Dawson Church, PhD
CEO of Energy Psychology Group, Inc

Dawson Church, PhD, is the award-winning author of Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Creativity, Resilience, and Joy... Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality... and The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention — which reviewers hailed as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics.

Dawson, whose groundbreaking research has been published in numerous prestigious scientific journals, founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. He’s the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal, and a blogger for HuffPost. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe, one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the internet.

Mind to Matter Laboratory
Liberating the Genie in your Genes


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