SARK aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy
Author, Artist and Transformational Change Agent

At 10 years old, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) announced to her mother that she was supposed to be a beacon of hope and write books for the world. She wrote her first book in her playhouse that summer and SARK has been living, doing and being transformation ever since.

She is the best selling author and artist of seventeen books (and writing her most succulent now) selling over three million copies. Her art, programs, products and services have sold around the world. She is an acclaimed teacher and mentor, and her wisdom has touched and transformed the lives of millions. SARK has been praised by people like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Julia Cameron, Louise Hay and so many more.

Dr. Maya Angelou wrote about SARK "We, in this world, and this weary old world itself, have a great gaping need for SARK. Let's call for more and more SARK to fill every child's book bag and each attaché case."


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