With International Singer, Educator & Author
Chloë Goodchild
A 7-module Recorded Video Training

Discover powerful techniques to embody and express your truest voice and most authentic Self.

Clear stifling beliefs, old patterns and stuck emotions quickly using simple exercises that liberate the voice of your soul and open you to more freedom, confidence and connection with others.


Have you experienced a sound, maybe a singer’s voice, so pure, so resonant, it reverberates in the far reaches of your soul?

It’s as if this beautiful tone has been freed from deep within, and you feel every note permeating your entire being...

You, too, have the capacity to discover and liberate your own authentic voice your freest, fully embodied expression.

And it’s not even about singing... it’s about your truest voice being fully expressed in the world every time you speak.

Your voice is your unique signature imprinted with your most authentic expression of love, creativity and inspiration.

It’s the truth of your soul, waiting deep inside you to emerge...

And as you learn to liberate your soul’s voice, it can help you to open your body’s centers your belly/instincts, heart/intuition and head/insights so you can break through the constrictions that have not only frozen your most authentic voice, but also your most authentic expression of YOU.

Using your voice in this way helps you to quickly clear stifling beliefs and old behavioral patterns, even stuck emotions. In essence, bringing forth your most authentic voice opens the gates to a more true and beautiful life.

Liberate Your Voice (and Life!) With an Expert Guide


Teaching others to find and use the voice of their soul is the specialty of international singer, educator and author, Chloë Goodchild, who, for decades, has guided hundreds in discovering their truest voice and using it as a form of sound healing and soul communication.

Both science and spirituality agree that every particle of matter, every phenomenon we experience, is a form of resonance or vibration.

The human voice is quite literally a mouthpiece of this truth; there is no form of expression more personal, more tied to our identities, than our voices.

Through time-honored, proven practices, including the chants of ancient cultures, Chloë guides us in bringing our truest voice forward by first learning to recognize what our voice is expressing through sound only.

At this level of primal inquiry, words are not important. The focus is on expression...

Is your tone really expressing sadness or is it longing that rides the vibration of your timbre?

Is that fear creating tension your voice... or is it the edge of wonder?

When you practice the inspirational voice exercises Chloë teaches compassionately witnessing, not judging your process you break through your false self-perceptions, childhood conditioning and habitual patterning in a way that will surprise you.


Something magical occurs and it happens within minutes as your true voice naturally breaks through, opening you to a new flow of authenticity, forgiveness, compassion and feelings of interconnectedness.

You learn to hear yourself from the inside out, connecting your inner life with your outer life, and to express your truest nature more easefully and gracefully.

You’ll even discover that by interweaving your voice and feelings, you can go so deeply into your emotions that they’ll naturally transform.

Through embodying and expressing your truest voice, you more deeply embody your soul and allow it to permeate your entire life with more freedom, truth and authentic purpose.

AND, this gateway to freer self-expression can take you even deeper, with your new-found (yet, comfortingly familiar) voice leading you to greater self-discovery and, ultimately, spiritual awakening.

Here’s more of what you’ll discover and experience in this fascinating new training:

  • Learn to bridge the gap between your spoken and sung voice
  • Build your vital energy and self-confidence with spontaneous sound
  • Dispel self-consciousness, reactivity and self-sabotage
  • Discover your body-heart-mind as an interconnected field of resonance
  • Access new insights about your relationship with your own sound and gain a clearer sense of your soul’s true purpose
  • Discover the yoga of inner sound as your listening deepens
  • Invoke and explore sounds of disconnectedness as effective forms of sound medicine that can redeem the forgotten voices of your soul
  • Witness the healing voice of your soul and how it dissolves the blocks between your head and heart
  • Explore and share your voice as a field of resonance with others
  • Use non-verbal sound as a powerful tool to release and melt the “frozen music” of stuckness
  • Discover how to express your whole self with authenticity and grace through voice
  • Deepen your awareness of sound as an evolutionary language of love

Liberating the voice of your soul can help you quickly dissolve fears and anxieties about using your voice as they arise.

It can provide insights into how to work with tension patterns in your body, heart and mind, seeing them as a kind of “frozen music” that can be liberated.

It can also help you to let go of self-sabotaging stories and traumas, self-denial and feelings of low self-esteem to embody self-empowerment, authenticity and grace.

