With Spiritual Teacher
Miranda Macpherson
A 10-module On-demand Video Training

Learn to surrender back into the Source of your being, receive the support of Divine Presence, and discover a more gracious, harmonious and fulfilling way of being in the world even as you face life’s greatest challenges.

Why try to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow,
when the mighty wings of an eagle have been given you.
- A Course in Miracles


Have you found yourself sincerely walking your spiritual path, and despite your devotion, still can’t fully access the deep peace, joy and fulfillment promised?

You’re not alone.

There’s a subtle but very common problem that’s intrinsic in the way almost all of us engage the spiritual path: to get somewhere besides here and become someone other than me. In other words, we start seeing our current state of consciousness, stage of development or patterns of ego as a problem that needs to be fixed. And then we try harder and harder to fix that problem with diminishing results.

What’s happening is that our sincerely motivated spiritual practice can become co-opted by our ego’s effort to attain certain states, escape suffering, experience the highest attainment, or fix the seeming problem of “me.”

This turns our life into a frustrating search... seeking but never truly finding.

The answer to the struggle that’s so often part of the spiritual path can be found in a deceptively simple word: Grace.


Grace is how we unravel the tangled knot of our ego’s striving.

Grace is more than a fortunate or blessed state of being. It’s an actual path that we can choose to walk into the heart, mind and arms of the Beloved.

Grace is the palpable presence of the Divine that brings forth the precise qualities you truly need to deepen on the path, thrive in your life, and be of benefit to our world.

Grace is direct experience of Boundless Love. It is...
The CAUSE of your being,
The DEPTH of your heart,
The TRANSFORMATIVE POWER that awakens you.

And it’s a lot more accessible than you may have thought.

Grace comes alive when you surrender. This is not the same thing as collapsing, self-rejection or being passive. Grace dances with your deep trust, honesty, devotion, curiosity, compassion, humility, willingness and patience all so your ego can let go and stop trying to lead.

As you allow this, you learn to relax, and quit trying to control and direct life.

Laying aside your spiritual concepts of what you are and what God is and relaxing your habits of fear, judgment and control you can enter into the receptive state in which you are FOUND by a Grace deeper than your mind.

Ramana Maharshi said it vividly:


You can discover that Grace is way more than a beautiful state that fills your heart; Grace is the ground of your being, now and always. Recognizing this liberates so much of your unnecessary suffering and allows you to turn your attention to extending love to others. It brings specific blessings you need, allowing you to drink from the inner stream that can truly quench your thirst.

But sometimes this is easier said than done!

And that is why we have created The Way of Grace program: to initiate you into a wholly different way of approaching your life, your growth and the spiritual path, one that involves deep surrender to the currents of life and a tender embrace of all the challenges as grist for the mill of awakening.

The Power of an Authentic, Awake Teacher


The Way of Grace program is led by a remarkable female mystic who underwent a life-changing spiritual awakening that shifted the core of her being and prepared her to lead others in catalyzing deep shifts.

Her name is Miranda Macpherson, and her story offers a uniquely modern tale of awakening that builds upon the lineages of the past, but also blossoms in new directions.

When Miranda underwent a great unraveling of her ego identity during three weeks in Arunachala, India (beginning in the same cave where Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi spent many hours of meditation), her husband at the time heard an inner voice say, “The female mystic has landed.”

They both knew that nothing would ever be the same again. A vast, loving, deep presence began to open within her. It took years to stabilize this opening, begin to live from it, and guide others in making this same shift.

Since then, Miranda has emerged as a truly global spiritual teacher. She speaks with the refreshing candor born of her Australian roots. She draws from her deep study of world religions and practices as an interfaith minister. And she is well-versed in many modern systems of psycho-spiritual growth.

Miranda’s teaching methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that helps you release your aversion to any aspect of yourself.

She guides you in shedding the conditioning that obscures the truth of who YOU really are, and helps you approach the path with tenderness and self-forgiveness.


