With Transformational Leader &
Inspiring Women With Soul Founder
Devaa Haley Mitchell
An 8-Module On-Demand Video Training

Ignite your primal feminine energies to create a life aligned with your inner truths and powered by aliveness, creativity, and love.

Master practices to awaken your ability to break through outdated beliefs, self-sabotage, and cultural expectations to live with more clarity, courage, and compassion.


Have you spent a lot of your life trying to be “good” or striving to get things “right”?

Does speaking and living your truth sometimes feel “edgy” or even, if you’re honest, a little “wrong”?

If you’re like most women, you do experience moments of clarity and courage where you bring your truest self forward but most likely they’re not consistent.

It can feel like you’re bumping up against an invisible barrier you can’t quite put your finger on.

You aren’t able to share your gifts as fully as you’d like or make the impact you desire.

OR you want to speak your truth and be more visible, but stop in your tracks especially if your point of view is unpopular.

You may fear saying no, or setting strong boundaries not wanting to let anyone down, but leaving you stuck with an endless TO DO list.

In the end, you wind up over-extended, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

If you’re having any of these experiences, you’re NOT alone. And it’s not even your fault.

As women, we all have subtle inherited conditioning that can keep us boxed in.

Too often, we tend to take on the weight of the world and try to take care of the needs of our families, children, community, and clients giving our needs a backseat. We push ourselves too hard or operate from the male paradigm of doing; letting the female qualities of being and receiving slide away.

The truth is that as women, we have so many expectations and paradoxes to navigate, and we succumb to so much pressure both externally AND internally that we need to find our way back, to remember the powerful, passionate, and self-nurturing feminine within, and what it feels like to be a full-spectrum woman...

Instead of staying stuck in old patterns, wouldn’t it be deliciously liberating to dissolve outdated beliefs, behaviors, and cultural conditioning that may be causing you to suppress the truth of who you really are...

... and feel more confident, grounded, passionate, and truly alive in your day-to-day, as well as in taking new strides to bring more meaning and fulfillment into your life and your service in the world?

This IS possible when you can access your full range of feminine power...

These deeply spiritual, instinctual energies that can transmute what no longer serves you are already within you. And as you discover how to activate them, you can blaze a trail for a future more aligned with who you are deep inside.

They’re the energies that ignite your Feminine Fire, innate transformative powers that hold your unique, bold, creative spark, and can give you the courage, energy, and power to manifest what you want to create in your life and the world.

Awakening your Feminine Fire is ultimately one of the most liberating things you can do.

Stoking Your Feminine Fire


Feminine Fire is part of your divine inheritance as a woman. It’s connected to the life-giving power that lives in your womb and the ecstatic sensual energy that courses through your veins. It gives you the power to shine AND the courage to call out wrongful behavior.

It’s like your secret “superpower,” if you know how to access it.

The problem is that, after 5,000 years (or more) of patriarchal patterning, most women have lost contact with the wild, authentic, fearless, unbridled part of themselves. It lives in our legends and our movies more than in our blood.

We spend our days being overly accommodating, settling for a life that’s okay rather than sizzling, mediocre rather than great, safe rather than unpredictable.

Feminine Fire is ultimately your fuel to birth a beautiful partnership, career, or community. It fills you up from the inside because it cannot ultimately be depleted. It comes from letting yourself be a vessel for the Infinite, a vehicle for grace.

When you harness this fire, you’re not afraid to say “no more.” No more fakeness. No more second-class status. No more life-deadening jobs.

Your Feminine Fire is rocket fuel to enter into a new stratosphere of life, one where you feel deeply fulfilled, joyful, connected, and fully expressed. One in which you’re earning what you’re worth and no one is allowed to take advantage of you.

This kind of Feminine Fire doesn’t hate men; in fact, it leads you to love them deeply because they are no longer preventing you from getting what you want.

This energy can lead you to flow, move, dance, purr, and sing. It doesn’t need to be aggressive but it can help make you very assertive.

Ultimately, this force within us is THE key to unblocking our full expression as women, which has too often been hidden by socially-pleasing facades OR by overly strident masculine patterns.

