Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD
Includes 7-Module Introductory Program!
Benefit more fully from Qi Medicine through entrancing movements — and self-massage — which can transform pain, insomnia, stress, and disease into vitality, health, and JOY.
Explore spiritual practices that empower you to cultivate your most powerful medicine from within, enabling you to embody and express radiant wellbeing.

Do you feel the possibility that the natural harmony of the Universe is alive within you?
Can you imagine how you carry and CREATE profound medicine within you to transform stress and illness into peace and health?
You likely sense your inherent abilities — conceptually — and aspire to engage them in a practical way.
Yet, do you actually feel, embody, cultivate, and strive to fully master your natural power
When you practice Qigong as Qi Medicine, you activate the most powerful healing capacity — your Inner Healer…
You feel happier, more spiritually connected, and your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do — heal and rebalance itself while dissolving blockages in your flow of life force, or Qi.
Your life-force energy can then circulate smoothly and radiate outward to positively affect all aspects of your life...
This harmonizes the internal flow of your autonomic nervous system, enabling your body to trigger, produce, and deliver the healing resources that are always present — and waiting to be catalyzed — within you.
And the Key to This Incredible Promise?
According to Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, an author, acupuncturist, and master of Qigong and Tai Chi, the key is sustained practice.
— Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD
Practice catalyzes your natural capacity for self-healing — and liberates your natural capacity to create the elixir within by neutralizing inner factors that restrain and encumber your Inner Healer.