In The Way of Grace, she will offer you a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual realization that leads to the discovery of new dimensions of grace and the possibility for you to embody and live everyday life from the deeper ground of being.

At The Shift Network, we first learned about Miranda from veterans of the spiritual path who have sat with literally every major teacher of the last 30 years, and said, “You HAVE to meet Miranda. She is the real deal.”

And we found ourselves dazzled by the luminosity and loving realization of this teacher. We’ve been blown away by the power of the virtual programs that she has offered to Shift participants.

Miranda brings a wealth of extensive teaching experience over 20 years 10 of which she served as spiritual director of a groundbreaking program, training over 600 interfaith ministers and spiritual counselors.

In recent years, she has been guiding groups of advanced aspirants who are ripe for a deep and lasting spiritual awakening.

During this 10-module journey with Miranda, you’ll be able to relax into a larger field of grace feeling the healing balm of unconditional love AS yourself and learn why so many of your efforts to improve, grow and evolve leave you unsatisfied.

She will share how you can empty out, again and again, to allow grace to fill you up in a way that creates a lasting sense of fulfillment.

By learning to let go of your habits of control, you can become receptive to grace at a deeper level than your mind.

In the space beyond your strategies, you can discover that strength, clarity, wisdom and love are abundantly present allowing you to meet life’s personal and collective challenges with spiritual maturity.

In short, she’ll show you how to take grace beyond being a fuzzy concept to a practical, precise, and spiritually fulfilling path of awakening and service.

If you join this virtual initiation in spiritual awakening, you’ll:

  • Explore the four dimensions of Grace in depth, and how to engage each
  • Identify the personal fears that bump you back up to the surface of your personality, creating glass ceilings in your practice
  • Understand how your unconscious template for trust is based on your early holding environment in infancy
  • Understand why the impulse to chase after God takes you out of the receptive state, blocking your availability to Boundless dimensions
  • See how to truly relax into realization, rather than effort to fix yourself
  • Develop your ability to open to Grace as the ground of your being, here and now, and allow it to transform you
  • Transform how you experience grace in difficult life passages that may not seem to be what you want
  • Develop the foundations for “living gracefully” how to begin functioning in daily life from the living stream of boundless love, wisdom and guidance
  • See why your attempts to transform yourself often backfire as a form of self-rejection
  • Identify your primary patterns of opening and closing, and be able to shift beyond them
  • Purify your motivation for engaging the path, and thus transform the subtle narcissism of wanting spiritual realization for personal gain
  • Learn how to become undefended in a way that allows unconditional love to permeate your being
  • Discover ways to identify the stories you tell yourself and how to let them go
  • Understand the key to real humility, which is different than putting yourself down

If you want to free yourself from the roots of struggle and substantially deepen on your spiritual path while releasing a great deal of efforting and friction, this is the program for you!

What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules

In this 10-module transformational training, Miranda will offer you an opportunity to deeply let go of trying to direct life. Total surrender is a way of becoming receptive to grace deeper than your mind so that coming into intimate contact with the depth of what you really are is possible.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to surrender to Grace and feel unconditional love as YOU.


Module 1: Surrendering into the Ground
of Grace
(Recorded September 23)


We begin our 10-module journey by exploring what IS Grace? How do we open into direct experience of Divine Presence and access the boundless love, joy, peace, power, majesty, intelligence, creativity and pure awareness of our true nature? Why is this crucial not only for our own evolution but the evolution of our world?

We’ll explore how to allow a deeper surrender into Grace, and Miranda will introduce her feminine and integrated approach to nondual awakening that revolves around EGO RELAXATION rather than ego annihilation.