It’s a power that’s in service to the greater good AND to ourselves. It’s a power that is both liberating and delightful.

Those qualities are at the heart of the wild, courageous, boldness that makes for an extraordinary life.

But how do you access them? How do you de-program yourself?

Fanning the Flames of the Goddesses


One of the most powerful ways is through the practice of archetypal embodiment of Goddesses who represent these very qualities. Just as putting on a costume gives you permission to inhabit different characters, so do these practices that allow you to temporarily try on a bigger, fiercer, wilder, more free part of yourself.

Archetypes serve to help you look at your life from a much more expansive perspective than your normal day-to-day view. They help you express the fullness of YOU. And as you learn to access the wide spectrum of these energies, you’re much more able to step into a bigger, expanded, mythic version of your life.

As you tap in with this larger-than-life energy field, you’re able to move beyond your “small self” and who you have known yourself to be...

In The Feminine Fire Empowerment, you’ll have the opportunity and blessing to open to these potent forces within you and reclaim more of your full Self.

As you do, you become more courageous. More able to speak your truth. More able to charge what you’re worth. More able to take risks. More able to serve your highest destiny. And more able to experience the full, delicious, erotic power that can flow through you.

You become a vessel for more Life.

Step Into Your Circle of Empowerment


To access YOUR Feminine Fire takes practice and a compassionate container for experimentation and healing. It also takes a sisterhood that is willing to call you forward and hold you in a bigger vision of yourself.

And it takes expert, trusted guidance from one who has activated, initiated, and opened to these larger forces.

That trusted guide is Devaa Haley Mitchell. She has co-founded The Shift Network, one of the largest and most influential spiritual networks in the world, all while being a priestess for emerging women, a dedicated mom, and even a singer. She’s a philanthropist, healer, and minister who has gone to her depths and heights in the service of freedom and empowerment for all women.

In eight sessions, she’ll activate a deep recognition in you and give you profound permission to open to these bigger, deeper, juicier forces within you. She’ll help you shed layers of conditioning and patterning. She’ll help you step outside the subtle matrix of expectations that you surround yourself with.

You’ll be guided in powerful practices that will help you to remember, embrace, and embody your wildness, passion, and strength.

You’ll draw from the fiery, transformative energies of the Hawaiian Goddess Pele, Goddess of the Volcano, as you learn to “play by your own rules” and step into a life more in alignment with your truth and desires.

You’ll reconnect with your inner Creator/Destroyer, ignited by the volatile, yet powerfully transformative, energies of the Hindu Goddess Kali, to help you blaze a path for new ways of being that better serve you and the world clearing ground for passionately cultivating your creative side.

And, you’ll come face-to-face with the fierce feminine, as you tap into the powerful healing energies of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, to draw from her discernment and strong intentions, tempered with grace. These are the energies needed to clearly speak your truth and to speak courageously for others.

When used wisely, these primal powers are tempered by the love and compassion of the Great Mother. The Great Mother holds the nurturing, compassionate Goddess energies within us all that enable us to take our stand in the world, yet keep our hearts open and the receptive and inclusive nature of the feminine alive.

During this self-empowering 8-step journey, you’ll:

Source your femininity from the overflowing, nurturing well of the Great Mother to help you feed your life with support and energy for all it brings Claim the feminine superpower of speaking your truth in a clear, direct way with your heart remaining open Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it Give yourself permission to play by your own rules Wild women don’t sit at the table and play nice Gain freedom from caring what anyone else thinks of you by embracing your bold, spiritually liberated energies Experience the release of long-stuck energies, freeing yourself to live a vitalized, impassioned and creative life Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs, and behaviors that stop you from stepping into your full radiance Discover how to hold the full spectrum of your experiences as a woman wounds, gifts, and challenges to support you in continually awakening and embodying your primal powers Participate in a freedom ceremony to release yourself from limitations and obstacles blocking your personal and spiritual evolution Re-connect more deeply to your sexual shakti energy and pleasure practices to fuel your own internal fire And much more...

These feminine energies are always within you, but many may have gone dormant suppressed not only by limiting beliefs and childhood conditioning, but by the dominant and often oppressive patriarchal patterns of today’s world...