In China, all the way back through shamanic times, diseases were cured through health maximization — preventative and enhancement of inner healing mechanisms.
Due to the nature of ancient shamanic and tribal culture, healing was necessarily proactive, and largely behavioral — using methods that people practiced themselves, every day.
Today, the practice of wellness has been obscured. However, we have inspiring information about Chinese Yang Sheng (“Nourishing Life,” the ancient Chinese practice of cultivating sustainable wellbeing) — centered on nourishing, hydrating, sleeping, breathing, moving, choice-making, and communicating with greater awareness and wisdom.
Yang Sheng includes Qigong PLUS all the life-nourishing daily practices so thoughtfully developed by the wizards and sages of ancient time. Yang Sheng even teaches how to practice for mastery of aging and ultimate departure from this life — accessing the aspect of yourself that is eternal. The Qi Medicine of Spirit is the most supreme source of the most profound medicine.
This way of approaching your days and your life is what master Qi Medicine teacher Dr. Roger Jahnke calls creating The Golden Elixir of Longevity and Immortality— which you can distill by cultivating a deeper connection with practice and developing a conscious relationship with the eternal aspect of your Self.
It’s called “Cultivating The Way” — cultivating and practicing a way of being that has radical benefits — which has no additional cost once it’s embodied.
In this advanced course with Dr. Jahnke, practice will be your focus — and you can leverage the power of practice with profoundly accessible methods that are effective, FREE, and simple to use every day for the rest of your life…
You’ll have the opportunity to focus on your practice within an enthusiastic and supportive Facebook community of Qi and Soul friends who share values, who help each other to refine and modify practice, and who explore the many ways that practice can be woven into our everyday lives.
On this deeper path to better health and a more joyous YOU, you’ll discover:
- How to overcome time constraints and other barriers to practice
- Why Qigong is one of the most prominent aspects of the pursuit of The Way
- Who the Master is, and how to recognize it
- What makes Tai Chi a kind of Qigong
- The Welling Way, which is based on the fact that in some way, you are always irrevocably well
- How to practice removing what obscures the presence of wellness
- How the Qi channels carry universal energy into the physical system
- Techniques for addressing issues such as pain, inflammation, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, dementia, stroke, and cardiovascular conditions
- And much more...
Plus, you’ll explore how to weave in the elements of Yang Sheng, the core component of traditional Chinese medicine that emphasizes prevention...
And even how to practice as you approach old age and death — always accessing the part of yourself that is eternal — the aspect of yourself that is the source of the most profound medicine of all.
Whether you want to deepen your practice in accord with...
- The 5 elements and 12 channels of Chinese medicine
- The principles of Yang Sheng for Nourishing Life
- The great philosophies of Dao and Buddha
- Ancient medicine
- Contemporary science
... or all of the above, this course will take you through advanced techniques to grow and strengthen your practice to successfully support you in reaching your aspirations in health, comfort, productivity, creativity, and more.
Learn From a Qigong & Tai Chi Master & Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Since the death of his father in childhood, Dr. Jahnke has devoted his life to understanding the cause, healing, and prevention of disease.
As a doctor of Chinese Medicine with over 35 years of clinical experience, he's studied hundreds of forms of Qigong, focusing on the cultivation of Qi while visiting numerous hospitals, institutes, training centers, temples, and sacred sites in China.
Dr. Jahnke has trained thousands in these practices, which are widely revered as some of the most comprehensive, yet accessible Qigong methods available to the public.
In this rejuvenating and healing journey with him, you’ll master simple, yet advanced and easily accessible practices for integrating the powerful medicine of Qigong into your daily life…
You’ll discover how to enhance your flow of Qi to resolve pain, deepen sleep, and transform unbeneficial beliefs.
Qi Medicine can also help you reduce inflammation... maximize focus, clarity, and productivity... minimize depression… and access greater vitality and longevity. It also addresses cardiovascular issues, immune conditions, and extra body weight… as well as the prevention of diabetes, dementia, and more.
What’s more, Qi Medicine can increase your capacity for enriched happiness, satisfaction, and contentment...
It can even radically increase the energy and capacity of your genes to replicate.
Reports from Harvard University show that mindful practice can rebuild the brain’s grey matter in as little as eight weeks, and that the healing benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi are second only to swimming.
Both of these findings are based on sustained practice.
An Advanced Approach to Healing That Benefits Your Entire Being
In Qi Medicine Advanced Training, you’ll learn gentle, entrancing movements that can make you feel like you’re flying. You’ll also dive deeper into self-massage, a powerful way to promote relaxation and self-healing.
AND you’ll cultivate the remarkable aspect of yourself that is irrevocably well — to generate a true understanding and experienced realization of ultimate wellbeing.
You’ll start to excel at using Qi Medicine as an alchemical practice, tapping the mystery of the essence of being.
Because ultimately, according to the great shamans and wizards of Qigong, the most refined elixir — the most powerful medicine — is distilled within your own spirit-mind-body.
Whether you seek to heal yourself, serve others, connect with nature, maximize productivity, nourish intuition and creativity, or create inner peace, Qi Medicine Advanced Training, with its roots in ancient healing traditions, offers extraordinary practices that can help you strengthen and develop your natural Inner Healer and expand your capacity for vitality and joy.
What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules
In this 12-part transformational intensive, Dr. Jahnke will guide you through the advanced spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully transform pain, insomnia, stress, and disease into vitality, health, and JOY.
Each class session features a 45-minute teaching followed by a 15-minute Qigong demonstration. Each session concludes with 30 minutes of Q&A with Dr. Jahnke. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to develop spiritual practices that honor and empower you to cultivate your at most powerful medicine from within.
Module 1: The Way

In ancient societies, health was treasured and protected by everyone. The source of information and practice to sustain health comes from thousands of years of tradition.
In those thousands of years, The Way was innovated. The Way is not a way of treating disease, or even a way of preventing disease.
It is a way of being.
Qigong is one of the most prominent and eloquent aspects of the pursuit of The Way.
The additional features of The Way are typically called Yang Sheng, which is the compilation of all the aspects of how to live with inspiration, vitality, and productivity.
In this course, our primary goal, besides practice, is to support you in believing in yourself and what you can learn from yourself and your life.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How accepting your personal power is a gateway to The Way
- The promise of practice, and how practical = practice
- The why and how of practice
- Why (and HOW) to dispel the myth that you don’t know enough
- How Yang Sheng connects with Medical Qigong
- Techniques for resolving pain
- Anti-inflammatory nutrition
Module 2: The Master

