Judith Aston
Movement Teacher, Trainer and Coach. Founder of Aston® Kinetics

Judith Aston is widely recognized as a pioneer in the art and science of kinetics. She created the Aston® Paradigm and Aston® Kinetics, which include many forms of movement training, bodywork, fitness programs, and ergonomics. Her acute ability to “see” and to train others to see, move, and feel, established her discipline of bodywork and movement professionally. Judith’s highly developed skills allow her to use her insights to problem solve, and create unique sessions or program designs for individuals, groups, and corporations.

Early in her career, from 1963 to 1972, Judith taught movement, physical education, and dance for performing artists and athletes at Long Beach Community College. In 1968, at the request of Dr. Ida Rolf, she developed the movement education program for Rolfing SI and taught this program until 1977.

Among her accolades, Judith has been honored by the Association of Humanistic Psychology for her work as a Somatic Pioneer, and received a 2006 National Office of Aging – Best Practices in Health Promotion Award, a 2008 AMTA President’s Award for Distinguished Service, plus several awards from the World Massage Festival. She is a registered somatic movement educator and therapist (RSME/T) with International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA).

Judith, the author of Moving Beyond Posture: In Your Body on the Earth, and the newly released Aston® Postural Assessment: a New Paradigm for Evaluating Body Patterns, was featured in a documentary with Emilie Conrad for the Moving Legends series on dancers who created somatic systems.

Facilitating Your Body’s Magic Aston® Kinetics


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