In this module, you will:

  • Discover how the practice of ego relaxation helps you open into Grace as the DEPTH of your own heart, the CAUSE of your Being and the TRANSFORMING agency that awakens you.
  • Receive the transmission of Grace that invites you to lay aside all your concepts of self and Reality, and learn to “come with wholly empty hands unto God.”
  • Discover the 4 Dimensions of Grace, and how each supports an integrated awakening that helps you live in the world from a consciousness beyond it.
  • Liberate Ego Efforting, the primary block to grace, cause of so much unnecessary stress and of thinking: “I am the do-er and it’s all up to me.”
  • Taste the nondual Reality of Grace as the ground of your being, and rest in its nourishing nectar here and now.

Module 2: Liberating Fear & Control (Recorded September 30)


Authentic spiritual awakening invites you to open in and through your direct experience until surrender is joyful and total. This means dealing with the fear and control foundational to all ego structures. Fear cannot be rationalized, by-passed or dismissed. This module invites you to compassionately explore what causes you to contract, what holds this in place, and why.

In an atmosphere of loving kindness towards our humanity, Miranda will guide you to inquire INTO your fears the places inside where it is challenging for you to open, be this historical, ancestral or existentially based. All can melt away when it is met with presence and unconditional acceptance.

Miranda will guide you in:

  • Identifying the personal fears that bump you back up to the surface of your personality, creating glass ceilings in your practice.
  • Exploring the principle and practice of Holistic Self-Inquiry, which invites you to harness fear and control as a gateway to dive into your instinctive patterns of closure, and explore what lives beyond.
  • Understanding the common existential fears that inhibit entry into the Boundless depths of your true nature. Allowing death of our presumptions and self-images as part of the flow of Grace.
  • Appreciating your strategies of control as ways you learned to offset the terror of separation. Relaxing into the Boundless Love that helps you to let go of the reins.
  • Learning how to stay present and not abandon yourself, harnessing the energy within your fear and control to discover what is alive in the space beyond you and your fears?
  • Discover for yourself that fear has no foundation. Grace has no limit.

Module 3: The Development of Trust
(Recorded October 7)


Our capacity to surrender and allow Grace to lead us beyond our familiar ego patterns into the boundless dimensions of our true nature is dependent on our capacity to trust the loving goodness underlying our life. Without sufficient trust we simply cannot let go of our strategies of control to genuinely realize that there is nothing to fear.

In this module, Miranda will give an advanced teaching on the development of trust, inspired by a passage contained within the teachers manual of A Course in Miracles that was pivotal in supporting a quantum surrender and shift in her own center of gravity.

In this module you will:

  • Understand how your unconscious template for trust is based on your early holding environment in infancy and how this influences your capacity to allow for the deeper change and transformation of spiritual life, and how to work with it.
  • Discover the various stages of trust, and the invitations and challenges contained within each stage of trust.
  • Let your limitations to trust melt in the Divine Mother presence that IS limitless holding, nurturing, caring and love, independent of your history.
  • Learn how trust awakens distinctly in the body, heart and mind giving you the courage to relax back into the origin of your Being.
  • Experience the State of Grace as a palpable presence of Loving Goodness that underlies your life and all existence.


Module 4: Humility:
Bowing into the Mystery (Recorded October 14)


Now that we have learned to relax into the Ground of Grace, that is the loving foundation of our being and all that is, we can turn deeper into the Mystery. Humility opens this gate, and is crucial to help us deal with the unconscious ego arrogance that manifests as we try to lead ourselves across the bridge into deeper dimensions. Thinking either “I know” or “I should know the way” gets us into a knot of stress, blocking authentic receptivity and guidance.

In this module, Miranda will share the power of opening through junctures where we feel helpless, learning to stay present and BOW into the Mystery of unknowing, giving up to Grace itself.

In this module, you will:

  • Liberate the obstacle of ego humiliation the history of shame when you did not know something. Reclaim the positive power of not knowing, learning how to stay present without collapsing, and instead, simply opening.
  • Relax your subtle pride, opinions, presumptions and tendency to self-direct, learning instead to step back and allow space.
  • Discover the prayer practice of Giving up to Grace that helps you give your life, your relationships, and all that you consider to be “yours” back to the origin of your being.
  • Enter into the receptive state through the “Graceful Surrender” meditation, a practice that integrates principles of Guru Yoga and Centering Prayer.
  • Open into the non-conceptual space of emptiness.

