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With Medical Intuitive and Psychic Medium
Julie Ryan
03/28/2025 12:30:00 AM
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What if you could access deep wisdom, healing, and guidance about your body and health right now, without waiting for an answer from doctors, healers, or external sources using a simple energetic scanning technique?

Explore how a special technique can raise your vibration and help you communicate with spirit and access intuitive information bringing clarity, improved health and wellbeing into your life and the lives of others.

Have you been facing a health challenge that no one can seem to diagnose? Or perhaps someone close to you is struggling, and you feel powerless to help.

The truth is, we all face moments where we wish we could just know...

Know the next step. Know how to help someone we love. Know if the gut feeling we’re getting is real or just in our heads. We all want to feel supported. We all want clarity. We all want to trust that we are guided, protected, and never truly alone.

Medical intuitive and psychic medium Julie Ryan shares that you don’t have to be born with some special gift to access this level of wisdom. You already have the ability to connect with spirit. You already have the power to participate in your own healing and the healing of others. And you already have access to an infinite source of guidance if you know how to listen.

Join Julie for an eye-opening hour-long event where you’ll witness a real-time energy scan and healing. As she works with Shift founder Stephen Dinan, you’ll follow along and practice on yourself feeling what it’s like to tune into energy, sense what’s happening beyond the physical, and recognize how spirit communicates with you .

And don’t worry you don’t need any prior experience. Julie’s approach is all about making this work simple, clear, and accessible so you can start using it immediately in your daily life. Imagine finally feeling clear, empowered, and able to receive intuitive messages and guidance from spirit!

Julie shares that your loved ones, your guides, even figures you’ve admired from afar they’re all accessible right now. The connection doesn’t end when someone leaves their physical body. In fact, staying connected to spirit is one of the most powerful ways to heal.

Making this connection is about accessing the information you need when you need it. Whether it’s clarity on an undiagnosed medical issue, insight into what’s happening with a loved one who can’t communicate (like an infant, an elderly parent, or someone in a coma), or simply getting validation or direction on your own path, spiritual knowledge is available 24/7.

During this event, Julie will break down exactly how spirit communication works and how you can do it. You’ll learn how to raise your vibration instantly (because spirit doesn’t communicate on low-frequency channels). You’ll see how energy moves, how to scan for imbalances, and how to receive clear answers instead of second-guessing yourself.

When you learn how to fine-tune your intuitive abilities, you can start to know things before they happen. You can get impressions that turn out to be right. You can feel the difference between an anxious thought and an actual message. And most importantly, you can trust yourself in a way you never have before.

In this empowering hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Witness a live energy healing and intuitive scan as Stephen Dinan receives a session you’ll follow along and practice on yourself, tuning into your own innate ability to sense and shift energy
  • Discover that you already have the ability to connect with spirit, no special gifts required, no childhood encounters with ghosts necessary, just a simple, accessible practice you can use in everyday life
  • Learn how spirit communication brings comfort and healing and discover how grief research shows that staying connected to loved ones beyond the veil is one of the most powerful ways to heal
  • Tap into spirit for real-time guidance because you don’t have to figure everything out alone when you can access deep wisdom anytime you need it
  • See firsthand how every spirit is available to you at all times, whether it’s a loved one, a guide, or a figure you admire, you can call on them and participate in your own healing and growth

And here’s the best part: this energy healing approach won’t leave you drained. If you’ve ever done energy work before and ended up exhausted by the end of the day, that’s because you were using your own energy.

But in the way Julie teaches this work, spirit does the heavy lifting. Spirit works through you, and when you let it flow, you don’t end up depleted you end up energized. It’s the kind of work that lifts you up instead of weighing you down.

By the end of this event, you’ll see for yourself how natural this is...

... and know, without a doubt, that you have access to all the healing, wisdom, and love you could ever need right here, right now.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Julie Ryan and learn how to tap into spirit for real-time guidance, scan energy fields for imbalances, and facilitate healing for yourself and others.

Free Video Event

03/28/2025 12:30:00 AM

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What People Are Saying About Julie Ryan...

About Julie Ryan


Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie is a “buffet of psychicness” and can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and she can tell how close to death someone is. Her book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next describes a series of events that involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous and miraculous moments. Julie’s Angel Messages® books are picture books that have angels answering kids’ tough questions. Each week, Julie scans callers on her 'Ask Julie Ryan' show which is heard in over 100 countries throughout the world. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, author, podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally and she has founded nine companies in five different industries. Julie’s Psychic and Medical Intuitive skills are learned.