Chloë is not only a world-renowned recording artist, she’s also a mystic who’s trained in India to approach the voice as a vehicle for liberation and full expression.

She incorporates sacred spiritual insights into her teachings, illuminating how the voice and body serve as an interconnected instrument for sounding the true expression of your soul.

In the Liberate the Voice of Your Soul training, you’ll discover that that voice of your soul is a wisdom voice it’s primal and deep.

Allowing your most authentic voice to be heard provides you with the capacity to witness yourself, to connect more deeply with Source and to better access the sacred dimensions of your being.

It provides the opportunity for spontaneity and raw honesty to meet. The important parts of you that want to stay hidden are allowed to come out in ways they have never been able to before.

This is not something you can “make up” or “create,” it is the real you emerging in its most pure and beautiful form it’s the voice of your soul, your true presence, and an open door to stepping fully into your most joyous and fulfilling purpose.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational program, Chloë will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully express your truest voice and most authentic Self, clearing outdated beliefs, behavioral patterns and stuck emotions quickly and effectively.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened the voice of your soul.

Module 1: Self-Inquiry & the Fierce and Gentle Art of Listening to Be Heard (Recorded August 14)


Your unique voice is your birthright, and the mouthpiece of your soul. In this first session, you’ll be empowered to shift from “self-consciousness” into “sound consciousness,” to express yourself naturally, effortlessly and freely in ways you never imagined possible.

You’ll discover how to build an affirming relationship with your voice. By directly experiencing your sound in a new way, you’ll retrain your ordinary mind to respond positively to the voice inside you, learning how to communicate confidently, from the inside out.

Using Chloë’s Naked Voice core vocal practices, you’ll learn to relax your mind and listen to yourself without judgement. You’ll use your voice as "sound medicine," leading you into deeper self-inquiry.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover The Naked Voice deep listening practices
  • Stabilize your voice and relax your mind
  • Dispel self consciousness, reactivity and self-sabotage
  • Learn to bridge the gap between your spoken and sung voice
  • Build your vital energy and self-confidence with spontaneous sound
  • Strengthen your self-observing mind or witness consciousness

Module 2: Sound Awareness
Opening the Door of Your Soul (Recorded August 21)


Your naked voice invites you to take responsibility for rediscovering the song of your soul. How do you communicate with your soul? Or, how does your soul communicate with you?

As you align yourself with the inner music of your soul, by expressing your sound more naturally and spontaneously, you can let go of your inhibitions to become more aware of your original sound. Your ego or personality voice finds itself in a new training program, where it ceases to play saboteur and learns to serve the voice of your soul.

You’re not a separate isolated body called “me.” You’re a field of resonance, a community of trillions of cells, melodic molecules, elemental rhythms, and frequencies all vibrating to the beat of your heart.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Strengthen your breathing, postural alignment and vocal expression
  • Discover your body-heart-mind as an interconnected field of resonance
  • Strip away the negative stories about your voice
  • Access the unique tone, message or personal calling of your soul
  • Learn two new practices Vocal Self Portrait and One Breath, One Voice to access new insights about your relationship with your own sound and give you a clearer sense of your soul’s true purpose
  • Discover the yoga of inner sound as your listening deepens

Module 3: Where Sound Meets Energy
Discover Your Alchemical Voice (Recorded August 28)


When sound and the movement of energy (chi ) are combined, they co-create a musical architecture that inspires your soul to sing. Your sound is gradually stabilized through the movement of energy throughout your body, and a direct experience of your authentic or naked voice is activated and strengthens your highest aspirations with a grounded purpose on earth.

This in turn encourages you to express yourself with increasing focus, creative freedom and an evolving lightness of being. This direct experience of body-heart-mind as one undivided wholeness, is where the invisible and visible meet, and form and formless come together, restoring a dynamic balance between your inner life and outer expression.

(The process you’ll learn in this session comes from Chloë’s over 20 years of researching the alchemy of vocal expression and energy movement with Masashi Minagawa, a Japanese energy movement master. Combining these disciplines revolutionized her relationship with vocal sound.)