Module 5: Patience:
The “Gentle Effort” (Recorded October 21)


Entering the state of Grace in all of its dimensions and learning to abide there invites us to both sincerely engage our spiritual practice with deep commitment, devotion and consistency, while recognizing that we are not in charge of the show! Patience helps us accept where we are, and cease the usual manipulation.

Patience is a dimension of love that helps us embrace the paradox of effort and effortlessness. It flushes out the subtle bargaining that can arise on the path, the entitlement of the ego that views Grace as something to be “bought” by spiritual good behavior.

In this module, you will:

  • Discriminate the subtle agendas that can co-opt your spiritual practice and inhibit authentic surrender, such as bargaining, entitlement, attachment to particular concepts and outcomes.
  • Purify your motivation for engaging the path, and thus transform the subtle narcissism of wanting spiritual realization for personal gain. Joyfully recognize your ego cannot get enlightened!
  • Let self-judgment, subtle rejection and spiritual pushiness dissolve.
  • Access a deeper devotion, letting your practice be powered by your heart’s love for the Real.
  • Learn how patience helps you to practice ego relaxation at a deeper level, surrendering your attachments, your pushiness, while simultaneously sharpening the lens of your practice. (This helps us engage what the Bhagavad Gita calls the gentle effort, strengthening our commitment to our practice while surrendering the reins.)
  • Taste the Grace of simply accepting yourself where you are, and letting things BE.


Module 6: Forgiveness: Transforming Heart-Break (Recorded October 28)


Forgiveness is part of the transforming activity of Grace, how the “heavenly” realm comes to Earth to restore our fundamental innocence as human beings. Forgiveness harnesses our relational challenges as a powerful vehicle in which to liberate wounds of the past, and contact the indestructible purity of who we truly are. Yet forgiveness is so often misunderstood as “rising above it,” which contributes to bypassing, spiritual phony-ness, and confusion.

In this module, Miranda guides you on a powerful journey into the intersection of your humanity and divinity. Together, we will compassionately explore the realm of deep hurt, betrayal, anger and hatred, that in many spiritual traditions we are not supposed to have.

In this module, you will:

  • Discover what authentic forgiveness is, and what the biblical injunction, “Turn the other cheek ” truly means (it’s not what you think!).
  • Discover how forgiveness dissolves the lens of guilt, projection and judgment from mind and heart.
  • Bring your “taboo” feelings, including hatred, anger, betrayal and revenge, out of the closet and into the light of unconditional awareness, and learn how they are important portals to deeper dimensions of Grace.
  • Learn to distinguish forgiveness from reconciliation and guilt from remorse, which supports forgiveness with discriminating wisdom.
  • Journey through the six stages of forgiveness, as both a teaching and a practice that gives you a framework for letting Grace heal the hurt places.
  • Experience the PRESENCE of forgiveness itself as a healing rain of blessings that restores us to indestructible innocence, peace of mind and right relationship with one another.
  • Participate in the awakening of our world through the transformation of past hatred into present love.

Module 7: Loving Your Suffering (Recorded November 4)


Herman Hesse said, “You know quite well, deep within you, there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation and that is called loving. Very well then: love your suffering. It is your resistance that causes the pain.”

This module invites you to turn directly towards the limitations you are still working with, and open your heart to it all in love. Although counter-intuitive, this makes us more transparent. It helps us dis-identify from our personality while becoming more accepting, more truly human. Loving our suffering opens the gate for a grace deeper than “me.”