You may have heard or even come to believe that you must find a Master.
But the only person who ever becomes a Master is the person who believes that they have access to Mastery.
It’s not about what you know. It’s about the experiences you have had that lead you to inform yourself and have the capacity to inform others.
In the end, Mastery is something you can cultivate within your own being.
In this module, you’ll locate the source of wisdom, healing, insight, and Mastery within you. You’ll explore:
- Who is the Master?
- How Qi is the essence, and practice is the key
- The myth that the Master is a person outside yourself
- How to believe that you are your Master
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- How to resolve sleep challenges
- Rest as medicine
Module 3: What Opens the Way & What Obscures the Way

It is the nature of our society, especially through media, to create false assumptions about the Source of Knowledge and Healing and Peace.
Typically, many people believe that the most profound medicine could never be produced within their own being, when in fact, the only place that the deepest medicine could be produced is within ourselves.
In this module, we’ll investigate how we talk ourselves out of our power with ideas that obscure The Way. In addition, we’ll investigate specific actions and environments and ideas and relationships that provide a gateway to The Way. You’ll explore:
- What obscures The Way
- Practical options to open The Way
- Knowledge, conscious emotions, ideals, location, and relationships
- What obscures The Way
- lack of information and inspiration, conditioned emotions, location
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- Resolving the effects of stress
- Hydration
Module 4: Integration Session

During our first Integration Session, you’ll develop personalized strategies to deepen and sustain your practice.
You’ll find that the power of our community of practice is less about learning new things and much more about noticing what happens to distract you from what you already know.
Once you notice your distractions, you’ll receive practices to redirect and sharpen your focus on inner peace, health maximization, stress mastery, and making best choices.
Module 5: The Power That Tai Chi Enhances

Tai Chi is cosmological phenomenon.
Any form of Tai Chi that references a practice — whether it’s a martial art, a healing practice or a method for stress mastery — is named after the cosmological Tai Chi, which is actually the moment that the universe was born.
In this module, you’ll explore traditional Tai Chi gestures as a kind of Qigong. The unique benefit of Tai Chi is that, in addition to regulating the autonomic nervous system, it is a powerful tool for maximizing brain plasticity. You’ll deepen into:
- How to make Tai Chi easy
- How to do Qigong and call it Tai Chi
- How to do Tai Chi as if it’s Qigong
- The potential of simultaneous action and rest
- Five amazing and easy Tai Chi gestures
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- Preventing brain depreciation and dementia
- Meaningful physical and mental engagement (work and play)
Module 6: The Welling Way

The Welling Way is a point of view about healing that’s based on the fact that in some way, you are irrevocably well.
Isn’t it interesting that we use the word “well” to express the state of good health... and that we also use “well” to describe a source, such as a spring of water? The inexhaustible well of the Universe is expressed within you, and this is your invitation to allow that source to be even more fully embodied in your life.
In this module, we’ll return to the Three Treasures and remember the natural presence of body functionality, open heart and mind, and boundless spirit. You’ll explore:
- How healing and maximizing well-being are not the same thing
- Where the unlimited well of resource for body, mind and spirit is
- What activates access to this well
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- Strategies for resolving anxiety and depression
- Ways to manage relationships — and forgiveness
Module 7: Integration Session

During our second Integration Session, you’ll continue developing personalized strategies to deepen and sustain your practice.
You’ll again find that the power of our community of practice is less about learning new things and much more about noticing what happens to distract you from what you already know.
When you notice your distractions, you’ll receive practices to redirect and sharpen your focus on inner peace, health maximization, stress mastery, and making best choices.
Module 8: The Functional Way Welling the Body

In the Western world, we believe that we are the body. In indigenous and shamanic cultures, the belief is that the body dwells within an energetic matrix which is eternal.
In Qigong, you regulate your physical self and maximize function by activating the Qi within the channels, the organs, the brain, and all the physical aspects of the self in a purposeful way.
In this module, you’ll explore more deeply the Qi channels that carry universal energy into the physical system and support the function of all the physical aspects of our being. You’ll delve into:
- Qi Medicine at the physical level
- Particles, Pipes, Pathways, Pumps (Opening Portals)
- The Qi energy channels and their influence on organ, brain, and muscle function
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- Strengthening exercises
- Herbal tonics
Module 9: The Feeling Way Welling the Body