This soul-igniting program with Devaa will provide you with a sacred container where your Feminine Fire can be rekindled, re-engaged, and fully embodied.

Through practices that can help you break through inner and outer obstacles, you’ll clear the way for a fuller and happier life, expand your vision of yourself, and birth your most passionate, powerful, and creative Self as you rouse the potent archetypal energies within, just waiting to be ignited.

This is your opportunity to birth a more soul-connected, juicy, radiantly empowered YOU.

Expect to become a more full-spectrum being comfortable in your wise depths, at home in your wildness, and ready to shine your gifts.

And, as you stand in your full Feminine Fire, you’ll feel your true essence your primal passion, power, and love radiate courageously and easefully out into the world...

What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules

In this 8-part transformational intensive, Devaa will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to ignite your primal feminine energies to create a life aligned with your inner truths and powered by joy-filled aliveness, creativity, and love.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential guided practices with Devaa. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened ability to break through outdated beliefs, self-sabotage, and cultural expectations and live with more clarity, courage, and compassion.

Module 1: The Crucible of the Great Mother
There Is Only Love (April 4)


The way of the Great Mother is the way of unconditional love. She is the foundation underlying all things, and she holds us in her open embrace.

As you drink in her love, you’re given the support you need to stand in your own fullness. The Great Mother creates a strong foundation, allowing you to embody the full spectrum of the feminine loving and bold (and sometimes, assertive and intense). All of who you are is welcome!!

In this first session, you’ll:

  • Discover how to source your feminine fullness from the overflowing, nurturing well of the Great Mother to help you feed your life with support and energy for all it brings
  • Cultivate the skill of “empty presence,” where you learn to slow way down and enter the stillness of the cosmos, so you can truly hear the soft voice of Spirit and feel her nourishing presence and unconditional love
  • Create the alchemical vessel for our work together by work with the sacred tool of the cauldron, representing the void of fecund potential
  • Learn ways to be comfortable amidst the unknown, and how to simply allow the new and unexpected to emerge
  • Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it

Module 2: Reclaim Your Primal Powers
Reconnect With Your Wildness, Passion & Strength (April 11 & 18)


Imagine a pack of women, running wild and free through the hills and howling at the moon, deeply connected to their innate instincts, the Earth, and the age-old feminine energies inherent in the night sky. This primal Goddess energy dwells within all women it dwells within you.

During the next two sessions, you’re invited to remember and rekindle your untamed instinctual natures, including your sexual shakti powers, and to take new risks.

Your Goddess-inspired primal energies are very strong. And when you can set clear boundaries including being comfortable saying NO you can feel this power within AND open up space to “run free” to do the things to which your heart and soul are truly aligned.

During these two sessions, you’ll:

  • Give yourself permission to play by your own rules. Wild women don’t sit at the table and play nice
  • Learn how to listen to your body’s cues, and use this deeper somatic connection to clear blocks to your creative flow. (You will be surprised how much this can fuel your life and your leadership! )
  • Practice setting clear boundaries and saying NO regularly, freeing up the space and time to focus what your soul truly desires
  • Draw from the transformative energies of Pele, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, and let her fire run through you to fuel your deepest passions
  • Explore the shadows of your shame and guilt and engage in a purification ritual to release these patterns from your cells, your organs, your memories, and your energy field
  • Hear the story of “La Loba Wolf Woman” and identify the places you have disconnected from your wild, passionate, instinctual nature so you can reclaim them
  • Gain freedom from caring what anyone else thinks of you embracing your bold, Goddess-driven energies. Re-connect more deeply to your sexual shakti energy and pleasure practices to fuel your own internal fire
  • Experience the liberating release of long-stuck energies, freeing yourself to live a vitalized, impassioned, and creative life

Module 3: Ignite the Creator/Destroyer Powers Within You
Breaking Through Old Patterns & Embracing True Freedom (April 25 & May 2)


The way of the Creator/Destroyer is the way of nonattachment. Embodying this fierce archetype helps you to break free of the shackles that have bound you perhaps for lifetimes... to cut free of old beliefs, self-sabotage, and familial and cultural expectations.