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn 5 key sounds and meditative energy movements
  • Unify your core sound with your instinctual energy movement
  • Discover the invisible musical architecture of your naked voice
  • Explore the alchemy of sound, voice and energy movement
  • Integrate your highest aspirations with your grounded purpose on earth

Module 4: Seven Sounds of Love
Building Your House of Song (Recorded September 4)


In this module, you’ll open your Three Centers of Consciousness belly, heart and head enabling you to express the wider music landscape of your singing soul. These three centers connect your instinctual (belly), intuitive (heart) and insightful (head) or compassionate voice. They build stamina and emotional resilience and are the foundation for your journey through the Seven Sounds of Love.

The Seven Sounds of Love practice is a body-centered singing map that enables you to access and pitch your sounds with ease, from the base of your spine, up to your crown and back again. These sounds are “musical chakras,” vibrational building blocks, located in specific energy centers in your body.

These vibrational building blocks can be accompanied by meditative energy movements to strengthen your vibrational framework as you fortify your House of Song. The sounds are musical stepping stones, each one an ancient mantra.

With repeated practice, the Seven Sounds are like sonic Sudoku, rewiring your brain to harmonize your mind with body and soul. They’re portals into the multi-faceted voices of your soul.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Awaken a wider palette of emotional expression through the voice of your soul
  • Discover how to open your 3 Major Sound Centers belly, heart and crown
  • Embody your House of Song inspired by your musical chakras
  • Access and pitch the Seven Sounds of Love with ease, from the base of your spine up to your crown and back again

Module 5: Self-remembrance
Honouring Your Shadow Voice (Recorded September 11)


As you begin to use your voice as the muscle and messenger of your soul, you can start to uncover deeper unknown parts of yourself, and, thus, engage more masterfully with your shadow self.

Your relationship with the music of your darkest wounds is an essential part of the journey. By learning to release your shadow voice, you enable yourself to heal, evolve and, ultimately, to communicate with more transparency and ease.

in this module, you’ll discover the vocal practices Spoken Song and Seamless Thread, which help link the head and heart and unearth the sounds of old, outdated stories. Once heard, remembered and honored, a negative story or emotional state can transmute and shift into its antidote.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Invoke and explore sounds of disconnectedness as effective forms of sound medicine that can redeem the forgotten voices of your soul
  • Witness the healing voice of you soul and how it dissolves the blocks between your head and heart
  • Discover the Seamless Thread and Spoken Song practices as potent forms of vocal homeopathy
  • Use non-verbal sound as a powerful tool to release and melt the “frozen music” of stuckness
  • Explore poetry as a valuable healing bridge between an old and new story
  • Learn how to honor the music of your shadow voice
  • Open to the grace of loving presence within your sound

Module 6: The Singing Field
Entering a Higher Octave of Consciousness Together (Recorded October 2)


Once you’ve discovered the power of sound to awaken your own consciousness creatively and compassionately you can start to deepen its transformative impact in the wider world.

The Singing Field is inspired by a line from a Rumi poem: Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field, I’ll meet you there. The Singing Field anthem has been shared across the world, and the concept of a Singing Field has since become a metaphor for global, as well as personal, transformation through shared sound, resonance and silence.

We’re all responsible for the impact that our listening and our sound catalyses. The intention of a Singing Field is to access a depth of presence, together, that arises from the source of the sound itself the silence before sound where everyone feels its harmonic resonance and unconditional presence, generating unity and oneness. Left- brain, strategic talk and heady diplomacy are transformed into a new realm of communication fueled by the fire of compassion.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Revisit and deepen the practices of the last 5 modules to grow a deeper understanding of interconnectedness through sound
  • Share the Seven Sounds of Love together
  • Learn the Singing Field anthem
  • Explore and share your voice as a field of resonance with others
  • Develop your own co-creative vocal power and presence with others
  • Enter a Higher Octave of Consciousness together

Module 7: Sound Wisdom
Express Your Whole Self With Authenticity & Grace (Recorded October 9)


At the heart of the Naked Voice teachings is a central understanding that your authentic voice is a sacred gift, whose sound is a wisdom, older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict. This wisdom is a gateway into an evolutionary language of love, expressing your whole self as full spectrum consciousness.