According to the ancients, the Heart Mind is the passageway for the transcendental aspects of being to infuse the physical self.
The heart and the mind can be unified. Thought and emotion can complement each other.
There are two kinds of feeling. Sensory feeling is physical, while the feelings of Heart Mind manifest as inspiration, sadness, love, frustration, etc.
One of the great foundations of Qigong is that the state of the Qi reflects the state of the Heart Mind. While the Heart Mind is located in the area of the physical heart, it is actually the compilation of all the emotions — positive and negative — that the Ancient Chinese said reside in all of the organs.
In this module, we’ll emphasize the importance of understanding that Qigong is not an exercise, but a three-treasures practice for Body, Heart Mind, and Spirit. You’ll explore:
- What the Heart Mind is
- The emotions of the yin and yang organs according to the 5 Elements
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- How to prevent heart disease and stroke
- The significance of Tea and philosophy
- The One Healing Practice/Exercise
Module 10: The Spirit Way The Spirit IS the Well

Many people question the nature of the Eternal Self or The Spirit. In Indigenous and shamanic cultures (including the Chinese tribes), the spiritual aspect of being is always prevalent.
In the contemporary exploration of the nature of the world through quantum physics, it’s reasonable to discuss the eternal aspect of The Self. In the Qigong and Yang Sheng contexts, not only is there an eternal aspect of ourselves, it is in fact the source of the most profound medicine.
It’s accepted that the body and mind occasionally need medicine, but questioning whether the spirit needs medicine invites us to consider that the Spirit is, in fact, the ultimate medicine.
In the framework of the three treasures — Body, Heart Mind, Spirit — the practice of Qigong is focused on removing barriers and obstructions to one’s ability to express their ultimate nature in daily life. Expressing one’s essence or ultimate nature assumes an open heart, an open mind, an open Qi field and the capacity to celebrate no matter what is going on. This is often referenced as “a peace that transcends understanding” and calm in the midst of complexity.
In this module, we’ll explore why Qigong is among the most eloquent forms of purposeful expression of one’s spiritual essence ever developed by humans. We’ll explore:
- The profound meaning of “The Spirit is the Well”
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- Our Eternal Nature
- The Power of Gratitude
- The One Healing Practice/Exercise
Module 11: The Community of Practice The Tribe, the Sangha

To conclude your learning and collaboration, it’s natural to look at how to sustain your practice — and how to coordinate your internal capacity (based on the three treasures) to realize the benefit of practice, even when you are practicing by yourself.
When we find our way to a sustainable practice, we are mobilizing the medicine within, we are in accord with the Qi Medicine Way, and we are leveraging The Welling Way. Coordinating the aspects of ourselves under the influence of these practices is a kind of radical celebration.
There is both the community of the parts of ourselves collaborating within ourselves, and the community of practice outside of yourself; in ancient tribes and spiritual traditions, these communities were our neighbors.
In this module, we’ll encourage participants to not only practice by themselves but to also enter a community of practice — in schools, hospitals, spas, yoga studios, faith-based centers.
There is also the nonlocal community of practice, consisting of millions of people around the world who are also practicing. They are our allies — we sometimes refer to them as “friends in Qi” — and we can communicate with this community through the Internet.
Finally, there is a community of practice which transcends time, which consists of everyone who has ever had a practice throughout history. When we do our practice, we are in communion with all Beings who have ever purposefully cultivated themselves.
In this module, we’ll explore:
- How research and experience prove that interaction with others is a kind of medicine
- The community of Self — body parts and organs, aspects of heart and mind, the Spirit
- The nature of external community
- Ways to practice with people in the region
- Ways to practice with people internationally through the internet
- The transcendental community of all who have ever practiced — and how to cultivate connection with them across all time and dimensions
- Yang Sheng — Medical Qigong and Chinese Wellness
- The sustainability of practice
- The One Healing Practice/Exercise
Module 12: Integration Session & Course Completion

In this closing session, you’ll participate in a community celebration and be invited to continue to practice and interact and support each other as a community.
Again, you’ll find that the power of our community of practice is less about learning new things and much more about noticing what happens to distract you from what you already know.
And you’ll find that with your deepened skills and our community of practice, you’re more resourced than ever in your ability to access inner peace, health maximization, stress mastery, and best choices.
Qi Medicine Introductory Training Is Included!