As you release and transmute what no longer serves, you create fertile ground for manifesting the future you desire.

During these two sessions, you’ll:

  • Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs, and behaviors that stop you from stepping into your full radiance
  • Get comfortable with cutting away the “dead wood” in your life, including habits, relationships, or ways of being that are not aligned with your truest and greatest expression
  • Discover how to channel the potent destruction/creation energies of the Hindu Goddess Kali to initiate your own liberation and stoke your creative fires
  • Work with the power of mantra, sound, and movement to release energetic chords and patterns from the cellular level, burning up in the fire in your own belly!
  • Allow the fierce energy of Kali to move through your being and through your voice, allowing yourself to speak with Her fierce and bold energy and get feedback on when others can truly feel your FIRE
  • Participate in a freedom ceremony to release yourself from those limitations and obstacles that are blocking your personal and spiritual evolution
  • Use the sacred tool of the crystal skull to help you clarify your intentions and focus your energy so you are able to manifest more expediently
  • Develop practices to declutter every aspect of your life to clear the way for being and doing what you’ve always desired

Module 4: Awaken Your Initiator Powers
Arise From Speaking What’s Polite to Speaking Your Truth (May 9 & 16)


The Initiator represents a fierce face of the Feminine, inviting you to wield the powerful sword of your words with determination and clear intention, while also maintaining an open and compassionate heart. Over these two sessions, you’ll be guided in breaking through old, repetitive patterns and aligning with your deepest soul intentions.

During these two sessions, you’ll:

  • Claim the feminine superpower of speaking your truth in a clear, direct way with your heart open
  • Practice and feel what it’s like to be in your fierce feminine speaking up when it would be more comfortable to stay silent
  • Learn to cultivate the courage to speak up in support of other women, so no woman ever has to stand alone
  • Tap into the primal energies of the Goddess Isis to experience her healing powers and grace
  • Identify and begin to complete the unfinished pieces of your soul curriculum, so you can fulfill the deepest purpose of your life
  • Participate in the Threshold Initiation and then experience the upleveling of your system, where you vibrate at a higher frequency, and increase your capacity as a manifestor
  • Work with the sacred tool of the sword, calling you into greater alignment and integrity
  • Use an inquiry practice to identify the places where you try to “control it all,” and commit to release your tight grip, so you can align with the divine flow of the Universe and call in greater than imagined possibilities
  • Learn how to call others into their authentic ways of being
  • Hone your ability to see your relationships, projects, and life with a discerning eye and to make “course corrections” when needed

Module 5: Celebrate Your Feminine Fire Empowerment (May 23)


During the last module of this powerful initiatory journey, you’ll be invited to celebrate the liberation, strengths, and passions you’ve ignited from within... ready to share your unique brand of Feminine Fire, and discover how you can bring this most potent and authentic you into your relationships, community, and the greater world.

In this last session, you’ll:

  • Reconnect with the energy of the Great Mother, who’s been operating as the foundation for all of sessions, and hear the messages that she’s now whispering to you at this phase of your journey
  • Discover how to hold the full spectrum of your experiences as a woman wounds, gifts, and challenges to support you in continually awakening and embodying your primal powers
  • Explore the ways you want to bring the gifts of your own FIRE into the world, and take your own personal vow, if you choose to do so, about the ways you will live as an Emissary of the Divine Feminine
  • Participate in an experiential closing ritual as a celebration of your where you experience yourself in your fully-empowered Feminine Fire
  • Commit to ongoing practices to support you to continue to stand in your courage and strength while expressing yourself fully in your life, community, and the world

The Feminine Fire Empowerment Bonus Collection

In addition to Devaa’s transformative 8-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Fierce Feminine: The Blessing of Discernment
Audio Dialogue With Carolyn Myss & Andrew Harvey


The fierce feminine blesses us with discernment, a lightning sword of truth that she brings down on all our illusions about ourselves, human nature, the world, and the nature of the Divine itself. Such a discernment flays all pretensions and dissolves all human vanity in a bath of black acid. Terrible though this process is, the blessing of unconditional compassion for all others born from it, and the radical joy of unconditional love that flowers from the ashes of the false self provide the fuel of all enlightened activity.

