
We are deeply committed to supporting the shift toward a planet that is healthy, sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous for all.

We are pleased to present our most recent Impact Report, which offers an in-depth summary of impact activities. This report details the ways we support charitable groups in our courses as well as in our own philanthropic areas of interest, including sustainability, racial healing, women’s empowerment, Indigenous wisdom, peacebuilding, and Democracy 2.0.

Please click this link to review our most recent Impact Report.

We are striving to make an impact on multiple fronts.

First and foremost is our transformational content, designed to support you in accessing your full potential and bringing your gifts to the world so that together we can make shifts in profound ways.

Every year we feature a vast array of free inspirational and educational content that covers a wide range of personal transformative practices as well as important social change topics.

Each year, we create 150 unique courses with a mandate to never turn anyone away for financial reasons. Since inception, we’ve awarded millions of dollars in scholarships so that transformational education can be available to all those who seek it.

As we create our programming and grow the network, we strive to be a great place to work, one that values employee wellness, growth, and community service. For more information on our internal culture and employee experience, click here.

We believe that shifting the paradigm in business means that for-profit companies (like us) can and must consider overall social and environmental impact as a measure of how well we’re doing. We are committed to providing value to all our stakeholders — including all people and the planet.

To that end, we commit a percentage of our annual profits to charitable organizations.

We have also allocated a significant amount of company stock toward nonprofits that are profoundly shifting our world. For more on this area of our work, please read below.

Charitable Giving

Since our inception, The Shift Network has given over $250,000 to charitable organizations whose work we recognize as exemplary in working toward societal change. In addition to our own contributions, we have actively helped raise hundreds of thousands more through the generosity of our community. We also support organizations through our network power, showcasing their great work to our broad audience through our blogs, email, and social media.

Some of our recipients include:

Pledged Stock to Nonprofits

In addition to our annual giving, we have pledged two million shares of founding stock to nonprofit organizations that are making a big difference in the transformation of our planet, such as Pachamama Alliance, Friends Committee on National Legislation, and Shared Hope International.

Our intention is that as our company grows, the following organizations will be gifted with large endowments to further their important work.

Transformational Content

Every year we create a vast array of free educational content in diverse areas related to the evolution of consciousness and humanity.

What sets us apart from most transformational education companies is that our content does not focus solely on personal transformation but also on how we can together shift our world in the areas that are most critical and in ways that are innovative and inspiring.


We believe advancing the emerging science and art of peace building from the inner (personal) to international (collective) levels is essential to helping humanity make a shift to a just and sustainable world that works for all.

Because of this, we have made a deep commitment to promoting peace education, events and collaborations in the world.

Since 2010, our peace programs have have reached over 110,000 people in 141 countries.

They provide skills training, inspirational stories, and powerful solutions from the world’s top peace builders, social change leaders, scientists, Indigenous elders and spiritual mentors.

We seek to inspire, inform and involve people by spreading the best peace practices from around the world and encourage meaningful action in daily life.

Our peace programs include the World Peace Library: one of the first and most extensive FREE online resources for peace education from inner to international levels. Our library features over 375 free interviews with leading peace builders from around the world and covers peace building in 26 different sectors of society.

Global Indigenous Wisdom

An outgrowth of The Shift Network’s Peace programs has been an active commitment to Indigenous peoples.

We believe that it’s essential for the wisdom of Indigenous communities to be honored, and positioned at the forefront of conversations and efforts for societal transformation.

We support this conviction through our commitment to playing a role in healing the wounds caused by the violation of their people and cultures, supporting Indigenous communities and collaborating with Indigenous leaders.

Since 2011, we have featured dozens of teachers from Indigenous traditions around the world.

We developed the Declaration of Commitment to Indigenous Peoples, for which we have collected over 10,000 signatures.

Our free Global Indigenous Wisdom Library (and before that, special segments in our Summer of Pe ace events) features Indigenous leaders sharing not just prayers, sacred songs, spiritual teachin gs, an d pathways to healing, but also vital wisdom for taking right action while living on Ear th at this remarkable, prophesied time.

Many Indigenous leaders from around the world have shared concrete examples of actions for birthing a new era — in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion, and justice.

Over 20,000 people – Indigenous and others – have participated in these events.

  • We have also been actively supporting important Indigenous-related initiatives, including:
  • We sponsored a campaign that raised nearly $70,000 for the Indigenous Summit of the Americas in Panama in 2015. Our Director of Summits at the time, Alison Marks, attended the event and captured bilingual video interviews with Indigenous leaders from Central and South America which we shared in our Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit, playing a part in fulfilling the prophecy of the unification of the condor, the quetzal, and the eagle (representing the Indigenous peoples of South, Central, and North America).
  • The Shift Network supported fundraising for a local group on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to cover the costs of horses and riders during the 8-day ride commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Massacre at Wounded Knee. We also supported an effort to coordinate healing ceremonies around the world at sites of other massacres on this same day. Three of our team members were present at Wounded Knee during the ceremony when the riders arrived.


The Shift Network is committed to promoting environmental sustainability as a primary pillar of the shift toward a world that works for all.

We believe that climate change is one of the most important issues facing humanity and that together we must find solutions.

In our early years, our Spring of Sustainability programming included a free online event which has featured hundreds of top global green pioneers, innovators, visionaries, and change agents from some of the world’s largest and most effective sustainability organizations.

In 2021, we launched a campaign to plant one million trees in conjunction with our Shift Music Festival and Visionary Summit, and are well on our way to reaching this goal! Together with Treesisters, we are planting trees to restore ecosystems and livelihoods while increasing protection against the extremes of climate change in multiple regions of the tropical forest belt. We do this in ways that recreate and restore natural forest ecosystems using indigenous species, fostering local knowledge and skills, and promoting women’s participation.

Gifting In-Depth Trainings

We are committed to helping as many people as possible receive transformational teachings, which is why we produce thousands of hours of free content every year.

Additionally, we provide millions of dollars worth of schol arship assistance to enable more people to benefit from our in-depth courses.

Here’s how a few of these community members have responded:

Thank you so much. I am honored and humbled to receive the scholarship and very excited to learn and pay it forward.

— A.R.

My journey with cancer was unexpected, but it led me to discover Qigong and mindfulness practices that have profoundly transformed my life. I'm grateful for the scholarship and payment plan that made this course accessible, and I'm now equipped with tools to enhance my wellbeing. Thank you for this life-changing experience.

— E.S.

I received a scholarship for this course and I am overwhelmed by the quality of the material. I want to thank you so much for extending such generosity to me. These classes are life-changing. I am benefiting tremendously and will certainly pay it forward. Many blessings your way.

— F.F.

You have brought tears to my eyes and so touched my heart. I don’t know what to say other than a huge thank you. How absolutely kind and caring of you. May we, each one, continue to be part of the healing on this planet of ours.

— J.B.

Employee Wellbeing and Growth

We believe that the way our organization functions must be a reflection of the world we’re working to create, and as such, we pride ourselves on being a great place to work.

In support of this, we offer a number of unique benefits.

Global Work: To promote personal growth and expanded cultural awareness while supporting employees’ travel dreams, we offer a unique Global Work benefit in which staff members are allowed to work a month or more each year while living in other countries without using vacation days and while maintaining a regular work week.

We view this as a unique way to explore the world in a more in-depth and relaxed way than a vacation alone, while building connections to other cultures and serving as an emissary for the company.

During a Global Work stint, employees are required to engage in some service project that creates a positive impact on local community and culture.

Paid personal days for volunteer wor k: To encourage and support volunteerism, we offer an expanded number of personal days each year that employees can use to engage in service projects in their local communities.


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