This advanced course builds upon the core teachings from the Qi Medicine 7-module course. When you purchase the 12-part training, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.
In this 7-module transformational course, Dr. Jahnke skillfully guides you through Qigong methods which awaken Qi Medicine within you and create a daily self-care practice you can use for the rest of your life. In seven sessions, you’ll experience how the most profound medicine is created within you — and learn to access it at will — to transform anxiety, stress, and disease into self-confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.
Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to revitalize, energize, and heal your body, mind, and spirit.
- Module 1: The Most Profound Medicine Is Produced Within Your Own Being
- Module 2: Qigong & the Promise of Self-Initiated Transformation
- Module 3: Cultivate Your Inner Medicine Through the Movement & Mindfulness Baskets
- Module 4: Deepen the Health Benefits of Qigong With the Breath & Massage Baskets
- Module 5: The 9 Phases of Cultivation & Mastery of Qi
- Module 6: The Deeper Secrets of Inner Alchemy
- Module 7: A Qigong Marathon Integrate & Sustain the Practice
PLUS, you’ll get the Qi Medicine Bonus Collection
- Bonus #1: Qigong: Ancient Energetics Roots Webinar
5-Part Video Training From Dr. Roger Jahnke - Bonus #2: How to Ignite & Sustain the Fire of Genius
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Roger Jahnke and Michael Gelb
Qi Medicine original price was $297.00, but is included in your registration for the advanced course.
The Qi Medicine Advanced Bonus Collection
(Valued at $500.00)
In addition to Dr. Jahnke’s introductory training and advanced 12-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Qigong Global Summit Recordings
Complete Package of Recordings and Transcripts From The Qigong Global Summit 2018

In The Qigong Global Summit, some of the world’s foremost Qigong teachers show you simple, yet powerful practices to cultivate abundant Qi flow for your health, healing, and daily life. Through beautiful, high-quality video, they illuminate both the philosophical and practical components of working with Qi — and offer simple practices you can use right away. Our highly esteemed teachers offer their wisdom on how to discover your inner healing potential, and perspectives on how to flow with the challenges of daily life.
Featured experts include Lee Holden, Effie Chow, and Mingtong Gu!
Flowing Motion
Video Teaching From Dr. Roger Jahnke

Be guided in the relaxing meditative movement that’s one of the most prevalent and powerful Qigong practices in China. In this video, Roger shows you how to relax into a balance-enhancing practice that harmonizes your autonomic nervous system and initiates the internal flow of your inner resources such as energy, fluids, and nourishment. Take 10 minutes anytime, and feel how this relaxing movement can be your trigger for producing the healing resources within your body — and delivering them throughout.
Dissolving Chi
Video Teaching From Dr. Roger Jahnke

Sink instantly into the now-centered practice of transforming Qi. In four transformative minutes, Roger will guide you through feeling the Qi between your hands and opening the space around your heart. As you move the Qi, you’ll disentangle for a moment from the complexity of your life, give yourself a tiny deep rest, reach down toward the Earth, out toward other living things, up into the boundlessness, and bathe yourself in Qi. Then you’ll feel the simple grace of expressing gratitude and sending prayers to others.
Esalen Symposium: Qi, Longevity & Consciousness
Video Presentation From Dr. Roger Jahnke

In celebration of the auspicious 50th anniversary of the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, in the year of the Water Dragon, on the eve of the summer solstice in June 2012, Dr. Jahnke presented Longevity & the Universal Nature of Qi & Consciousness — in which he explores the nature of human energy, the origin of Tai Chi, the genetic fountain of youth, and the light produced by human cells, followed by an inspiring Qigong practice session.
$10.00 Discount on the National Qigong Association (NQA) Membership