Guided by Andrew and Caroline Myss, you’ll discover:

  • The ferocious and liberating power of discernment
  • How to pray for the grace of discernment
  • How to pray to be able to bear the price and cost of discernment
  • The 5 types of discernment that make you an effective agent of transformation

Warrior Goddess Training: Claim Your Power, Passion & Play
Audio Dialogue With HeatherAsh Amara


Now more than ever the world needs your fiery, passionate, bold, unique expression! Being a Warrior Goddess means embracing all of you your darkest fears and your most precious gifts so you can shine your light powerfully. Learn how to bring your compassion, love, and humor to the entirety of your being on your walk to becoming the woman you’re meant to be.

In this session:

  • Uncover and release any places you’ve kept yourself small or sabotaged yourself to stay safe or be “liked”
  • Fully own your warrior courage and voice
  • Activate your sassy, sweet, creative, open goddess side

Messages From Isis: Merging With a Helping Spirit
Audio Teaching From Sandra Ingerman


In this session, Sandra Ingerman will talk about the importance of joining together as a global community to hold space in the world right now and how to merge with a helping spirit to see the world through the eyes of spirit versus through the eyes of ego. We’ll learn how merging with a helping compassionate spirit is a form of mediumship. Sandra will demonstrate the work by merging with her spiritual teacher Isis who will give a message and answer questions for the group.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to hold a loving space filled with light during this intense time of change, transition, and evolution on the planet
  • Journey to merge with a helping spirit to learn how to shift your perspective of how you see the world
  • Receive messages from Isis and have the opportunity to ask questions of this helping spirit as Sandra acts as a medium for her

What Graduates of Devaa’s Courses Are Saying...

“I feel much more free and ready to embark on WHATEVER comes”

Devaa made it very easy to feel we all belonged here and that there was a common thread joining us all. I journaled, I meditated. I laughed, I cried I did the work. Now I feel much more free and ready to embark on WHATEVER comes. The future, of course, is uncertain, but I’m totally OK with that. Thank you, Shift Network, Devaa, and friends. Bless you all.
Lee, British Columbia, Canada

“Fills a deep need for connectedness and loving guidance”

The support offered and created by the staff and the participants together fills a deep need for connectedness and loving guidance. Thank you so much for opening up the world of spiritual sisterly love to me. Now that I know it’s real and can exist and thrive, I’m better able to model it in my daily life, thereby helping it to grow.
Edith Lucas, Ukiah, California

“I feel more connected to myself and to my life’s purpose...”

This past year has been a crazy one for me, with some big changes and some difficult events. I don’t know how I would have weathered them without this course recognizing and feeling the emotions but still being able to find the lesson. I’ve done years of other work looking at myself and life through other frameworks, which has helped me a lot; however, this course has connected me to something deeper, and I’ve made shifts through that which wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I feel more connected to myself and my life’s purpose (as far as I’m able to see it for now!), and in ways I had previously been avoiding or ignoring or putting off, this course gave me the strength to take those steps without thinking twice! Thank you so much to Devaa and everyone else who contributed to the course!
Kendal, Arlington, Massachusetts

“A steady supportive place in my turbulent life...”

This course helped me along the path of the Goddess, with a support that I was very grateful for. It became a steady supportive place in my turbulent life and I’m profoundly grateful for that experience of sisterhood. Something I have not had a lot of before.

“Now I have the courage to see my dream come to fruition”

It was just awesome! For four years I had been trying to cope with tremendous sadness from the loss of my daughter. After her death it was really hard getting back to life, to living and taking care of myself. I grasped at anything my friends and family thought would help me and in my heart I knew I needed something more. This course gave me the tools and the courage to do just that. One day I got an email from The Shift Network for a free seminar. I just loved Devaa’s voice and signed up. Now I live an inspiring life. I have a dream and now I have the courage to see my dream come to fruition.
Barbara, Ontario, Canada

“A growth that emanates from by being...”