We’re individually and globally an interconnected web of sound wisdom. As you reclaim the authenticity of your naked voice, its sacred power will guide your true purpose and direction, and you’ll find yourself embraced in a resonance of love that will touch you and the lives of those around you with a grace beyond words. This grace opens the door beyond duality, or separateness, into non-duality, a communication of Oneness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to express your whole self with authenticity and grace through voice
  • Deepen your awareness of sound as an evolutionary language of love
  • How to build the singing field of interconnectedness with everyone
  • Share a song or a poem inspired by your experience of this course

The Liberate the Voice of Your Soul Bonus Collection

In addition to Chloë’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and deepen your understanding and practice.

Eternal A: Music for Meditation, Relaxation & Vocal Improvisation
Audio Recording From Chloë Goodchild


Eternal A is a unique music meditation of utmost simplicity. This simple spacious music brings you home to the eternal spirit that is your one and only true Self. The subtle presence of Chloë’s healing voice is heard inside an ethereal sound bath of orchestral strings and simple choral voices that instantly calm your nervous system, open your heart, and heal your soul. Eternal A infuses every cell in your body with stillness and joy, restoring balance, harmony and oneness. Listen to Eternal A and you will let go of all stress, relaxing deeply inside the giant ear of the universe. You can choose either to listen and absorb the sound; or you can use it as a musical foundation for your own free sound and singing.

Sound Awareness: An Everyday Singing Practice
3 Tracks From Chloë Goodchild’s Album


Sound Awareness offers a simple and profound singing practice for everyone. It’s a vocal meditation, a way to embody spirit in sound. It will strengthen your inner-outer voice, relax your mind and awaken the witness consciousness; your capacity to listen to yourself without judgement. Take a journey from the source of sound with the sacred AUM; through the Seven Chakra Mantra which strengthens the spine and vertical axis of awareness; to the Heart Sutra, which awakens gratitude and compassion for the personal and collective Self.

The Singing Field Anthem
Audio Track From Chloë Goodchild’s Album Thousand Ways of Light


This anthem, hand-selected by Chloë, is a humble offering to our children and our world leaders, for the evolution of sound healing and the revelation of true or sound values at every level of human life. As we each learn to reach into the depths of our own heart song to unearth and redeem our lost wisdom, we are simultaneously contributing to the unification of this Earth, Gaia. A new sound is calling to be created, and with it a resonance of life, and a language of listening that has the power to overcome material poverty, transforming the spiritual crisis we face, elevating the human spirit across the globe, and creating Singing Fields all inclusive meeting places for deep listening and shared presence through sound, chant, poetry and love song.

Seven Sounds of Love
Exclusive Unreleased Video From Chloë Goodchild


Chloë explains and demonstrates the energy movement for the fundamental practice of the Seven Sounds of Love. This previously unreleased video is exclusive to The Shift Network offer and will enhance your experience with the course materials.

What People Are Saying About Chloë Goodchild...


Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.
Coleman Barks, Author of Rumi: Soul Fury


Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee & author of Pioneering the Possible


Chloë Goodchild’s clarity of tone both in her music and in her books penetrates to the bone. I revel in both her songs and words, especially when she surrenders to the mystery of devotion.
Gangaji, spiritual teacher & author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story


Working with Chloë and her amazing voice was magical. She transformed my simple notes into something magnificent and wild and heartrendingly beautiful. No other singer has ever matched her performance for me.
Elizabeth Parker, Composer


Chloë’s course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.
Evelyn Ward de Roo, contemplative musician and music facilitator


Chloë Goodchild awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant. Her gentle vocal revelations invite the wisdom of beauty to unfold and awaken our hearts. I cherish her tender guidance in these deep and cheer-filled lessons of song and life.
Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect


Out of nowhere, Chloë Goodchild’s naked voice, soar[s] with a range that one would have believed impossible.
Times Literary Supplement


Chloë has a voice of mesmerising purity. She possesses one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage.
Juliet Stevenson, Actor


Chloë Goodchild’s music is a new force for peace.
Ben Okri , Author of The Famished Road


Chloë, you are the voice of creation!
James O’Dea, Author of Cultivating Peace

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Chloë Goodchild

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with acclaimed international singer, educator and author Chloë Goodchild from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your soul’s potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Liberate the Voice of Your Soul Bonus Collection