In this module, you will:

  • Explore the root of suffering and how your own suffering and the suffering of the world. How you can embrace it not as a problem to be fixed but a living invitation to a deeper humanity.
  • Inquire into identification with the separate self that births selfishness, envy and habits contrary to our cherished spiritual intentions.
  • Dissolve the construct of “I” and “Mine,” inspired by a teaching of Ramana Maharshi.
  • Practice Ego Relaxation in the face of suffering opening, softening, allowing and meeting everything with receptivity to be taught by all of life’s experiences.
  • Discover right relationship with your personality by coming to know yourself deeper than it.
  • Face everything with love as your mind dissolves back into God.

Module 8: Entering Deeper Dimensions of Grace (Recorded November 11)


This module invites you to taste for yourself that it is not simply that Grace is within you, but more accurately, that Grace is WHAT is living you, all the days of your life. When we know this, not just conceptually but in our direct experience, there is absolutely nothing to fear by turning more substantially within and deeply letting go. You can only ever fall out of a structure of your mind. You can only ever fall deeper into Grace.

This class shows you HOW to enter deeper dimensions, so that your awakening process can take off without limit. Miranda also introduces her “Entering into Direct Experience” practice which gives you the template to dive in and beyond.

In this module, you will:

  • Let go of the trap of commentating and comparing that keeps you hovering on the surface of yourself, rather than dropping deeper.
  • Understand the tantric principle of diving IN and THROUGH your direct experience that shows you how to turn everything into the path of awakening.
  • Learn what it truly means to meet the various layers of your experience, while practicing ego relaxation (doing nothing to change, fix, transcend).
  • Open through the primary fears to diving deeper: ego deficient identity, fear of overwhelm, loss of control, the familiar, and your functioning capacity the fear that “I” will disappear.
  • Land in deeper dimensions of Being in which Grace reveals more of itself, inseparable from your own true nature.


Module 9: The Joy of Being (Recorded November 18)


Vedic philosophy views our true nature as “Sat-Chit-Ananda” (Being-Consciousness-Bliss). The more we learn to open our hearts to everything, the more we experience Ananda real joy as our natural state. We discover that the depth of our heart IS Boundless Love; containing oceans of delight, generosity, kindness, empathy and refined qualities that enrich our lives and those around us.

This joy of our being is not dependent on particular circumstances, although it can be triggered by so many things the scent of a rose, the sweetness of our grandchild, the tender touch of a lover, a spectacular sunset. Ultimately our hearts are truly happy when we awaken to the living Grace within us.

In this module, you will:

  • Explore how Reality brings the true fulfillment that supports us to be satisfied with our lives, ending our materialistic seeking for “more.”
  • Discriminate between your triggers for joy and the underlying source of it.
  • Contact the spirit of Ananda (love-joy-bliss) as the depth of your own heart, independent of your history or personality.
  • Open through the blocks to joy feeling unworthy, objectifying joy, and chasing after particular conditions or states.
  • Discover the sacred practice of wholeheartedly enjoying your life, regarding pleasure as part of your practice what helps your soul expand and differentiating true pleasure from unhealthy indulgence.
  • Re-connect with the importance of gratitude, taking time for what matters and nourishing others with your love.

(Skip November 25)

Module 10: Being the Presence of Love (Recorded December 2)


The ultimate purpose of every human life is not simply personal gain, but to propagate the majesty of God. The more we sincerely engage the path, honestly giving up to Grace our habits of closure, the more we naturally manifest the deeper truth of who we are. Learning to surrender fear and control, and grow in trust, humility, awareness, acceptance and forgiveness, we start to radiate Grace. Our presence becomes more refined, transparent, responsive rather than reactive, and it gives off a fragrance of real love. A spiritual elegance emerges in the way we live our lives.

