer’ or witnessing consciousness so as to enable the observation of my (Type Four) personality structure in the form of my mental/emotional patterns/contractions as they arise and to breathe ("the breath is the rudder of the Inner Observer") mindfully while relaxing into those patterns or contractions, rather than trying to reject or rid myself of them, all the while being patient and compassionate toward myself.
– Gary Westover, St. Catharines, Ontario
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twenty-One 90-Minute Class Sessions
Experience a rare opportunity to learn with four “depth” teachers of the Enneagram — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes renowned guest faculty, and helps you create the specific skills and abilities to o go far beyond simple personality categorizations to seeing the Enneagram as a blueprint for transforming our lives.

Twenty-One PDF Transcripts — One for Each Class Session
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners
Bonus Collection
- Methodologies, Tools & Processes from Additional Teachers in the Enneagram Field
- Surprise Bonus Teaching Sessions from the Faculty
- Growth & Development Meditations & Ebook
From Dr. David Daniels
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Enneagram for Healing Practitioners Virtual Immersion
We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels AND Jessica Dibb have chosen to partner with us In this unprecedented virtual offering. Four teachers of the Enneagram coming from different major schools will unite to explore a deeper understanding of the Enneagram. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from four “depth” teachers of the Enneagram, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us to effectively bridge the highest spiritual octave of our being and the most practical day-to-day realities.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), and you’ll also be able to benefit from four powerful teachers and their guest’s illuminating teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you’re a fan of the Enneagram and want to use the Enneagram in your practice (or just go to the next level of your understanding) — this groundbreaking exploration will help you deepen your understanding and open new vistas for application, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your growth personally and professionally, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
More Praise for the Faculty...
Any truly integral approach would include within its survey of the world the many different types of consciousness, and the Enneagram provides one of the most sophisticated type systems available. And of the many approaches to the Enneagram, I believe one of the best is Helen Palmers’, due to its empirical grounding and its wonderful comprehensiveness. I highly recommend any of her works on the topic, as well as the various courses that she also offers.
– Ken Wilber, Author & Founder of The Integral Institute
Helen Palmer teaches the Enneagram with an in-depth and clinical clarity that can only help and strengthen those who are seeking to use it for spiritual direction, Christian guidance, or even the classic "reading of souls." She is standing on the 13th Century teaching of my fellow Franciscan, Blessed Raymond Lull, who successfully used the ancient Enneagram as a lingua francato mutually evangelize warring Christians and Muslims. This is a very proven, traditional and tested tool for both the "conversion of morals," and the "discernment of spirits," which St. Paul calls one of the major Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:10).
– Richard Rohr, Franciscan Friar & Author of Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
With Jessica and Russ’ expert holding of the space, I was able to grasp what happens to pull me away from my experience of presence, as well as the operation of all of the nine Enneagram energies in me. Puzzles that I had been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “missing piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience of this workshop.
– Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.
We are so grateful to you, David, for the years of translating panels and psychological material to our untrained ears. The fruits of those labors, mainly, produced the compassion we all know you value so highly. You enhanced our lives.
– Lynne Celeste Gonzalez and Sandy Castaldi
About The Teachers. . .

Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He is also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He has been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is also co-author of The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, Personality Types (Revised Edition), Understanding the Enneagram (Revised Edition), Discovering Your Personality Type (Revised Edition), andThe Power Of The Enneagram (audio tape). Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.

Helen Palmer is an international bestselling author, with books in 30 languages. She is also a longtime teacher of both psychology and intuition, two different levels of consciousness joined by self-reflection. She sees the Enneagram as a superb description of the conditioned reality of type patterns in the neural-pathways of our brain, set against humanity’s innate ability to turn attention inward. Helen’s focus is to internally reflect on, and learn to relax, reactive type patterns that move us in a predictable direction — both of which is accomplished by a largely overlooked intuitive faculty of “pure knowing” that objectively reflects conditioned psychological patterns from a separate vantage point.
In 1988, she and David Daniels, M.D., co-founded Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition, a school dedicated to personal and spiritual evolution. Together, they directed the first International Enneagram Conference at Stanford University in 1994 and are founding members of the International Enneagram Association that formed during that conference. Helen’s early teaching was initially focused on the psychology of type and intuitive development as separate studies. Current teaching is focused on the Enneagram as a guide to spiritual method for psychological distress and the restoration of well-being.

David Daniels, M.D., is emeritus clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School, a leading developer of the Enneagram system, and co-author of the bestseller, The Essential Enneagram (HarperCollins), updated and revised in 2009. In private practice for nearly 40 years, David also has taught the Enneagram system at Stanford, in the community and internationally for 25 years. He co-founded Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT), was a founder of the Enneagram Association in the Narrative Tradition (EANT) and was a founder of the International Enneagram Association. He brings his knowledge of the Enneagram to individuals, couples and groups and to a wide range of applications in clinical practice and the workplace. He has developed many innovative workshops, including The Dynamics of Vital Relationships, Anger and Forgiveness, Loss and Grief as Transformers, the Enneagram’s Gift to Love and Life, Intimate Relationships, Love and Will, The Enneagram’s Gift to Mastering Conflict Constructively and Compassionately and The Neurobiology of the Enneagram. Visit David’s website and his organization’s site for a wealth of information and all his programs and classes.

Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director and principal teacher of the Inspiration Community School, an integral consciousness school dedicated to promoting personal, relational and planetary wellness. Over the past two decades, she has designed and facilitated unique workshops, classes and on-going experiential trainings that are grounded in a highly integrated model of psycho-spiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.
Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward. Using Integrative Breathwork, psychodynamic principles, the Enneagram and established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment, using methods that combine attunement, psychodynamic principles, intuition and physical sensation. She teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching Integrative Breathwork and the Enneagram at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for several years. Jessica also is the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) and current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee. She is a founding member of the board of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for challenging social issues of our time. She was one of the co-hosts for the Breathwork Summit in 2012, also produced by The Shift Network, and the host of the Enneagram Global Summit in 2014, produced by the Shift Network. Jessica is the weaver and visionary behind Omega’s annual conference: Breath Immersion — From Science to Samadhi, at Omega Institute.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.