  • Eternal A: Music for Meditation, Relaxation & Vocal Improvisation
    Audio Recording From Chloë Goodchild
  • Sound Awareness: An Everyday Singing Practice
    3 Tracks From Chloë Goodchild’s Album
  • The Singing Field Anthem
    Audio Track From Chloë Goodchild’s Album Thousand Ways of Light
  • Seven Sounds of Love
    Exclusive Unreleased Video From Chloë Goodchild

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Liberate the Voice of Your Soul Virtual Training

We feel honored Chloë Goodchild has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn an internationally renowned singer and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Chloë’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about liberating the voice of your soul and opening to more freedom, truth and authenticity, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Liberate the Voice of Your Soul with Chloë Goodchild or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Chloë Goodchild...

Chloë is a teacher of the divine kind. She has both feet firmly planted in the human realm, her heart and head dancing with humor and intelligence and her spirit a pure channel to the Divine... If you get a chance to work with Chloë, do it! You won’t regret it, and more than learning to use your own Voice with a capital V, you will find a tried and true way to your own center, your own connection to all that is, the Cosmos, the quantum level of existence... in short, the Divine. By the way, Chloë’s path sparkles with beauty and humor, so it is a fun path as well!
Simone Lazzeri Ellis

For many years now, through a time in which the sound of the soul has been largely muted by the din of the world, Chloë Goodchild’s characteristic optimism and joy have encouraged it to raise its voice in song. Her work has touched and opened many lives, and the light and beauty of her truly liberating spirit shine...
Lindsay Clark, Author of The Chymical Wedding and The Water Theatre

Chloë Goodchild invites us on a journey of self discovery through the power of experiencing our own authentic voice... [She provides] a map a songline directly into the compassionate heart that lies beneath rational thought to reveal who we really are, literally attuning us to our own inner peace, passion and the divine bliss that is our birthright.
Nicola Graydon, Journalist and author of The Ancestral Continuum

I was the girl who was told to “just mouth the words” in 6th-grade choir and was afraid to sing for decades thence. Chloë Goodchild reconsecrated my voice, tenderly and fiercely drawing it forth until I knew in my cells that my singing was not only a matter of my own healing and pleasure, but a profound invocation into a multidimensional singing field that has the power to serve not only my own awakening, but that of the planet as a whole.
Kim Rosen, Author of Saved by a Poem: The Transformative Power of Words

Chloë Goodchild is a rare jewel whose very presence lifts the hearts and minds of those she meets. Her authentic wisdom and being shines through her work, with rich insight and practical applications...
Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, Director of the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies and director of education, the International Sound Healing Network

Chloë’s work is joyful and a source of liberation. Singing with Chloë is a way of returning to original mind. She shows us how to find our authentic voice. It is the voice we need to sing out from and save this dazzlingly beautiful world.
China Galland, Author of The Bond Between Women and Love Cemetery

Chloë’s voice is primordial. She is a paradisal singer and teacher whose pure being ignites a sound from the source of creation, graced with love...
Greg Tricker, mystic sculptor, visual artist and author

The simple purity of Chloë Goodchild’s melody line, sparks a whole series of core emotions too long buried.
Lord David Puttnam

Chloë Goodchild’s teaching has opened up my true voice for theatre.
Jerry Hall, Actor and model

Chloë looks like a nun, but she sings wild!
Angelo Badalamenti, Film composer

About Chloë Goodchild


Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.

A life-changing experience in 1990, inspired the unique method of sound and voice, which Chloë named The Naked Voice. Her memoir The Naked Voice: Journey to the Spirit of Sound tells the story of these formative early years. (Rider Books 1993). Chloë’s recent book The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound is an instructional guide that introduces the essential teachings of The Naked Voice. It was published by North Atlantic Books in 2015.

Chloë teaches and performs internationally. Chloë’s singing can be heard on a range of albums, available online. Her original music, is inspired by ancient and modern world genres, sacred chant, anthems, love songs and poetry. Her interactive presentations interweave wild stories, prayers and songs, inspired by ecstatic love poetry across a wide spectrum of human feeling, including much laughter. Chloë empowers her audiences to discover their own voices, in spontaneous ways, which expand and flow, generating a unified field of awareness, or Singing Field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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Liberate the Voice of Your Soul
Chloë Goodchild