In our last module together, we will:

  • Review your practical life so you can prioritize spiritual nourishment. When you get hooked, simply return to your practice in the spirit of Rumi’s lament: “Come, come whoever you are, even though you’ve broken your vows a thousand times. Come, come again.”
  • Turn activities that you tend to get lost in, into a practice (i.e. email, running errands, cooking dinner, etc.).
  • Learn to consciously see the face of God in everyone we meet, seeing through the appearance and bowing to the Grace that lives in them.
  • Find ways to respond gracefully when greeted with challenges, in life and in the world, asking “what’s needed now?” and then taking inspired action.
  • Discover what to do when we get lost or derailed by the unexpected, and how to ask for help and receive it.

The Way of Grace Bonus Collection

In addition to Miranda’s transformative 10-module on-demand course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to a even deeper level.

Landing in Grace
Video with Miranda Macpherson


Miranda gives a potent discourse on Grace as the direct experience of Boundless Love, that brings forth into our experience all the essential qualities of our true nature. She shares her map of how Grace comes alive, as four dimensions that include the nondual Ground of Grace, the Blessings of Grace that bring nourishment that we need to thrive, the Transformative Power of Grace and the Invitation to Live Gracefully in the world but not of it. This video is a live recording of the opening talk at a retreat in California in 2015.

The Heart of Being
Audio Mantras for Awakening from Miranda


Sometimes ordinary language cannot accurately express the deepest dimensions of our being the love for the sacred mystery that is boundless being and bliss. Yet we can contact our nonlinear depths through sound, silence and prayer. This is the way of devotion. It opens up courage, compassion, joy and supports true surrender. Sanskrit mantras are ancient syllables that exert precise positive effects on the body, heart and mind.

Lean into the mantras as you lean your head into the pillow at night. Dissolve into the mantra and it draws you back into the origin of your being. As you chant, feel into your own prayers your truest yearnings for yourself and for the world. Intoning these ancient sounds, you join with all beings throughout time who have ever prayed these prayers. Now your prayers are part of a continuing stream of the awakening heart. May they become part of your daily life supporting you to reside AS the heart of Being.

In this special bonus, you’ll receive recordings of:

  • Gayatri Mantra: Considered the mother of all mantras, brought forth by the goddess of wisdom Sarasvati, this the great mantra of purification.
  • Om Nama Shivaya depth: A powerful version of the Hindu mantra for surrender, the god Shiva is part of the trinity consisting of Brahma (creation), Vishnu (sustenance) and Shiva (destruction).
  • Be Still: “Be Still and know that I am God”, taken from the psalms of the Bible is the universal grounding point, inviting you to stop for a moment, drop your external seeking and rest in your inner sanctuary.

What Graduates of Miranda’s Courses
are Saying...

Meeting Miranda has been life changing. The tools she gives to deepen my life on every level was exceptional. She is the epitome of Love in Action. I will definitely take another course, workshop with her in the near future. I am very grateful to have had the experience with Miranda and the whole community.
Anita Stewart, RN, Bend, OR

Miranda is a very beautiful, gentle but strong teacher whose wisdom and teachings can take you all the way to your own true nature. I felt very loved and very supported all the time in the 14-week course. And it is just so great to have all the teachings downloaded to listen to on a regular basis, to keep deepening my practice. Thank you Miranda and thank you Shift Network!
Loraine van der Meer, South Africa

Just a big Wow! Miranda speaks to us through a transmission of light that is experienced as utterly accepting and compassionate. She has a clarity of Presence that speaks to our Beingness beyond space and time and at the same time she stands with us in all that that is still to find wholeness. This course has changed and inspired me beyond all words and I am so very grateful.
Pat Aaen, Scotland

Miranda is a loving guide, blending deep spiritual and psychological principles together exquisitely. I am delighted that REAL opening, softening, and allowing, is happening most often, without my "reminding myself" to do that. A genuine shift of connection and boundless love continues to unfold. So grateful. I have been a long-time meditator, and while I continue to do so, this feels so much less like a doing, it is much more about allowing. I have heard the words before, but this has penetrated from the inside out. Super cool! Deep gratitude and love for Miranda. My soul thanks you.
Therese Smith, Santa Rosa, CA