As part of your participation in the course, the National Qigong Association (NQA) has generously offered to extend a $10.00 discount to any registrants who wish to become an NQA member, at any level, whether general or professional. You can find out more about NQA at https://www.nqa.org.
Note: no additional purchase is required for the course. In addition, it’s not required to become an NQA member. Either way, you’ll receive the full benefits of your training with Dr. Jahnke.
What People Are Saying About Dr. Roger Jahnke...
“Dr. Roger Jahnke... increased my abilities as a practitioner and teacher immensely!”
As a professional coach and trainer, I have studied quite a bit of meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and yoga. My work with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, and the IIQTC curriculum increased my abilities as a practitioner and teacher immensely! Dr. Jahnke is incredibly empowering, inspiring, and fun, and he draws extraordinary people to workshops and trainings.
— Otto Dittmer, Coach and trainer, San Francisco Bay Area
“Dr. Jahnke inspires a powerful sense of awe in simplicity”
Dr. Jahnke inspires a powerful sense of awe in simplicity. The camaraderie I experienced at events has deeply inspired my heart and mind to be resilient in times of chaos and complexity. I have been able to slay the demons of anxiety and begin to see new levels of confidence and experience a thirst for soaring high. Qigong has opened doors for me to manifest my dream life and has supported me to more deeply explore, enrich, and empower my own practice so I can shine brightly for others.
— Kristen Musolino, Life coach and Qigong teacher, New Jersey
“... studying with Dr. Roger Jahnke has given me both roots and wings”
I cannot even begin to quantify how Qigong has changed my life. I found that studying with Dr. Roger Jahnke has given me both roots and wings — deep roots of wisdom and practice, along with broad wings of freedom and inspiration to follow my deeper self. The breadth of Qigong forms presented by Dr. Jahnke, and the lectures and discussions kept me spellbound every moment. Roger is a venerable and humble master, skillfully guiding us to continually rediscover our own health and wealth within.
— Lori Furbush, Yoga teacher, Santa Rosa, California
“I am absolutely pain-free!”
It’s hard to find words for the Qigong experience. I feel it took me out of my habit mind and into “the great beyond.” I loved the practice and remember waking up on day three thinking, “I am absolutely pain-free!” — an unusual experience for me. I easily learned the practices and contacted some deep and difficult emotional material, processed and released almost effortlessly. A profound and beautiful experience.
— Mariah Wentworth, Retreat Center Owner, Texas
“... I have been able to experience real compassion and forgiveness...”
I gained significant health benefits and soothing emotional healing insights from Qigong. I eventually revealed a lifelong tension that really had nothing to do with me. From this perspective I have been able to experience real compassion and forgiveness of self and others. I realize that Dr. Jahnke’s workshops came at really important times in my life. I now share Qigong with others and it is immensely rewarding!
— Jessica Kolbe, interior decorator turned Qigong Teacher, Santa Barbara, California
“... I no longer take medication, lost 60 pounds...”
Qigong, meditation, and Tai Chi Easy™ have changed, and actually saved my life. At the age of 40, I found myself 60 pounds overweight, pre-diabetic, and taking medication for anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. In only four years of adding these mind-body practices into my daily routine, I no longer take medication, lost 60 pounds, and have been described as a very calm and peaceful person.
— P.J. Harder, MS, life coach, stress-management counselor
“... even in learning the beginning simple moves, so much Qi was flowing!”
Having practiced and taught many forms of Qigong for 20 years, learning my work with the IIQTC was a most surprising revelation and revolution of body, mind, and heart. So amazing that even in learning the beginning simple moves, so much Qi was flowing! So much return for my efforts, a synchronized symphony. My daily Qigong practice now always includes IIQTC methods, which are ever revitalizing and fun! And my students LOVE that I always include some of the forms from Dr. Jahnke and the IIQTC!
— Rev. Dr. John Neff, Certified Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) teacher, Western Washington
“... deepened my daily mindfulness practice...”
The Qigong retreat with Dr. Jahnke deepened my daily mindfulness practice by sharpening my focus on the internal dynamics of function and Qi. I came to the training “knowing” that Qigong cultivates internal energy and mind-body-spirit transformation. I left the retreat “feeling” this. The IIQTC philosophy and approach is really a great way to begin or refine a mind-body practice in your life. It serves me and then I serve my clients. Very powerful!
— Michael Brown, Chaplain at Mayo Health System, Wisconsin
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Dr. Roger Jahnke
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with master of Qigong and Tai Chi Dr. Roger Jahnke — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to successfully transform pain, insomnia, stress, and disease into vitality, health, and joy.