This course has transformed by life in so many deep and wonderful ways. I was particularly touched by the felt presence of being connected to so many women around the world through the wonder of technology. Their breath was my breath. We loved, listened, and danced together. Thank you Devaa. I leave enriched and changed. This is a growth that emanates from by being as well as knowledge and sharing that I will speak to others about and advocate their participation in Shift events.

“I learned tools to truly live in my own rhythm...”

This is an important course, taught in a clear and empathetic manner by an expert facilitator; whereby I learned tools to truly live in my own rhythm; thus benefiting myself and the planet.
Shan Rees, Wales, United Kingdom

“Incredibly inspirational!”

Oh, Devaa! And all the incredible women we were so privileged to have spent time with and to have them share their knowledge and life experiences! Incredibly inspirational! Without question this opportunity to be with and share such deep and sometimes very personal aspects of being a woman almost makes me want to stand in the town square and sing Helen Reddy’s song “I am Woman!”
Chris, Nova Scotia, Canada

“A powerful, enriching, and inspiring course”

Devaa is a gem and provided a powerful, enriching, and inspiring course. Really grateful for her leadership and for providing us with so many wonderful resources to support our feminine fulfillment!
Stephanie, New York, New York

“Allowed my very pure feminine energy to be displayed in action and spirit”

This course cleared very old patterns inside me, and allowed my very pure feminine energy to be displayed in action and spirit. I would love to bring this overview on feminine fulfillment to Spanish speakers.
Ana Estenssoro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Eight 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Devaa Haley Mitchell

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from a leading teacher of women’s empowerment Devaa Haley Mitchell from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Eight PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Feminine Fire Empowerment Bonus Collection

  • The Fierce Feminine: The Blessing of Discernment
    Audio Dialogue With Carolyn Myss & Andrew Harvey
  • Warrior Goddess Training: Claim Your Power, Passion & Play
    Audio Dialogue With HeatherAsh Amara
  • Messages From Isis: Merging With a Helping Spirit
    Audio Teaching From Sandra Ingerman

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Feminine Fire Empowerment Virtual Training

We feel blessed Devaa Haley Mitchell is working with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a leading teacher and mentor whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us illuminate a new feminine path toward a fulfilling, soulful, and joy-filled life.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Devaa’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re ready to take the next step in creating a truly inspirational life, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

About The 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage


The 13 Moon Mystery School™ is an offering of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a spiritual organization dedicated to the sacred feminine. Feminine Alchemy Immersion a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School, offering its teachings via online sessions and retreats through the unique lens of Devaa Haley Mitchell.

In the 13 Moon Lineage, we recognize that both personal and collective issues can be lifted and transmuted through the skillful use of a unified alchemical field on the etheric plane as well as through Earth activism. We learn to transmute through the process of how light evolves itself at the level of sound and light, as well as physical levels of transmutation.

13 Moons offers a lineage structure for us to come more fully into Essence so that we can express the gifts that we innately are. It invites us to connect to and remember our soul gifts and talents that we are here to bring forth as an embodied, pure frequency in the world. In the process, we remember what we have “forgotten” and then demonstrate that remembrance in our offerings to the world.

It also offers a pathway to become an ordained priestess of this lineage, moving us through 9 different gateways of spiritual expansion.

See the segment titled “The Ordination Path of 13 Moon Mystery School for greater details about the Ordination Path. You’ll find it right above the FAQ section at the end of this page.

Giving Back


Devaa is committed to tithing 10% of her personal income from this program to the Sanctuary of the Open Heart ( a non-profit organization that houses the 13 Moon Mystery School. This organization is dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine and to building a sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity. The teachings of the 13 Moon Mystery School are the basis for this program, and have been seminal to my growth and evolution on the goddess path. As a fully ordained Priestesses of this lineage, I am in deep devotion to my sisters and the temple community. I can never truly repay the beauty and grace that I have received from Ariel Spilsbury, the Founder of this lineage (in this lifetime), and this global sisterhood.

More Praise for Devaa Haley Mitchell...