Miranda is a true teacher, she guided us along with beautifully worded course and felt compassion. Her approach includes aspects I found nowhere else and led us into our deepest core. I am incredibly thankful I did not resist the impulse to sign on even though I didn’t know who Miranda was. These teachings are a solid foundation for practice that allowed me glimpses of my true nature indeed. For the first time I did experience concept I had been familiar with before, but which were limited to concepts. Miranda answered every question with true inspiration from grace.Her approach is whole and can be trusted.
Véronique, France

I have done a lot of work and practice in consciousness over the years with significant impact in my life. I highly recommend Miranda’s course. I have seen/felt profound shifts in trust and support as well as other areas. I have felt much more peace, softness and openness in living through some significant health challenges over the past 3 months. I have been kinder and more patient during times when I would have been shorter or irritated. Because of actions/inactions over the past several years, I did not even want to see my brother this Christmas holiday. Miraculously, grace moved through me and forgiveness just happened and I was able to choose to go and simply enjoy what was without ever discussing the events/behaviors with him again. My deepest gratitude and I look forward to more journeys with Miranda, The Shift Network and all of the amazing people on the journey.
Louise, Michigan, USA

I just finished the Relaxing Into God course given by Miranda Macpherson and The Shift Network. Very professional both, both quick to respond to questions. And the course was one of the best decisions in my lifetime. It gave me a breakthrough I’d worked toward for about 25 years.
Daria, USA

This course is a game changer for all of those on the path to deeper awakening. The amount of value that is shared in Miranda’s wisdom far exceeds the price of this course.
Jennifer Brennan, Platteville, CO

What a freeing, liberating experience this course was and very challenging as well. I feel more at ease and peaceful and have more trust in Life, in God, in our True Self and my spiritual journey. Great tools we got. Miranda’s compassion is heartwarming. I am very grateful!
Yolande, Holland

This course has definitely had a positive impact in my life and I would love to do it again, right away.
Monika, Berlin, Germany

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Ten 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Miranda Macpherson

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with contemporary spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to learn the specific skills and insights to awaken your spiritual potential.


Ten PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios and videos, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.

The Way of Grace Bonus Collection

  • Landing in Grace
    Video with Miranda Macpherson
  • The Heart of Being
    Audio Mantras for Awakening from Miranda

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join
The Way of Grace Virtual Course

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Miranda Macpherson has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned spiritual teacher whose methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that help you release your blocks and open to divine grace and love.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from Miranda’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re ready to take the next heart-opening step in your spiritual awakening, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

More Praise for Miranda Macpherson...


Of all the new spiritual teachers I’ve met recently, Miranda stands out as the most luminous truly embodying what she teaches and speaking with clarity, love and revelatory depth. She transmits a divine quality of consciousness, while also not getting caught up in the trappings of being a guru. She’s accessible and masterful at the same time. A true gem!
Stephen Dinan, Founder of The Shift Network


Miranda is the “real deal.” She is a standout as a spiritual teacher and she is a “stand up” as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. Life is not perfect, and Miranda lives that with a grace and authenticity that is unparalleled by many teachers. If there is a thing as angels walking the Earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.
Laura Bergman Fortgang, Author of Living your Best Life


In an ocean of spiritual guides all over the planet, rarely do you find a jewel that emanates the likes of Miranda’s integrity, depth, and impact. Rooted in the world’s wisdom traditions, yet contemporary and fluid in her approach to assist awakening to the One during these highly complex and constantly challenging times, Miranda is the epitome of what we most need in post modern spiritual guide: kick-ass honesty, no nonsense mirroring, and rock star tenderness. Whether you access her teachings through her moving meditations, satsangs, retreats or virtual courses, Miranda will leave an indelible impression that will have your friends wondering how you became so present, compassionate and mindful so quickly. You can let them know that you can attribute it to the work you’ve elected to do, with a spiritual “friend" who knows that her only job description is to remind us that we already have everything we need within us to live a fulfilling, connected and rewarding life. And she does it with such simplicity and grace!
Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning Composer/Producer


I was fortunate to find Miranda at a time when I’d been brought to my knees by unexpected life events. Through her spiritual teachings and loving guidance she helped me to deeply explore aspects of my heart that needed compassion, healing and growth. Obsolete defense mechanisms dissolved and I came to once again embrace my true evolutionary edge with courage, dignity and peace.
Raz Ingrasci, Chairman of Hoffman Institute International


Miranda is one of the clearest, purest, most eloquent voices for spiritual truth I know. She courageously shares both gritty challenges and lofty visions, and weaves them into powerful teachings from which we can all benefit.
Alan Cohen, Author of A Deep Breath of Life


Miranda is a rare teacher in that she is able to facilitate direct realization in others that many teachers can only speak of. Her work carries forward the direct invitation I have offered for many years that ushers us into deep contact with God-within. She is a luminous being and a gifted teacher.
Eileen Caddy, Founder of the Findhorn Foundation

Miranda Macpherson is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion. I continue to learn from her depth and to be touched by the expansiveness of her love. She integrates a rigorous clear seeing mind, the beauty of art, and the wisdom of reflection and years of clinical application, making her teachings potent and transformational. She invites a new way of seeing and living, recognizing the non-dual nature of reality as well as working with people exactly where they are and honoring the sacredness of each moment and each experience. This work has the power to transform our individual and collective lives. I give Miranda Macpherson my highest recommendation.
Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD Professor, Santa Clara University, Author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness

Miranda’s presence and teaching brings to life the spiritual wisdom of the ages. In my life, she is is a shining light.
Susan Jeffers, Author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Miranda works with a blend of penetrating insight, profound intuition, expertise in spiritual tradition and psychology, a deep grounding in somatic awareness, and an almost angelic transmission of pure, radiant, soul-stirring LOVE. Working with her, and being lead lovingly and masterfully back to direct experience of the divinity within me, has been a literal Godsend. I feel blessed, deeply, by her guidance and presence.
Hilary Illick, Hoffman Process Teacher, Writer and Coach

Miranda Macpherson embodies a deep compassion and wisdom, vast intelligence, and the ability to hold a space for genuine unfolding like nobody else I’ve known. Spending a week with her is like diving into the source of love and healing, anchored by deep spiritual practice and connection to the divine. Miranda is a rare gift to us all.
Devi Cavitt Razo, Director of The Hoffman Process

Miranda is an authentic honest embodiment of the divine feminine. Her work brings together spiritual depth and psychological understanding delivered with precision, care and loving-kindness. I recommend her wholeheartedly.
Lama Palden Drolma, Founder of Sukhasiddhi Foundation

About Miranda Macpherson...


Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, counselor and author of the spiritual guidebook Boundless Love (Random House 2002). Miranda has been teaching internationally since 1995 and is known for her depth of presence, clarity and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.

Miranda’s work is a synthesis of self-inquiry, spiritual psychology, devotion and meditation practice offered with feminine grace that embraces our everyday human experience as a gateway into the depths of our true nature. Through a blend of silent transmission and articulate teaching, she leads retreats and on-going programs oriented to guiding people into direct spiritual experience while providing a practical map for actualizing our realization into daily life. Drawing from the ancient lineages of Advaita, mystical Christianity with more recent wisdom teachings such as A Course In Miracles, Miranda leads from the ground of unconditional love and compassion for our humanity, emphasizing receptivity, discrimination and surrender.

Miranda is founder of the ground-breaking “OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation” in London, and today leads the “Awakening Love and Wisdom” sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties. She teaches retreats in the United States and in Europe, and is working on a new book Tasting Grace. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and is married to Bob Duchmann, a teacher of the Diamond Approach (A.H. Almass’ Ridwhan School).

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The Way of Grace
Miranda Macpherson