Twelve PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

Qi Medicine 7-Module Course and Bonuses
When you sign up for this 12-step training, you’ll get instant access to Dr. Jahnke’s first 7-module online course, guiding you through Qigong methods which awaken Qi Medicine within you and create a daily self-care practice you can use for the rest of your life. You’ll also receive the bonus collection, which includes a 5-part video training,an audio dialogue with creative thinking authority, Michael Gelb, and a discount on the National Qigong Association (NQA) Membership.
The Qi Medicine Advanced Bonus Collection
- Qigong Global Summit Recordings
Complete Package of Recordings and Transcripts From The Qigong Global Summit 2018
- Flowing Motion
Video Teaching From Dr. Roger Jahnke
- Dissolving Chi
Video Teaching From Dr. Roger Jahnke
- Esalen Symposium: Qi, Longevity & Consciousness
Video Presentation From Dr. Roger Jahnke
- $10.00 Discount on the National Qigong Association (NQA) Membership
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Qi Medicine Advanced Training
We feel honored Dr. Roger Jahnke has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an author, acupuncturist, and master of Qigong and Tai Chi whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dr. Jahnke’s invaluable teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
If you’re serious about learning to access the profound medicine which is created within you, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Qi Medicine Advanced Training with Roger Jahnke — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
More Praise for Dr. Roger Jahnke...

“Dr. Jahnke’s work is practical and inspiring.”
— Deepak Chopra, MD, Author of Quantum Healing: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Successand Ageless Body, Timeless Mind

“Dr. Jahnke’s work provides accessible strategies...”
The Healer Within is a gem: it’s full of simple yet profoundly effective health practices. Dr. Jahnke’s work provides accessible strategies that anyone can use to regain or maintain optimal health.
— Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“His teaching is pure and potent...”
Qigong has the power to transform your life! Dr. Jahnke lives the values of the Qigong Way! His teaching is pure and potent, combining mind and heart to give you insight and practices to benefit you for the rest of your life.
— Joan Borysenko, PhD, bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

“Dr. Jahnke does a splendid job... providing us with self-healing tools...”
Some of the greatest miracles occur when people are informed and inspired. Dr. Jahnke does a splendid job informing us of the marvel of the healer within — the Qi — providing us with self-healing tools that are easy to use, and then telling us the amazing stories that provide the inspiration.
— Jack Canfield, Speaker and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“... brings ancient Eastern wisdom and modalities into our hectic Western lives”
Roger Jahnke... brings ancient Eastern wisdom and modalities into our hectic Western lives.
— Candace B. Pert , PhD, research professor, Georgetown University, author of Molecules of Emotion

"Dr. Jahnke’s wisdom will lead you not just to better health but to greater serenity as well."
— Larry Dossey, MD, Author of Prayer Is Good Medicineand executive editor of Alternative Therapies
About Dr. Roger Jahnke

Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, is one of the most revered luminaries in the fields of mind-body practice, wellness, and integrative medicine. Dr. Jahnke, who’s dedicated his professional life to sharing the powerful ancient healing traditions of China, is the director and chief instructor of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) in Santa Barbara, California, and a co-founder of the National Qigong Association. He’s the author of several highly regarded bestselling books: The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi.
With 30 years of clinical practice as a physician of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 10 research tours to China, Dr. Jahnke has emerged as a key spokesperson for and master teacher of Tai Chi and Qigong. He’s studied hundreds of forms of Qigong with master teachers and visited numerous hospitals, institutes, training centers, temples, and sacred mountain sites in China, focusing on the cultivation of Qi and mastering the art of Qi Medicine.
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