“She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe”

Devaa helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective. Her support enabled me to go to a whole new level in my public presentation and bring new qualities to my leadership. She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe.
Marci Shimoff, bestselling author with over 14 million copies of books sold

“I always want to hear more from Devaa”

I honor her for all that she does, and I always want to hear more from Devaa. She holds a very beautiful and powerful place. I look forward to all the gifts that she has forthcoming.
Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer

“I saw many people transformed and lit up”

Devaa is a wonderfully passionate and clear transmitter of the mysteries of the Divine Feminine. She’s compassionate and wise and has a rich variety of skills she uses with great precision to inspire and encourage. I had the delight to teach a retreat with her and found her a truly loving and helpful collaborator. I saw many people transformed by her generosity and lit up by the joyful passion she communicated so tirelessly. I salute her pioneering work.
Andrew Harvey, Author, mystical teacher, and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism

“I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women”

I love being with Devaa, and each time I look forward to it. I’ve had the opportunity to co-create some of the magnificence that she’s up to in the world in empowering women to find their voices, own their voices, and use their voices to elevate and celebrate themselves and one another as well as our brethren on this planet as well. So I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women.
Lisa Nichols, motivational speaker, media personality, and corporate CEO whose global platform has served nearly 30 million people

“We released and healed major patterns that were stuck for me”

The time (or should I say timelessness) that I spent with Devaa was profound. We released and healed major patterns that were stuck for me. After years of seeing all kinds of “experts” I can honestly say that the time I spent with Devaa broke something loose and now I feel burden free, as well as much lighter and more joyful. I recommend her work to anyone who is ready to fly.
Marcia Wieder, CEO and founder Dream University®

“So far the most powerful experience of my life”

Devaa could be called a spiritual midwife, assisting people in the birthing of their inner selves. She empowers you, assists you, gently encourages you, and honors you for your efforts. With Devaa’s impeccable assistance, I was able to go through what is so far the most powerful experience of my life. I am extremely grateful!
Nathalie Daneau, intuitive coach and counselor

“I was able to open up to some profound healing of past wounds”

The healing and shifts that have happened for me through my work with Devaa have been life transforming. She created a loving container where I allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and to share things I normally wouldn’t have. I felt so loved and held by Devaa that I was able to open up to some profound healing of past wounds. I became aware of things that had been buried deep, and I learned what it means to fully embrace myself as a divine feminine being.
Charlie Wilson, Founder of Date and Thyme Cafe and 21 Days to Help Yourself

“I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be”

Through working with Devaa, my life has taken a complete 180-degree turn for the better. And I know I could not have done it without Devaa’s support. She is a truly amazing facilitator! I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be. The learning, growth, and development I’ve experienced are more than priceless. What I’ve seen happen with other women who’ve worked with Devaa is nothing short of a miracle. I absolutely recommend working with Devaa!
Kim Carpenter, executive coach and marketing strategist

“Gentle enough to create a nurturing, safe space, and bold enough to cut through the extraneous...”

Devaa brings a grounded, authentic presence to each session, and is able to drop deep into what is real. She’s gentle enough to create a nurturing, safe space, and bold enough to cut through the extraneous and say what needs to be said to evoke change. Devaa is an evolutionary change agent and an exemplar who brings her whole self to supporting her clients to bring their fullest, most radiant selves to the world.
Lissin LevChaya, Officiant and co-director and performer of Earthcapades

“Beautifully supported my personal evolution”

Devaa’s extraordinary depth of presence creates a supportive and sacred space for exploring one’s spiritual path. My work with Devaa helped me connect to Spirit in deep and profound ways, and beautifully supported my personal evolution.
Tarra Christoff, MA, Life coach

About Devaa Haley Mitchell


Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who supports people who wish to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. She is co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of the Inspiring Women Summit, which has served over 120,000 women from more than 160 countries. She’s also an ordained interfaith minister and a Priestess and “Focalizer” of the 13 Moon Mystery School.

Recognizing that who we’re BEING in the world is equally important to what we’re DOING, Devaa supports audiences and her clients to drop deeper and cultivate their soulful presence and open heart. Through her trainings, mentorship, and a spiritual community, she offers a space for true soul transformation. As a result, her clients are able to reconnect with their radiant essence, make a meaningful contribution to our planet, and live a life they LOVE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Feminine Fire Empowerment
Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell